Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Believe it or not the semester is just about over, This will be your last blog. We do not have a final exam in Physical Education. I would like to think the last 18 weeks have been useful to you in some way.  I have enjoyed working with you and hope I have helped you not only reach you strength and fitness goals, but also learn a little about the benefits of hard work.

A great practice to get in the habit of early in life is that of reflection. When you reflect on things you take a moment to look back and figure out what was good, bad, or just different. This practice will keep you from making the same mistakes over and over and will help you figure out what things work for you as an individual. We are all different and things effect us and work for us in different ways.

For your final blog, I want you to take a moment to really think back throughout the semester and list for me three things you learned or just liked about the semester and three things you did not like or wish you had learned. Feel free to speak your mind. I use this reflection to help plan my future classes.


  1. i have learned that i have the ugliest squat position known to man

  2. Things I learned
    1. How to squat properly.
    2. What powercleans are
    3. That metcons are very good for you.

    Things i did not like
    1. There were not enough lighter weights to use.
    2. The weight room was not very clean by the end of the semester.

    Hannah Weiss
    pd. 8

  3. Thing I learned:
    How to do a bench press.
    How to use correct squat form.
    How to do a deadlift.
    Things I didnt like:
    the weight room was never clean
    there could be more verstile equipment
    practice making own plans before 4 week plan.

    Hailey Kerben

  4. Things I liked/learned:
    1. I like how we are constantly looking back at our goals and measuring where we are in relation to where we want to be. Being able to track where I am every couple weeks was really helpful.
    2. I learned a variety of stretches that I had never seen before and how they can help me for specific exercises. Prior to this class, when told to stretch I did the same five things.
    3. I really like being able to program for ourselves. It not only allows us to personalize our workouts but learn how to program in the future when we are working out on our own. I also liked learning the ideal number of sets and reps for specific types of goals (strength, hypertrophy, etc.)
    Things I did not like:
    1. I felt like there was not a great variety of met cons that we were introduced to. When planning our programs, I wanted to come up with different met cons that would change it up.
    2. I would have liked to be introduced to more lifts that could be considered "auxiliary" and which ones would pair well with the main lift. I struggled at times to find those when planning.
    3. I liked that we were introduced to the strength/hypertrophy/endurance numbers but I wish that we were introduced to them earlier.

    Jake Shulman
    Period 2

  5. -I liked that if you worked hard you can look back and see that you've really grown over half a year
    -I learned how to squat without putting pressure on my knees and how to push press well
    -I appreciate that you give us feedback on what we're doing

    -I think we could've done more of a variety of exercises like the Jerk or Snatch but that's not really a problem

    Edward Nusinovich
    Period 6

  6. Things I liked/learned:
    1. I learned how to squat properly
    2. I learned what a metcon is and do them at home as well
    3. I like how you give us feedback regarding our form.

    Things I disliked
    1. I hated getting sweaty and sticky for the rest of the day. If I had an 8th period weightlifting class than I would have enjoyed it more and tried harder.
    2. I wish we could have done different kinds of metcons, but I understand there may not have been enough space or equipment in the gym.

    Matt Saggar
    Period 2

  7. What I liked
    1. Learned to perform lifts correctly
    2. Learned different stretches
    3. Learned what metcons are
    Did not like
    1. Weight room was not very clean
    2. Not enough diversity in metcons
    3. Not enough light weight
    Angela Xu, Period 8

  8. Liked/Learned:
    Perform lifts correctly
    Make 4 week plan
    Keep track of progress
    Good feedback on your part

    Weight room small
    Not enough equipment
    Diversity of exercises

    Darren Bogart
    Period 6

  9. Liked:
    The own personal 4 week program
    Metcons once a week
    Active rest, when we actually have it

    Things :
    No modified team handball
    Wish to learn more Olympic movements
    How crowded the weight room was

    Matt Yung
    Period 6

  10. Liked:
    learning how to lift correctly
    metcon diversity
    relaxing at the end of class

    would have liked to have more active rests
    too many people were taking the racks and not using them
    weight room too small
    weight room dirty most of the time

    Tyler McCoy
    Period 7

  11. Things I learned/liked:
    1.)I liked the 4 week program idea as it helped me keep track of what I was doing and how much I was improving each week
    2.) I learned how to keep my form intact and how to react if it broke ( change weights/ take a short break)
    3.)Weekly Metcons

    Things I did not like:
    1.) The crowding in the room and inaccessibility to some racks as many were not using them while others were hogging it so they could go their way and no one else could change them
    2.)Warm-ups might be needed to get people started up since some days we were not focused
    3.)Diversity in exercises as I believe there were some more exercises that could have been taught but were not

    David Saakov P2

  12. Things I enjoyed:

    I learned how to make a good fitness plan
    I increased all of my maxes by 50+ lbs in the course of the semester
    I enjoy the feeling of absolute exhaustion after a cindy

    Things i could've enjoyed more

    The size of the weight room compared to # of people trying to get a workout in.
    There were not a lot of hinge lifts, we could've used some multi-lifts
    And metcons are annoying sometimes, especially when you have to go for the sheet afterwards.

    Michael Richardson pd the 7th
