Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a safe and restful summer but not so restful that you did not get out and move. We will use this blog as a way to support the learning that goes on in class. The blog will be updated every week or so and you will have a week to answer whatever the blog question is, or to comment on a class member response.

For your first blog, I just want to know that you know how to leave a response or comment. Below you will see a hyper link to comment, click on that link and a text box will pop up. You may have to scroll down to see the box. In that box, type your name and one goal that you hope to achieve this semester in weight training. Make sure you leave your name and period in the text box, so that I know to give you credit. Then choose a profile to comment as, if you have a google account you can use that, if not comment as anonymous. Then click publish.  There will be a word verification box type in the letters and hit publish again. Once your comment is published you should be able to see it. If you cannot see it it did not publish.

Let me know in class if you are having problems.