Monday, September 19, 2011

Period 4 Weight Training What is Fitness?

Last weeks blog was a bit technical, but I want you to get an idea of how complex the muscle cell is. In an upcoming post, we will compare the muscle cell to the fat cell and see which is more beneficial for you.

For this weeks post I want to get more philosophical. Read the essay below, it was written by a guy named Blair Morrison and touches on the question of; are you pushing yourself or just getting by? You can find more of his essays here.

For this weeks blog. You have to leave two separate comments. First, tell me what the essay means to you. Do you agree or disagree? You can include where you think you fall in his 90% to 10% example and/or examples of what you do that place you in that category. Then you have to leave another comment about someone else's comment. You can agree with someone, disagree, ask a a clarifying question etc.

You will have two weeks to complete this blog assignment and I will post comments at the end of each day so that you can comment on them. I will also go over the directions in class, but if you have any questions let me know.

Fitness Is...

Everybody has it. Few reach it.

It’s easy to assume that people despise mediocrity because the world is littered with evidence of humanity’s desire to excel—our obsession with talent, our reverence for heroes, even our love of money. It’s easy to assume that everyone wants to be his or her physical best because everywhere there are those wishing for a better body type or a better lifestyle. They fill our virgin ears with a symphony of sincerity and aspiration, but listen closer. They clamor with empty voices.

The truth is that 90% of people just want to get by. We pretend our ultimate goal is to be the best version of ourselves, reading the right literature, quoting the right sources, joining the right gyms; but the reality is far less compelling. If we are truly honest we will admit that the level to which we might possibly rise is rarely our chief concern. More important is reaching the level where we can merely survive or, at the very least, mock survival. Getting there is much easier. Getting there requires less time, less pain, and less effort. Getting there is too often there enough.

I was speaking with my father the other day about a friend of ours whose son wanted to be a college football player. He had good size and natural talent, but he was a little slow and lacked the explosive quality most big programs look for in an athlete. One evening while having dinner with this family my dad suggested that the kid hang a bell at the top of the hill abutting their property and ring it every morning before going to school. Not only would sprinting up the hill begin to build the explosive power needed for speed and acceleration but the sound of the bell would become a symbol of his dedication to the goal. I wish I could say the kid went out and rang that bell every day, or committed himself to some other program in its place, but this isn’t that kind of story. He, like many others like him, chose instead to remain a card-carrying member of that mediocre 90%.

Why? Because greatness is HARD. Our bodies don’t care about potential. They were built to survive, not to excel, and survival has gotten pretty easy as of late. Our bodies don’t know that by being stronger and faster and leaner the likelihood of illness, disease, and injury drop dramatically. Our bodies only know that it hurts like hell getting there. It takes supreme physical and mental fortitude and an unflinching, genuine ambition to overcome these hurdles. Most of us lack this and it shows.

In this story his ability wasn’t being measured against theirs or any others, only against his own potential as an individual. He claimed that he wanted to be the best that he could be, to give himself the best chance to be a college football player. But when faced with the reality of what it would take to reach that goal he balked, exposing his ambitions as half-hearted and insincere, and his athletic future to be one ridden along the tired road to the middle. This is an all too common tragedy.

After hearing this story, I sat for a minute and observed my father. He was visibly disappointed by the kid’s inability to commit himself to his goal. Yet I knew for a fact that my dad had wanted to lose weight for years and failed to commit himself to doing so in much the same way. This struck me as a prevailing irony, not just in this conversation but in our culture in general, so I decided to ask him when was the last time he “rang the bell.” He was lost for a second, then smiled wryly as he got my meaning. “Too long,” he replied.

Sadly, it seems that our praise of greatness and our distaste for mediocrity is an appreciation and expectation reserved for others. We expect Jordan or Tiger or Ronaldo to reach their potential every time they compete and we shake our heads when they fall short. But we shrug off our love handles and that occasional chocolate cake as acceptable losses. We cry for the children growing up without physical opportunities, yet lie on the couch and amicably waste ours away. We claim we’re too old, too fat, too injured, or too tired. The truth is we’re too obsessed with getting by.
The good news is that physical potential does not expire. It has no shelf life. Whatever state you’re in at whatever moment, you can always be better. SO BE BETTER. Too often people try to do this by setting a number to hit, a person to beat, or a mirror to impress, implicitly attaching a finite quality to the process. This focus is flawed. As you change and improve, so too should your potential grow and your ambition swell. Remember that fitness is a goal inadvertently attained through the systematic overestimation of yourself in all fields. It’s a byproduct of setting the bar too high, of striving for perfection and falling just short. It’s knowing that you’ll never get there but trying your damndest nonetheless. It’s constantly pushing your limits in every direction regardless of your skill. It’s finding a way to keep ringing the bell.


