Monday, February 22, 2010

Period 3 Weight Training Blog 3.3 Problem Areas

We have been at it for two weeks now and we have spent most of theat time working on form. It is essential that we get our form right before we move up in weight. In order to get our form right we need to know what we are doing wrong, so that we can fix it.

For this weeks blog I want to know what lift has given you the most trouble and what in particular about that lift is the problem. Finally what are you doing to work on fixing the problem.

For example, I have recently been working on my olympic lifts of snatch and clean and jerk. The clean and jerk has been giving me problems, particularly the transition from the clean into the jerk. To fix this, I have been doing several reps with very light weight working only on the transition.


  1. The two most difficult lifts for me to have proper form are the front squat when loaded, and power cleans. For front squat when getting up out of the squat I tend to lift with the hips, instead of the elbows. I've just been working on them with middle weight until the form is correct. For power cleans I've just practiced with a pipe, but I still bend the elbows before my hips fully extend.

    -Kevin Lee

  2. for deadlifts i am scared that i might lift with bad form but when i ask people if i use my back they say that i dont. Also for the front squats i have very poor flexablity in my hands. in my power cleans i have very bad form. Mr long never thought our class how to do it so i am still confused on how to do it.

    suri Venugopal

  3. The lift that has given me the most trouble is the power clean i am not making clean transitions. When we did it it put a sharp pain in my back. i am going to continue working on my form because i have never down that lift before.

    Neofytos Panagos

  4. For power cleans i am having trouble on getting my ending grip right. I am having trouble trying to let the bar rest on my fingers and chest. So i have been trying to get it right with just the bar.

    Joe Stapleton

  5. I am having trouble with power cleans. I usually start with my arms when and should be starting with my hips. This ends up making it harder. I am trying to do the power clean more enough with lighter weight strictly paying attention to my hips and making sure they move first.

    Michael Turow

  6. the lift that has been giving me the most trouble is the power clean. when i am snatching the wieght on my chest my knees are not bent, they are semi-locked out. i need to work on finishing in an athletic stance with the knees bent.
    Logan Yanoff

  7. dead lift been hard. it hard cuz i cant nvr arch my back the right way n i dont drag it against my letgs like you said cuz my back isnt arched right.

  8. The area that I have the most trouble with is cardiovascular endurance. Anything after about 2 miles in running or a longer metcon will just destroy me.

    Alex Kyle

  9. The most troubling lift for me has been the front squat. I cant seem to get my elbows out enough to where i can put the weight on my shoulders and do the lift proberly. Ive been doing the elbow stretch you have shown us in class.

    Ethan Gladner

  10. The front squat gives me some problems. I have a hard time resting it on my shoulders and keeping my back straight at the same time.

    Allen Hai

  11. The back squat has givin me trouble several times. I like this lift because it seems to work my legs the most and that is important to me, but maybe I like it so much because of these mistakes i've been getting away with. Sometimes

    I don't go low enough and i'm trying to fix that by watching my thighs and making sure they go beneath my knees a little. I also begin to squat with my knees instead of my hips sometimes, i'm trying to fix this by making sure my hips are the first thing to move when I go down.

  12. Sorry, I didn't put my name on the above post.

    Peter Aybar

  13. Any type of squat because I have a tight ankle so to fix it I strech out more in the bottom of a squat.

    Ben Crookshank

  14. i've heard that i wink a little bit on the end part of my squat. so i'm trying to work more on my hamstrings; loosen them up more.
    on my power cleans i bend my elbows as i rise so as i practice/ warm up before them i try to focus on that.
    -coki cruz

  15. The lift that gives me the most trouble is the power clean. I have to work on not letting my legs fly out from underneath me when I finish the lift. I have been working on this by practicing shifting my stance and trying to get my legs to go to the right position.

    Matthew Beinart

  16. The lift i am haveing the most trouble doing is cleaning. I tend to just pull the bar up with my arms and not my bodie. I am going to do more reps with less weight to work on this.

    Matt Hoy

  17. squats-back. practice and make make ajustments

  18. my problem lift has to be squats because i have to develop my leg muscles more instead of upper body. to get better im going to keep squating because practice makes perfect

    matt bussard

  19. front squats and cleaning. do the right amount with proper form

    -brandon lezcano
