Monday, September 9, 2013

Movement Quality

2nd period doing an upside down Cindy, Impressive!

We have spent a considerable ammount of time focusing on the quality of your movement. For this weeks blog I want to check for your understanding of the importance of quality movement. Answer the following questions to give me an idea of where you are in your understanding.

1. Why is quality movement important?

2. What can result from continuous practice of poor movement quality?


  1. 1. Quality movement is crucial for lifting weights so you can lift the most weight possible, and not injure yourself while doing so.

    2. Continuous practice of poor movement can damage muscles, ligaments and maybe even bones if it's that bad. One would also not be building as much muscle if they are not using the proper movements.

    -Kiko Woolschlager, Period 7

  2. Quality movoment is important to get stronger in every possible body parts, and to prevent injury.

    Poor movement quality could result to unbalanced muscles and injuries.
    Urgy Eado, pd 6

  3. Quality of movement is important so you dont get hurt.

    Poor movement will get you hurt.

    Jon Anderson
    Pd 6

  4. the quality of your movement is important because if the movement is good, you will get the right excersize in and it wont harm your body.

    If the quality of the movement is poor then you can hurt your self and have a much higher chance of causing trouble in your body and have long term mucsle and bone issues.

    Amir Eslaminejad


  5. The quaity of your movement is important because it helps you increase your muscle strength/endurance without harming your joints/bones. If you have poor movement then your bones and joints will be afected negatively.

    Alexander Kristiansen Pd 6

  6. the quality of movement in any type of workout is the most important part of the entire workout, if you mess up the movement of the workout your really not doing i, this can lead to bad health issues and puting a starin on other body parts ie:back

    Perry Vinner Pd.6

  7. 1. it is important because when you are lifting you want to make sure you arent getting an injury or anything.
    2. abad injury that can affect you forever.
    -emma weinstein pd.6

  8. 1. It helps prevent injury and it allows movement to occur for one's whole lifetime.
    2.One can develop severe injuries that reduce movement and cause pain for one's elderly lifetime.
    -Jake Dunlop pd 6.

  9. quality movement is important because it helps you do your movements better and prevents injury.

    If you continue to have bad movement you can get injuries and its bad for your body. For example, when you get older you could get flexction.

    Paul Saah PD6

  10. quality of workout is important to stay fit, in shape and flexiab;e.

    You can get seriously injured if you lift weights too much. You need to be aware of muscle fatigue and then give your muscels a break to rest.

  11. Quality workout is important because it helps you stay healthy and keeps you in fit and it will help prevent injuries from happening.

    Bad habits can occur like wrong technique and wrong position/posture which can very much lead to an injury.

    Ruchi Nanda
    Period 8

  12. Quality workouts are important because when you do the workouts correctly, your muscles remember how to do the workouts correctly.

    Continuous practice of poor movement quality can possibly result in medical conditions and when you do a workout incorrectly, you are not working your body the way you should be.

    McKayla Hamlin

  13. Quality movement improve efficency and reduces the chance of injury while working out.

    Continuous practice of poor movement will lead to injury as well as preventing correct posture and future attempts at correct form.

    Thomas George
    Period 6

  14. quality movement is important for staying in shape, if you were exercising but not doing the exercise right t=you are not helping your body
    this would result in the short-term by being sore, increases chance of injury and in ong term it could affect you by making you fat if you dont burn off the fat and calories, and it can also endanger your joints and muscles

  15. quality movement ensures that you work the correct muscles without hurting any joints or other parts of your body.

    Continuous practice of poor quality movement can hurt your body and may not work your muscles as well.

    Alex Lee

  16. Quality movement is important since it makes sure that you can lift the most weight you can, as well as having the correct posture when completing them to ensure you don't cause any self injury.

    If a person continuously practices with poor movement quality, it can cause them damage a few tendons/ligaments in the body and would cause them to hurt their original posture by being used to the incorrect posture making it hard to change.