  1. I never took time to think about it like that. Too many times I think about what I want to do or how much I want to lift, but I never take the time to realize what drive and motive it actually takes to fully commit to those goals. This essay is a big reminder to reality of physical fitness, and the level of motivation it takes to stick with that plan.

    -Matt Mays

  2. The essay is very inspirational and makes me not want to think about my limits or restraints when lifting. As long as people commit themselves to their work out or whatever they're doing, all people have the potential to exceed. I also agree with the essay about having to be mentally strong compared to physically strong in order to achieve your goals.

    ~Martin Cialdella

  3. I agree with Martin's statement, the comparison between physical and mental strength. I failed to recognize this the first time I commented on the essay. You must commit your mind and your body 100% to achieve your goals.

    -Matt Mays

  4. the essay really made me think about myself and others who just try and get by and it inspired me to push and always try mr hardest no matter what obstacle is in my way. I don't agree with the fact that 90 % of the people just try to get by. this number seems a little to Jurassic and doesn't seem completely honest.

    -Adam Kaplan

  5. I definitely agree with matt that this report is a reminder of what people do instead of setting goals and completely committing themselves to doing it. If you want to lift a certain amount than you have to set a goal and keep getting stronger until you can. You also need a certain amount of motivation, the bell, to fully complete these goals with all you have.

    -adam kaplan

  6. Unfortunately, for the longest time i was personally one of those people, I could never commit to anything, I always had trouble motivating myself. Countless times throughout my life I have heard that if i set my mind to something I can do it. Physically i would say i operate at about 70% of my full potential, due to a lack of mental strength. Honestly until recently I never understood the differentce between mental and physical strength and this article is a real testament of that what could be. It has helped me understood mental strenght more than before and I hope that this weight training class will allow me to rise mentally to the daily challenges of life.

    -Rahul Dharmavaratha

  7. I used to one of those people who gave up half way or stopped trying at a game because i gave up. IT is hard to motivate yourself when you don't have the mentality to do it. I feel like physically I am working at about 75%. This essay is inspirational and makes me want to work at my full potential and to lift as much aas i possibly can. This essay also taught me that this weight training class can help me rise my mental strength to lift more.

    Brandon Stave

  8. I agree with Adam 90% seems a little over, it is probably about 75% because all athletes and other people want to be stronger and want to exceed every day life. THis essay also made me more inspirated to work harder and achieve my goals.

  9. This essay has made me think about my physical goals and if I was just trying to get by or excel. I think it is true that 90% of people just try to get by, and sadly, like Rahul, I was one of them. After reading this essay I now want to try to be in the 10% that succeds and believes that they can be the best they can be.

    -Robbie Weinstein

  10. I agree with Adam Kaplans comment on how it insipred him to try to get by, no matter what obsticle is in the way. Pushing yourself to peak physical fitness is about your mind set, not your physical ability.

    -Robbie Weinstein

  11. Yea this essay was really motivating like others have said, and i agree that most people just want to "get by" and act like their trying and not really try. i know because i have done this alot too.

  12. And i agree with Martin that getting through a physcial obstacle is partly mental, because if you tell yourself your too tired or its too hard, you will never succeed.

  13. This essay gave me a new perspective on reaching goals, not just for this class; but in life in general. I can readily admit that sometimes I only do enough to get by without standing out. I believe that this article can really help me with reaching goals and getting motivated. I definitely agree with this article and i thought it was interesting that the author believes that success is reached by "setting the bar too high" and falling short. Maybe I will try this sometime to see if it is effective.

    -Brian Gastwirth

  14. I think Rahul makes a great point when he said that he never operates at his highest level of physical strength because of a shortness of mental strength. If you don't have the mental toughness, it certainly doesn't help with the physical aspect of working out.

