Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Semester Reflection

Believe it or not the year is over, This will be your last blog. We do not have a final exam in Physical Education. I would like to think the last 18 weeks have been useful to you in some way.  I hope you not only learned proper form on many of the lifts but also the importance of resistance training as it relates to long term health.

A great practice to get in the habit of early in life is that of reflection. When you reflect on things you take a moment to look back and figure out what was good, bad, or just different. This practice will keep you from making the same mistakes over and over and will help you figure out what things work for you as an individual. We are all different and things effect us and work for us in different ways.

For your final blog, I want you to take a moment to really think back throughout the semester and list for me three things you learned or just liked about the semester and three things you did not like or wish you had learned. Feel free to speak your mind. I use this reflection to help plan my future classes


  1. 1.i liked the 3 week planning project it was fun, especially the active rests.
    2. i learned to deadlift properlly.
    3. i learned more about the muscle groups( and how to stretch them.)

    1. i didn't like the core workouts at the end(but they help.)
    2. i dont like how aurash pushed me down on the board.
    3.i didn't like the mile run or running in general.
    Allan Jiang per.7

  2. liked-
    1. 3 week plan
    2. benching
    3. proper form
    1. deadlift
    2. running
    3. squating
    PERIOD. 3

  3. 1. it was a fun class
    2. i got stronger
    3. the 3 week project was fun

    1.i didnt like the metcons
    2.i didnt like the lack of active rest
    3. i didnt like the core work

    matthew kay

  4. 1. I like how this class got me motivated to stay active.
    2. I did like the 3 week training program.
    3. I enjoyed deadlifting.

    1. I disliked the running.
    2. I think we needed more active rest days.
    3. N/A

    Cole Cochran, PD 7

  5. 1.)I ained weight on every lift and am at 150-higher for every lift
    2.)3 week plan got us organized an motivated to get that work in.
    3)Got my powerclean to 175 which is what i really wanted

    1.)Hated running
    2.)Hated working out but (gotta do what you gotta do).
    3.)Nothing else
    Grant Ibeh

  6. 1) I improved a lot in strength
    2) i like designing a personal workout
    3) I liked active rests

    1) didn't like running
    2) wanted to learn other lifts besides the basic ones
    3) hate how class is so short

    Boaz Ru

  7. What I Liked
    1) The three week training program was great
    2) We learned a lot of different ways to stretch different muscle groups
    3) the core workouts sucked but were great at the same time
    4) getting on the board again

    What I disliked
    1)as much as I do hate them, there was a lack of metcons
    2)when ever we didn't play modified team handball as active rest
    3)all of the crappy music (there should be a ban on all modern rap/pop music in the weight room)

    Lukas Bastien pd: 2

  8. what i liked:

    1) learning proper form on different lifts
    2) learning lifts i had never done before
    3) being able to be pushed to be my best with my peers

    what i disliked

    1)active rest every week instead of just for one day a week for just one month
    2)metcons (dont like them but there good for you)
    3) dips bar is broken

    adam mainz period 2

  9. What I liked:
    1) Three week plan, helped increase muscle strength in the places I was lacking
    2) Loved learning the power cleans, really useful exercise when training for sports.
    3) Enjoyed the core workouts, it was not just sit ups, had a large variety.

    1) Disliked the lack in arm workouts, I would like to learn how to properly bicep curl etc.
    2) Not enough running days, should have Micheal's and hills more often.
    3) Not enough active rest, would have liked more.

    -Nabeel Emran
    Period 7

    1) learning proper form on different lifts
    2) The three week training program was great
    3) I liked active rests

    1) the mile
    2) squat
    3) planks

    Andrew Sanya Pd:2

  11. 1) I liked leawrning so much about staying fit
    2) I liked the active rest a lot! except when you would go on the opposite team
    3) I really liked the 3 week program and Mr Long's stories

    1) I dont like running on cold days when its raining
    2) need more active rest
    3) metcons

  12. 1) i really liked the three week plan it was really exciting to plan out the workout
    2)i liked that there wasn't active rest right away so people weren't just waiting for the day we play a game and they actually learn to lift
    3)i liked how there were actual grades for knowing how to do the lifts