    David Saakov P2

  17. Quality movement is important because you can make the most of your workout while doing them correctly.

    If a person continues practicing poor movement quality, they can be injured and they will not improve as well as people doing it right.

    Darren Bogart Pd. 6

  18. Quality movement is very important as you are then able to complete workouts safely and be able to get an accurate read of where you are fitness-wise.
    Not only does poor movement give you an inaccurate measure of your goals, fitness level, and max weights, it can lead to serious injury down the road as you are continually putting yourself in bad, awkward positions.

    Jake Shulman
    Period 2

  19. Quality movement is important because you are working the muscles in the correct way and can avoid injury. Also by moving them correctly, you strengthen the muscles and can build more muscle.

    Poor movement quality can lead to injuries that can permanently affect you and work the wrong muscles.

    Gabriella Hachem pd. 8

  20. Quality Movement is important because you are completing the workout safely

    Poor Movement quality can damage the ligaments, and muscles

    Thomas Nguyen

  21. Quality movement is important for exercising safely.

    Poor movement habits can result in injury

    Harrison Press
    Period 7

  22. Quality movement is important because it improves efficiency and also prevents injury while lifting.

    Poor movement can result in an injury.

    Ryan Bass
    Period 7

  23. 1.) Quality movement is important to prevent any in-motion injuries.

    2.) Poor movement can result in long term injury.

    Ralik Davis
    6th Period

  24. Quality movement is important because it let's you get the most out of the exercise and it prevents injuries.

    Poor quality movement long term can result in injuries.

    Hannah Weiss

  25. Quality movement keeps the body healthy and fit, and it also allows for improved lifting that strengthens your body in an important way.

    Continued poor quality movement will be crippling in the long run, and will result in future injuries that could be detrimental to your health and body.

    Oliver Salter
    Pd. 2

  26. Quality movement is important to prevent injury and so you don't get hurt by exercising incorrectly

    Poor quality movement can in time cause damage to the body and many different injuries

  27. Quality movement is important to be able to work on muscles efficiently, and safely

    continuous poor quality movement can cause damage to the body, and have negative effects on muscle strength.

  28. Quality movement is important to be able to work on muscles efficiently, and safely

    continuous poor quality movement can cause damage to the body, and have negative effects on muscle strength.
    David Li
    period 2

  29. 1. Quality movement teaches correct form that will prevent future injuries

    2. Continuous poor movement quality can lead to permanent injuries

    Dalton Johnson
    period 6

  30. 1.) Quality movement allows the body to maximize its benefits from any exercise without the risk of injury

    2.) Continuous poor movement quality can lead to injuries that may take a while to heal/rehabilitate. It may also make it more difficult to learn the proper form

    Claire Richters Pd. 2

  31. 1) quality movement increases the effectiveness of a workout and also helps to prevent injuries

    2) Continuously practicing poor movements can lead to immediate and also future physical problems and also injuries

    Spencer Parsons Period:6

  32. 1) Quality movement improves the efficiency of the workout and works out the targeted muscles without harming them or other parts of ones body. Performing quality movements also reduce/ prevent injuries.

    2) Continuous practice of poor movement quality can lead to mild or severe injuries that may be long term and can affect the rest of ones life.

    Cara Chao period 8

  33. Stephen Bray
    pd. 7

    1. you can get a better workout on the targeted muscles

    2. you can get injured

  34. 1. Quality movement is important because it reduces the possibility of injury

    2. If poor movement quality is continued, it could lead to injuries to yourself or others.

    Daniel Yook
    Period 2

  35. quality movement is important so you don't get hurt while lifting
    if you have poor movement quality, you can hurt yourself and/or others

    Branden Denchfield pd. 6

  36. 1. Quality movement is important so you don't hurt yourself while exersizing.
    2. If poor movement quaility movement is continued, you have a greater risk of getting injured while exersizing

    Matthew Davis pd.7

  37. 1.quality movement is important because it insures that you aren't damaging your body while you are working out and it postpones long term problems that affects day to day life.

