Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Welcome to 4th Period Weight Training

Welcome to the spring semester and 4th period weight training.  I am excited to get going and to help you learn how to workout safely, effectively and to improve your health and fitness.  In the next couple of day's we will be introducing you to several exercises and testing your current level of fitness.  We will also establish class rules and routines.  For your first blog this semester I want you to help me with this process.  List for me three rules or routines that you thin will help the class run smoothly and help to keep everyone motivated and engaged in the class. 

You will have a new blog each Monday and will be responsible for completing the blog before the next one is posted.  Let me know in class or e-mail me if you have any questions with the blog.


  1. Be supportive of each other
    Be aware of whats going on around you
    Go 110% in everything

    Sam Oh

  2. -Respect others
    -Follow teacher's directions
    -Focus on your work

    George Giannos

  3. Andrew Jasen

    1) start the class with a warmup
    2) tell us the workout for the day and maybe a review of how to do it
    3) let us finish the set and then end with core

  4. 1. Put your weights away
    2. Don't talk when the teacher is talking
    3. Stretch before working out

    Brett Keenan

  5. 1- Make the students wear appropriate clothing, otherwise they must sit our for the day
    2- Create a lifting schedule, in which we already have mapped out what lifts were doing every day of the week on the wall when we walk into the weight room
    3- Lift with people your equally as strong as. Lifting with friends causes slacking off and time wasted on fiddling around with weight for each individual person when they are up to lift.

    -Kevin Ross

  6. effeminate music
    2.don't mess with somebody when they're doing a set
    3. drink a bottle of water before you come to class


  7. 1. Always have a bar moving at all times.
    2. Spend the first five minutes of class changing/stretching.
    3. Know your groups for lifting strength-wise for a good fit.

    Victor Shen

  8. 1)Come in ready to work
    2)Positive attitude
    3)Follow the rules according to the machine
    -Donovan Porter

  9. 1. come to class on time
    2. always change
    3. always lift with a spotter
    -Jack Pykosh

  10. 1.)People should come to class ready to work
    2.)Everyone should work hard
    3.)People should not put on bad music

  11. 1. Come to class ready and on time, and start the class with stretches.
    2. Make sure everyone is doing the lift right and motivate the class to help each other out.
    3. It would help if the room was a lot cooler.

    -Jack Herne

  12. 1) Come to class prepared to work
    2) Always use a spotter
    3) Motivate other classmates

    Dalton Carlson

  13. 1. Warm up before you start lifting.
    2. listen to the teacher
    3. Make sure you do all the lifts for that day

    Yusuf Khan

  14. 1. do a pre-lifting warm-up or stretch
    2. hav everyone change
    3. do a cool down activity

    -Michael Panagos

  15. 1.Warm up before each lift
    2. Stretch before and after lifting
    3. Be supportive of each other
    Lawrence Byun

  16. 1. Introduce us to different specific warm ups for the exercise we are doing in the class that day
    2. Instruct us on how we should do each individual exercise or lift and about safety
    3. After the work out, do some cool down and some core

    -Juan-Felipe Pataquiva

  17. Stretch before class starts.
    Do fool around during class or when Mr. Kirk is talking.
    Clean up the weight room after class.

    Alex Walsh

  18. 1. Stretch/Mobilize before and after you workout
    2. Less talking, more working
    3. Always push your hardest

    Bruce Recht

  19. Make sure you are loose and have stretched
    Try the hardest you can on ALL lifts
    Practice form over weight