    Ralph Bernardo

  13. 1) i enjoyed lifting, the three week fitness plan was good because it let you plan out your own specific work out to reach your own goals.
    2) i liked that there was no active rest so you can just focus on lifing instad of playing games.
    3)i enjoed the running days i think we should do more sprints

    Luke Klecker

  14. What i liked:
    1: I liked the idea of act of rest
    2: i like your streching days with the tennis bALLS
    3: I liked the combine workouts, i also liked how u grade us on actual knowing and doing the lifts right

    Ben Museles
    Period 7

  15. Pros:
    -3 week workout program
    -Active rest
    -Was able to increase my "push up in 1 min" max to 48.

    -Too hot in that weight room...

    Glenn Woolschlager
    Period 7

  16. like
    1) learned proper form
    2) able to get stronger
    3) the 3 week program was fun
    1) We needed more running/sprints
    2) need more core
    Aurash Amirmokri
    period 7

  17. 1. I enjoyed the hybrid of fitness and lifting
    2. I enjoyed active rest
    3. I enjoyed attaining some of my goals

    1. I disliked having to rush through workouts
    Jason Ho pd 3

    The three week plan
    The incorporation of runs (mile, 400)

    For the future:
    There could be a bigger focus on learning specific workouts for an individual's sport.
    While i know how you feel about mirror muscles, there should still be a few days for them

    Will Quackenbush

    1. I love Mr kirk, he is the best gym teacher ever!
    2. I enjoyed the various workouts we did.
    3. It was a fun semester.

    -Stephen Potemken

  20. Pros - Made gains in the squat,dead lift, and clean.

    Learned how to effectively gain strength and achieve fitness goals effectively.

    Learned how to deal with soreness and proper dieting

    Enjoyed it

    Cons - nothing i can think of

    Alex Walsh

  21. i enjoyed learning how to squat and finding out what my max weight was and just the class in general. it's always fun being with mr. kirk. no dislikes about the class really.

    Julea Nedelman(aka ms. too lazy to use grammar)
    Per. 8

  22. Likes: Learning proper forms, active rest, and just being in the class in general.
    Dislikes: Running

    Ryan Bass

  23. Pros:

    - 3-week plan
    - Finding maxes
    - Running days


    - Temperature of the room
    - People not actually doing anything
    - The bars that people do pull-ups on move around when you do pull-ups on them, so it's kind of hard to get a solid grip.. but I guess that really can't be helped

    Claire Richters
    Pd. 8

  24. Liked: learning how to lift

    Disliked: not having enough time for our personal workouts

    Sehej Singh pd 3

  25. Pros:
    - metcons once a week
    - we got to choose our own auxiliary workout
    -core at the end of class

    -only had active rest the last couple of weeks
    -being able to focus on lifts that will help us for sports
    -normally not enough time do our own workouts at the end

    Andrew Jasen Pd.2

  26. likes: 3 week plan
    active rest
    bench press

    dislikes: running
    core at the end of class
    not enough time to do our own workouts
    paul saah pd3

  27. i learned the workout curve of how you cant lift everyday well the same lift and expect fast results
    i learned how to properly dead lift
    and i learned how hard it it to go to the gym alone without a workout plan and get a good workout

  28. I think this semester was good over all. I liked everything. I have no regrets or complaints i learned ow to lift and be a more athletic, stronger person overall.

    period 3
    kamran singh

  29. Pros--
    3-week plan
    Everything else

    Mile run

    Nathaniel Rosov

  30. Pros--
    I got stronger
    Increased Bench max
    Increased push press max


    Javier Arana Pd. 8

  31. pros- increased push press
    increased bench press
    increased squat

    cons- metcons,squatting,running

    Dillon Behrman pd8

  32. Pros -- I increased the amount i can do on bench press, back squatting and cindy
    Cons -- The different metcons, no improvement on running or push press

    Jill Grime,Period 8

  33. Pros - the all girls class made me feel more comfortable, i got stronger on every lift, active rest(Dogdeball)
    Cons - Cindy Metcons, being rushed through workouts, running

    Ellie Gesiskie
    Period 8