    2. if poor quality movement is continued then in the future you will develop problems in places of your body such as your back, your hip, your knees, etc.

    Paul LaVallee period 6

  38. Chanseok Lee
    Period 7
    1. Quality movement is important so your body results in the correct effect of the workout. It is also so that you don't get injured.
    2. Poor quality movement can cause a higher risk of injury. It can also cause long term problems and can cause problems in the future.

  39. 1. Quality movements prevent injuries
    2. Poor quality movements are likely to cause spine, back, and many other injuries.

    Tingchen Shi
    Pd. 2

  40. Quality moment is important because without it you could get hurt during exercise and it helos you to di certain movements correctly

    Poor quality movement could cause injuries

    Alba sarria pd8

  41. Stone Tarwater pd7
    Having quality movment is important because if we excersise without doing it corectly, we can hurt our selves and we probley well not be getting the best work out that we can get.

  42. Sheri Addison
    period 8th
    Quality movement is important because it will bad a result if you dont do the excerise right.

    Poor quality movement could cause back problems ,you could pull something.

  43. darren feldman
    1.Why is quality movement important?
    The quality movement is important so you dont get hurt and you get stronger and can improve each time you do the movement

    2. What can result from continuous practice of poor movement quality?
    The result that can happen is an injury like your back, leg or any body part

  44. 1. Quality movement is important so that you get the full effect of the wor out or lift. Also to prevent injury.

    2. Continuous poor movement can result in injury for instance poor technique for deadlift could cause you to slip a disk.

    -Logan Portes pd.7

  45. Austin Band
    Period 7
    1. Quality movement is important to keep your body in a stable position so that you reduce the risk of injury from lifting.

    2.If you lift in a poor position with poor movement you increase the risk of getting injured.

  46. Andrew Carver
    Period 7
    1.Quality movement is important while working out to prevent the risk of injury and benefit from the workout.
    2.If you lift in a poor position you increase your chances of injury and not benefiting from the workout

  47. Quality movement is important because it prevents the chances of you damaging your muscles and injuring yourself.

    Continuous practice of poor quality movement will lower your overall gain from the workout and definitely yield serious injuries.

    Derek Zhang
    Period 7

  48. 1) The way you perform your excersizes movement- wise is extremely important because it lessens the likelihood of injury.
    2) If you practice imperfect form for a long time, you will have a high risk of permanent injury, and you won't exactly get what you want from a workout. You won't get stronger, but get hurt instead.

    Michael Richardson, pd 7 weight training

  49. 1. Quality movement is beneficial for your muscles and increase of athletic ability. If your form quality is bad, the effects can be counter productive and increase chances of injury.

    2. Permanent and serious injuries that carry to adulthood may occur. Also, your workout will not help you in any way that benefits you.

    Sharon Lai pd 8

  50. 1) Quality movement allows you to work the correct muscles without placing an unhealthy burden on joints and your back which could result in injury.

    2) Repeated poor movement is a bad habit that could cause the tearing of ligaments and other serious injuries. Repeatedly incorrectly loading your body will eventually damage it.

    Howard Sun
    Period 2

  51. 1. Quality movement allows for the body to move in a safe range of motion.

    2. Repeated poor movement with put stress/pressure on parts of the body that will result in injury.

    John Shi
    Period 2

  52. !.Quality movement makes get the most out of your lift

    2.Practice of poor movement would ruin your form and may cuase serious injuries

    Mohamed Bakarr
    pd 2

    PER. 6

  54. Michael Pavlak
    Period 7
    1. Quality movement is important because if you do not do exercises correctly then in the long run you could seriously injure yourself later in life and make yourself more injury pron. Also by doing the correct movement then you can get the most out ofthe exercise.

    2. If you continuesly practice poor movement then serious injury could occur and you could become an easier risk of getting hurt.

