Monday, March 1, 2010

Period 3 Blog 3.4 Adaptation

Great job, most of you in picking out your problem areas and thinking about ways to address them. I have been lifting weights for 20 years now and still have problem areas that I continue to address in my warm-ups and workouts.

This week we are going to take a look at "adaptation." Adaptation can also be called training effect. It is what we are looking for when we go into the weight room. We want to place our bodies under just enough stress that we cause them to adapt to that new stress but not so much that we run the risk of injury. This is a hard concept to grasp and it takes a level of maturity and trust to understand that most of the time less is more. Meaning you don't have to be sprawled out on the ground after each workout leaving your body so sore you cannot workout for the rest of the week. We will sprinkle in some of those grinders to shock the body and spur growth but they should not happen daily.

This is why we are trying to shift your focus in the weight room from the amount of weight you are doing to the performance of the lift itself. We will continue to emphasise proper form and treating each rep as an extremely important step towards getting stronger.

What can you do individually to help yourself maintain focus on each rep in the weight room?


  1. to maintain focus, I can stop thinking about doing 5 reps per set and take it one rep at a time

    Allen Hai

  2. To maintain focus on each rep, I could just do [most of] my lifts while checking form in the mirror, plus having other people check me and warning me when I'm off.

    -Kevin Lee

  3. Don't pack on more weight then you can handle, Use a combfortable weight and work up to a max if that's what you want and get your form down before getting a max down.

    Peter Aybar

  4. spend less time talking. warm up slowly as to get the feel for the exercise/workout

    --coki cruz

  5. meh
    Jonathon Tosado

  6. Spend time warming up so that your muscles are warmed up before starting to lift. Also you have to maintain focus during the lift.

    Neofytos Panagos

  7. lift what is comfortable for me and try to get a perfect form for every rep

    -Joe Stapleton

  8. get better form, then add weight.

    nate berry

  9. I just focus on the rep itself. I shut out everything outside of me and the task at hand.

    Alex Kyle

  10. I try to imagine in my mind what I want the rep to look like. As I do the excercise, I am checking myself to make sure my form matches what I previously imagined.
    -Matt Schliep

  11. I can maintain a weight that I can handle and take each rep at a time

    Ethan Gladner

  12. do a good warm up, than try to do each set with good form

    Suri Venugopal

  13. I can start with a good warm up set and try and reset before every lift, to ensure that i consistently have good form.

    Matthew Beinart

  14. I have to slow down when i am doing reps because i go to fast to try to get through them, but doing that makes my chest hurt and tires me out, therefore im going slow.

  15. Make sure that i warm up well and not try to over do the weight, just so i can look good but do the right amount of weight and do the lift with the right form.

  16. Have a light weight and do the reps slowly focusing on my form.

    Ben Crookshank

  17. Ralph Bernardo
    I like to use a wieght i can handle and just focus on doing perfectly, down slow up slow getting the full range of motion

  18. get in a nice warm up with the best form to get your muscles ready. Then work your way up until you can't do it with your best form

    Jack Clampitt

  19. To maintain focus on each rep, I could just do [most of] my lifts while checking form in the mirror, plus having other people check me and warning me when I'm off also ask for you to spot me when i think im off


  20. concentrate on the form julian garavito

  21. dont over do the weight just make sure each rep has the best possible form.
    Matt Hoy

  22. i need to treat each rep like i was going for a max. i need to focus my sight on one thing and hold that sight. and most importantly maintain form while doing all of it.

    logan yanoff

  23. ill try to get everyting i can out of each rep and concentrate on form most importantly

    matt bussard

  24. have good form, leave your ego at the door and do the right weight, and try your best on all reps

    -Brandon Lezcano
