Monday, February 25, 2013

Weight Training Blog #4 The Hip Hinge

We have spent quite a bit of time working on your ability to hinge at the hip when performing many of the lifts we do in class.  If we spend a lot of time on it, it must be important.  For this weeks blog I want you to explain to me why you think the ability to hinge at the hip is so important.  There are many ways to answer this blog, just be sure that your explanation is complete.

Period 3 Blog #4 Game Selection

We are starting our floor hockey unit and we will be getting into teams that we will stay in for the rest of the semester. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Once we are in these teams it will be important for you to work together as a team to improve everyone's ability so that your team can have success.

For this weeks blog I want you to pick which sports you want to see included throughout the semester.  After our two week hockey unit we will have four three week units.  From the list below of possible sports and activities, let me know which would be your top four.

Ultimate Frisbee
Badminton - doubles
Tennis - doubles
Recreation games - kickball, longbase, flickerball, capture the flag etc.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Volleyball Game Play

Watch the clip above and comment on at least two of the prompts below.
  • What do the teams do in order to set up the attack?
  • Where in relation to the net do you see most of their sets?
  • What defensive tactic do they use frequently that we have not introduced in class yet?
  • How do their serves differ from ours and why do we not use th same serve?
  • How do they support each other in the serve recieve?
  • Why is it important to contain the ball on your side of the net off of a serve or a downball?

Weight Training Blog #3 Class Climate

For this weeks blog I want you to think about what kind of environment makes you want to work hard.  I worked with the Volleyball and Softball team a couple of weeks ago after school and we had 40 kids in the weight room hitting a metcon as hard as they could and the energy was so high I wanted to jump in and workout myself.

Your behavior has a direct influance on the climate of the class in either a positive or negative way.  I want you to do two things for this weeks blog.  First tell me what kind of environment makes you want to work hard and secondly tell me what you can do as an individual to help bring about that environment in our class.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Period 3 Volleyball

Our skill level is improving quickly and we will start using that skill in more competitive games.  For this weeks blog please answer the following questions.

1. How do you know it's your ball to play when the ball is coming over the net?

2. How do you attack in volleyball?

3. How does an attack help you win the point in volleyball?

Weight Training Importance of Form

We are getting close to finishing up our starting measurements and are learning how to perform the various lifts.  We spend a lot of time working on form to ensure that we are all performing the lifts correctly.  For this weeks post I want you to tell me three reasons it is important to use proper form at all time when we are performing lifts.