  55. 1. the quality of the movement is important because if there is bad quality of the movement you can easily get hurt or not get as strong

    2. if you permanently have bad movement you can stunt your growth, get a serious injury and not get as strong

    justin pykosh period 7

  56. Quality of movement is the most important thing in weight lifting. If you have quality movement than you will get as strong as you possibly can be.

    2) If a person has permanently poor quality than they can permanently injure themselves for the rest of their lives.
    Sam Myers

  57. Quality of movementis the extracts, without them you will get hurt

    KierstenGipson pd2

  58. 1) Quality movement is important in order to determine your maximum limits, and slowly improve them so you can get stronger.

    2) If poor quality exercises are done instead of supreme quality, it could result in a significant loss in strength and long-term injury that shows up not only when exercising.

    Anastasia A.
    Period 8

  59. 1. Quality movement is important because you can make the most of your workout while doing them correctly.
    2.Poor movement quality could result to unbalanced muscles and injuries.
    Abhik Bera pd 6

  60. 1. Quality movement is important because if you don't get the right movements into your workout, then you are doing it wrong and wont be getting the most out of the workout

    2.If poor quality becomes a habit then you will never get the right movements in because you are to used to doing it the wrong way and will have to start over again.

    Ithawat Keosomdet

  61. 1. quality movement is important because it enables you to lift the most weight you can safely. If you do not have quality movement you could be hurting yourself when lifting weights.
    2.If poor quality movement becomes normal you could injure yourself or lose strength.

    Michael Elliott

  62. Quality movement allows you to bring out your best in fitness most fluently and sufficiently.

    Poor movement quality may lead to unnecessary injuries, effecting your fitness and body building program.

    Peikai Wu
    Period 8

  63. 1. Quality movement is the most important part of building muscle strength and endurance as efficiently as possible.
    2. Poor quality is much easier to do but ultimately damages your body. Since it is easier than good quality movement, it becomes habit and is difficult to stop.

    Jacob Keller
    Period 7

  64. 1. Quality movement is important because it helps you make the most gains and be the most fit you can.
    2. Poor quality can eventually lead to injuries and damaging your body.

    -Saad Abbasi

  65. 1. Quality movement is important because it helps you get to your maximum and build muscle

    2. Poor quality can result in injuries that will damage your body

    -Tyler McCoy Pd.7

  66. Quality movement makes get the most out of your lift

    2.Practice of poor movement would ruin your form and may cuase serious injuries

    nick jordan

  67. #1: Quality movement is important because it helps you get the most out of your lift and out of your workout. Also, Quality movement can help you prevent injuries.

    #2: If you practice bad movement, then you can injure yourself for life and get very little out of your workout.

    -Sam Burkinshaw PD 7

  68. 1.) Quality movement is important because it helps you to maximize your workout without getting hurt.

    2.) Practice of poor movement makes you more vulnerable to injury, along with providing a less effective workout.

    Sam Feitel
    Period 6

  69. 1) Quality movement benefits the working muscles better, and leaves you less prone to injury.

    2) Continuous improper movement can damage your muscles and joints

    Cheyenne Hsu
    Period 8

  70. 1- Quality movement is important in order for you muscles to work harder and also to have less of a chance of being injured.
    2- Continous improper movements can result in injury. You may injur you muscles, ligments, joints, and possibly bones.

    Jacob Denison
    Period 6

  71. Quality movement in important because it prevent injury and and makes your workout more efficient.

    The result can be long term injury in your back and hips

    Tim Golden Per. 6

  72. Quality of movement is important because it gives the best workout and protects against injury

    The result of poor quality of movement can be long term injury that may last your whole life

    Matt Ainsworth
    Period 2

  73. 1. so you dont injury yourself later in life

    2. youll injure yourself later in life

    Jose Bonilla

  74. 1. Quality movement is important in order to prevent injury and work the correct muscles in a way where you won't cause long-term complications.

