Monday, March 1, 2010

Period 8 Blog 3.4 Badminton

Badminton is an awesome sport. We will take a look at some important net and wall game tactics that can transfer over to any net or wall sport.

The first tactic we are going to look at this week is creating space on the opponents side of the net. We will go over this in class.

For this weeks blog, I want you to share with me some of the skills you used to create space on the opponents side of the net.


  1. Hit the shuttle further away from them and the opposite side to where ever they are.

    Juan-Felipe Pataquiva

  2. if you hit it to one side then on the next hit, hit to the oppiste side and that space should be open

  3. Inorder to create space on the court i hit the birdie first far back in the court to make the player ran back. Then i hit the birdie into the front of my opponents court, because he will still be in the back of the court. AFter that if he is able to return i hit it to the far corners of the court to open up the sides.

    Chen Han

  4. Aaron Coleman

    To create space on the opponenets side of the court yous hould hit the birdie in different spots of the court

  5. I hit the birdie back first so they run back, then hit it short so they have to run up and it a high underhand then i hit it to the back of the court and get the point.

    -Harris Benjamin

  6. Normally I would hit the shuttle as far as possible, while still inside the boundary, and then hit it as close to the net as possible so that they don't have time to make it back to the front to hit it back over the net. Either that, or I hit the far left, and then towards the far right, but that doesn't work quite as well when playing against two players. Mainly, I try to hit it in a spot that is farthest from their current position.

    Danyal 'Danny' Ahmad

  7. Brandon Fink - To create space on the opponent's side of the net you must vary your shots of course! For example, hit the shuttlecock very far and then on the next hit put it right up next to the net. Unless your opponent is super speedy they shouldn't be able to get to the front fast enough! AWESOME! I know.
    P.S. - I think I need a new teammate...>_>

  8. vary the shots. hit the birdie far back and then when it is returned to you hit it closer towards the net.
    rachel teicher

  9. Zach Reiswig
    I would hit the birdie into the far corner of my opponents court. Then I go up to the net and hit the birdie so that it's very close to the net, and if my opponent returns it, I would drive it to another corner.
    Either that, or start out by hitting the birdie close to the net, and then launching the birdie far into my opponents court.

  10. one way to create space is to hit the birdie really far back and once they return it, hit it really lightly

    Matt Kehr

  11. steven sullivan
    i like to try to create space with the shuttle through various tactics
    an example may be to hit the shuttle far,short, or by just hitting the shuttle directly at the person making a difficult return or just where they arent standing

  12. I try to hit the birdy as high as posible so it will go over the net and the other people will have trouble hitting it back over.

  13. If you hit to one side, then the players will go to it, leaving the other side open.


  14. i usually hit it to on side then i hit to the other side on a line drive and they wont be able to make the play.

    Brett Keenan

  15. To create space I serve it far into the court then hit it close to the net and then smash the birdie to the back.

    -Ben G.

  16. hit it to one side or behind them to spread them out then hit it really hard to the opposite so theyll have a hard time getting it.

    Warren Berlin

  17. I like to try to hit the birdy as far as posible then when they hit back, I will hit it really close to the net so it creates a big pocket

    Gary Liu

  18. To make more space on ur opponents court hit the birdie far back on the court an then the next hit, hit it right over the net so it goes short and is difficult for them to retreave it.
    love, Ellie Gesiskie:)
    p.s. ino this is late but it just showed up today.

  19. I would hit the ball to one side and when i get it back hit it to the other side and make them run.
    Mait Baldwin

  20. You can create more space on your opponents side of the court by hitting it far so they have to run backwards to get it. Then the next hit you can hit it short, making your opponent have to keep moving around the court creating more space.
    Sophie Ellis

  21. I try to hit the birdie as far as I can so the other team hits it short and i slam the birdie or get the point.

    Alex Diamond

  22. Overhead clear, as far as you can into their court. Angle shots, into various corners.

    Eric Xu