    -Brian Gastwirth

  15. I completely agree with the story and it makes me think about my life. As a big soccer fan i always criticize if a player isn't giving his best at a game but i never took the time to evaluate myself and think if i give the best when i train or exercise. the example with the son was really good and it now makes me want to push myself to do those extra pounds during weight training instead of settling for what i already lifted.

    George Giannos

  16. I agree with Adam Kaplans comment on how it insipred him to try to get by, no matter what obsticle is in the way. Pushing yourself to peak physical fitness is about your mind set, not your physical ability

    Jason SMith

  17. This essay really made me think about working hard and dedication. That 90% is definitely accurate and I was part of that 90%. I always took the easy way out, not just for lifting, but for school as well. I obviously agree that greatness is hard to achieve because of how I fell in that 90%.

    ~Justin Feldman

  18. I agree with Robbie, this essay is really motivating. Now I want to be part of that 10% who don't just want to get by and strive for success the hard way.

  19. I agree with Robbie, this essay was really motivating. Now, I don't want to be one of those people who just tries to get by I want to earn success the hard way.

    ~Justin Feldman

  20. I agree with this story because life is very short, and its important to seize every opportunity thats presented to you. Weight training class is one of those opportunities, and I can either take advantage of it or waste it, but I view this class as a free gym membership. If I don't push my self then I will miss out on so much in life.


  21. I'd say that I'm in the 90% of people that try to get by. I agree that your top physical form can only be achieved only if you have the right mindset. I also agree that potential is never reached; potential always increases and you can always become better.

    -Victor Shen

  22. I also agree with Matt on mental ability. To reach your physical peak, you must have the right mindset to do it.

    -Victor Shen

  23. I completely agree with this essay. I feel that if a person wants to achieve their ultimate goal then they need to have a strong mentality. For example, when I'm working out and I feel like I can't do anymore I give up. After working out I feel as if I already achieved my goal of getting stronger, but actually I'm one of the 90% who are just trying to get by.

    Alan Nguyen

  24. I agree with Adam Kaplan's comment. I agree that you have to push yourself to your limits no matter what obstacle is in your way. If you that have a strong mentality then you won't be able succeed.

    Alan Nguyen

  25. I agree with the comment left by Rahul. I also had difficulties understanding the difference between physical and mental strength. I would feel as if I'm trying to complete a task as a chore instead of doing it to better myself. This type of personality wont lead anywhere positive. After committing yourself 100% to anything worth trying you'll feel better in the end with your results.

    ~Martin Cialdella

  26. I absolutely agree with Adam Kaplan's comment because the story also made me think about myself and how i should push myslef to the limits.

    George Giannos

  27. This essay really made me think about myself when I am working out. Instead of thinking "only 5 pushups left, I can get through this" I now think "5 pushups left, I want to try my best at them so I can make the most out of it". If you go through life just trying to get by, you will never succeed. I now know that I must be in that 10% if I wish to succeed.

    -Max Levine

  28. I disagree with Adam Kaplan's comment because if more than 10% of people were trying their best, it would be so much harder to become a professional athlete. Not even 10% of people who want to become a professional athlete, even come close to doing so. That 10% are the ones who try their hardest, day in and day out, and eventually achieve their goals, big or small.

    -Max Levine

  29. I agree that myself as well as others just try to get on by. in stead of sticking to my goals I just when it gets hard and now I have learnt what it means and the qualities of what it takes to reach your physical potential.

    ~Patrick Chidueme

  30. i agree with Rahul's statement that Physically i output 70% of my full strength due to my lack of mental strength.

    Patrick Chidueme

  31. I agree with Rahul's and Patricks comment because I might think I give 100% but in reality, I'm only giving 80%. Before I lift a weight I like to get myself pumped by either thinking about a song or thinking that this last rep will make me look 25% better.

    Glenny Woolschlager

  32. I think that this essay is true and made me really think about how i work out and i know that i am in the 90%. I dont really give it my all and just try to get by.

    Yusuf Khan

  33. I agree with Alan's comment because i only do enough to get by and think that i am getting stronger even though i could do more.

    Yusuf Khan

  34. I agree with Martin because the essay reveals that in order to grow and succeed in your fitness and goals you have to set it in your mind that you can do it. -Donovan Porter