    2. Continuous poor quality movements can lead to short and long-term injuries and complications; some can last for a lifetime.

    Danny Mack
    Period 2

  75. 1) Quality movement benefits the working muscles better, and leaves you less prone to injury.

    2) Continuous improper movement can damage your muscles and joints
    Andreas Raphael

  76. 1)Better quality of the movement allows for the muscles to be worked more efficiently with minimal injury

    2)Poor quality of movement leads to damaged muscles and important tissues

    Kane Hsu
    Period 2

  77. 1) Better quality movement allows for more efficient lifting and better strength gains while preventing injury.

    2) Poor quality movement leads to stress on joints and muscles which causes injuries.

  78. 1) Better quality movement is important because it prevents you from having injuries, bad habits, and bad posture.

    2) Continuous practice of poor movement quality can result in pain in the joints (hips and knees) and/or a short, long, or lifetime injury.

  79. 1) better quality movement is the most important thing when your doing various exercises. If you have better quality movement, then you can prevent tons of injuries and it can make you better in fitness.

    2) If you keep up the poor quality movement, lots of bad things can happen to your body. Your body can receive many injuries and can ultimately make you be worse at getting in shape.

    Sam De Jong
    Period 6

  80. 1.) Quality of movement is how precisely and correctly a movement is being performed. It is extremely important in the performance of any exercise and especially in weight training. A good quality of movement is a necessary parameter for preventing injury while practicing any exercise.

    2.) Repetition of poor movement quality can inculcate bad habits which can in turn lead to injury. Injury can prevent mobility and range of motion in the future.

  81. 1- quality movement is important because if you're not moving correctly there's risk of injury.

    2- injury/ bad habits/ bad joints/

    selena zhu pd 8

  82. Daniel Yarmovsky
    Period 2

    1) Quality movement most importantly prevents injury while lifting because unnecessary tension and weight is not being placed directly on weak muscles/joints.

    2) Poor movement can result in instantaneous injury, or long term injury that will come back to haunt you.

  83. 1. Quality movement ensures the body's ability to not get injured while doing an exercise. It also allows one to lift the most amount of weight safely and correctly by exercising the correct muscles.
    2. Poor movement can result in injury, both long and short term, as well as impaired movement, pain, and serious health complications if practiced for long enough.
    Angela Xu, Period 8

  84. The better quality of movement the better you will work your muscles and do things safely.
    Poor movement quality results in injury and not having the muscles that were suppose to be used being used and not strengthening anything.
    Kayla Franklin
    Period 8

  85. If you do the movement correctly, you reap all the benefits from the exercise. You will get stronger and most likely more flexible.
    If you do not focus on the quality of movement, then you can get injured and also do not get the full benefits from that exercise. If you can't do the exercise correctly, then you shouldn't do it.
    Jamie Attanasio
    Period 8

    1. Movement quality is important to maximize strength gain while minimize risk of injury.

      Poor movement quality over the long term can cause injury in the stressed area.

      Matt Silverman
      Period 2

  86. Quality of Movement is important as it ensures you do the exercise correctly, minimizing injury and maximizing performance.

    Poor movement quality over a long period of time can cause serious injury to the area that is stressed.

  87. 1. Quality movement is important because it allows you to increase your athletic ability. Also, it prevents the risk of injury.
    2. Poor movement is very bad, because it enhances the risk of injury, and you're not getting more athletic.
    Joey Voyta
    Period 6

  88. 1. Quality movement is important because it helps strengthen all parts of our body and also helps lower risk of injury.

    2. Poor movemnt can result in short and long term injuries to the stressed area. It can result in bad movemnt in certain mucles and or bones as one gets older.
    Nicole Golabi, PD 8

  89. 1. Quality movemoent is important because it helps strengthen your muscles without injuring yourself.
    2.Poor movement can result in both serious and minor injuries.
    Anna Eglitis Pd 8

  90. 1. Quality movement is important because it helps to gain muscles and strength. Without movement you can be prone to injuries.
    2. Poor movement can result in serious injuries and too much movement can result in fatigue.
    Hailey Kerben Prd 8

  91. 1) Quality movement benefits the working muscles better, and leaves you less prone to injury.
    2) Continuous improper movement can damage your muscles and joints

    David Yazdani
    Period 2

  92. 1. Quality of movement is important because it works your body much better and it prevents you from hurting yourself.

    2. Incorrect form and movement can hurt you in the long run, damaging your back and other parts of your body.

    Alex Bellot Pd. 7

  93. 1) Quality movement benefits the muscles and joints allowing more flexibility and better maneuverability.
    2) Continuous improper movement can damage your muscles and joints leaving both worse off than before.

  94. 1. Quality movement of movement is very important because it helps strengthen your muscles in a safe way.

    2. Practice of poor quality movement or incorrect form of any exercise will result in injury in various ways.Most commonly by stressing certain joints.

    Gailyn Gabriel Period 8

  95. 1. Quality movement is essential for both gaining strength and preventing injury.

    2. Poor quality of movement in any sort of exercise can stress different parts of your body and result in serious injury

  96. Movement Quality is important becuase it is good for you and it prevents you from doing a movement wrong so you have to pay attention and focus at all times.So, if you don't do a movement right you won't like the outcomes of it cause you'll get hurt.

    Bryan Garcia Pd.7

  97. 1) Quality movement is important in weight lifting because it prevents yourself from injuries that would otherwise occur.
    2) Poor quality of movement can cause chronic problems to various parts of your body that are hard to get rid of.

    Michael Nguyen
    Period 2

  98. 1. Quality movemoent is important because it helps strengthen your muscles without injuring yourself.
    2.Poor movement can result in both serious and minor injuries,
    -Andy Carrion Pd.2

  99. 1. Quality movemoent is important because it helps strengthen your muscles without injuring yourself.
    2.Poor movement can result in both serious and minor injuries.

    Adam kaplan p. 2

  100. 1. quality movement is important becayse it will make sure you are strong and dont injure yourself as much.

    2. Bad movement will cause serious and small injuries in the future

    1. this is darren feldmans blog

      period 7

  101. 1. Quality movement is very important becasue you wont hurt yourself and it will get you stonger faster

    2. Bad movement is bad because you can hurt yourself and your muscles wont develope right

    Tony Hesseloff Period 7

  102. 1. Quality movement is important because it teaches you proper form and will have better results.

    2. Continuous practice of poor movement can cause you to hurt yourself you will have bad form.

    Nathaniel Rosov Period 2

  103. 1. quality movement is important because it helps you not strain major muscles

    2 if you keep doing poor movement during your workout it willl cause bad for and problems in the future

    Elijah Nieto

  104. 1 will help you get better results in workouts
    2 poor movement will not allow you to move your body freely in the future
    Garvey Chu
    Pd. 6

  105. 1. quality movement is important because is help do the most weight without getting hurt
    2.Poor quality movement can lead to life long injuries

    Patrick Bernardo
    Pd. 2

  106. 1Quality movement lets you get fit without getting hurt
    2Poor quality will lead to injuries later on
    Terrence Moore

  107. 1. Quality movement allows you to specific workouts correctly without getting hurt or injured.

    2. Poor quality movement can result in torn or injured muscles.

  108. 1. Quality movement allows you to specific workouts correctly without getting hurt or injured.

    2. Poor quality movement can result in torn or injured muscles.

  109. 1. Quality movement helps protect you from getting hurt.
    2. If you continue to practive poor movement quality it will cause long term problems and injuries.

    Katie Nucci, Pd. 8

  110. Matt Yung Pd 6

    1. Why is quality movement important?
    To maximize movement efficiency and prevent injury

    2. What can result from continuous practice of poor movement quality?
    Injury and muscle compensation
