Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Periods 3, 6, 7, & 8 Final Blog Summertime...........Almost!

Believe it or not the year is just about over,  This will be your last blog.  We do not have a final exam in Physical Education.   I would like to think the last 18 weeks have been useful to you in some way.  It was definitely unique in that we started the semester with two historic snow storms and an unanticipated second winter break.

A great practice to get in the habit of early in life is that of reflection.  When you reflect on things you take a moment to look back and figure out what was good, bad, or just different.  This practice will keep you from making the same mistakes over and over and will help you figure out what things work for you as an individual.  We are all different and things effect us and work for us in different ways.

For your final blog, I want you to take a moment to really think back throughout the semester and list for me three things you learned or just liked about the semester and three things you did not like or wish you had learned.  Feel free to speak your mind.  I use this reflection to help plan my future classes.

Have a great summer and make sure you get out there and move!


  1. I didn't know about most of the lifts, i'm glad to have learned about those and nutritional aspects like sleep and body structure.

    I wish i had learned a little more about diet, nutrition and ways to develop stamina.

    -Peter Aybar

  2. 3 things i enjoyed:
    1)I really enjoyed being able to play a little from every sport. At first I didn't know if i would like things that I had never tried before such as Ultimate Frisbee but i ended up really enjoying it.
    2)One of my favorite sports we played was floor hockey, its something you don't really get to play anywhere else and it was really fun!
    3) I liked our competitions against Mr.Long's class!

    3 things i didn't like:
    1) I wish we could have been able to pick our own teams more often
    2) I wish we could have spent a consistent amount of time on each sport. Sometimes we ended up doing one sport for 2 weeks and another only for one.
    3)i don't really have a third dislike. Overall it was a fun class and even these blogs didn't really bother me

    Amelia Gerste

  3. I didn't like that we didn't get to chose our groups because I think that I work better with a friend. I also didn't like the soccer unit cause its just hard and not fun, and I also didn't like that we didn't play softball. I liked the small basketball unit, even though i wish it was longer. I liked when we joined with Mr. Long's class and I liked the frisbee unit cause i didn't think I'd like it but now I do.

  4. this semester i learned how to throw a frisbee, what a birdie is and how to play badmitten. i did not like some of my teams, when we had to run because people werent prepared for class and frisbee golf.
    love ellie gesiskie:)

  5. 1. I liked how our workouts were more varied
    2. I think there should atleast be one metcon a week
    3. I learned to work hard to achieve my goals

    Max Langworthy

  6. Period 3

    I liked that there was less metcons, I learned how to improve my power clean and dead lift. I also liked the way you structured strength gain.
    I didn't like the inconsistency per weeks. I wish I had learned how to finish metcons faster. I didn't like that we had to run in the cold.

    Michael Turow

  7. I liked that we did our maxes, then did different percentages of our max, i feel a lot stronger. I also liked the medcons we did.
    So things i wish we learned was some leg workouts. I didnt like that we did too Few medcons. I feel that the medcons helped a lot.

    Ethan Gladner

  8. I learned that as much as you excercise it does not mean anything without proper nutrition, there is a 60 minute window frame after working out in which it is most beneficial to the body, and you do not need to max out everytime to get stronger. I did not like doing metcons all the time but that's just because i'm lazy, I also wished that we could play basketball for active rest because I think that is a great way to have fun while providing good exercise, and I also think the lifts were a little repetive and there should have been more variation

    ~Allen Hai

  9. I have finally learned how to snatch correctly and have learned that i need help building my mental strength and the class has aided me in doing so. I have also learned that to be fit is to be well rounded not a superstar in one area alone. I wish i didn't learn that my form was not so great for the squat and i couldn't really do as much as I though i could. Also, I also didn't want to learn that I am not as fit as I thought I was but that also is a goo thing to have learned so that I am able to be better.

    Alex Kyle

  10. 1. I would have liked to play football more
    2. I feel like we should have spent more time in the wrestling unit because I thought that it was the most fun unit we did.
    3. I would have liked to play volleyball.
    Matt Kehr

  11. 1.I liked the football unit where we focused more on playing games than learning skills.
    2.I liked the wresting unit and drills
    3.I learned how to play floor hockey

    1. I wish we did a softball unit
    2. I didn't like tennis
    3. I didn't like having to do the blogs

    -Janet Dong

  12. I liked the rest day, the variety workouts we did, and the freedom we had to keep our own pace.

    I did not like how the workouts for football were the same as the workouts we did in class, i do not like the blogs and i wish we did a metcon once a week.

  13. Good Things
    -variety of sports
    -inside sports
    -good teacher

    Bad things
    -Sports outside when 90 degrees

    Brett Keenan

  14. Learned/Liked:

    1. That Australian Basketball/Football/Team Handball thing...

    2. Rain isn't good for outdoor units.

    3. Capture the flag is biased.

    Didn't like/Wanted to learn:

    1. (Didn't like) Long units

    2. (Didn't like) Jump rope skills test

    3. (Didn't like) I was always on the same team as Josh.

    Andy Pham

  15. I liked the fact that we played a lot of team games, and somewhat competetive games. I also liked how other students were fast learners to new sports so the units could move faster. I didn't like some units we did such as soccer since I wasn't that great at it. I also didn't like not being able to pick teams and a little more reminders about the blogs would have been helpful.
    Matt Gibson

  16. i learned that i need to rest and take breaks
    also i need to have a balanced diet
    go all out on metcons

  17. 3 Things I learned/liked
    1. I enjoyed learning the limits my body has. I now know how much my body can take and how much work i can do without over exhausting myself. The metcons really helped me to find out the limits of my body
    2. I enjoyed learning ways that I can improve my physical fitness and fleixibility. Now that I know how to squat properly and do good stretches my physical fitness will only keep getting better.
    3. I liked learning the different lifts, so that I know have the tools to go to a gym on my own and know what I'm doing.

    3 things I didn't like/ wish I had learned
    1. I wish I had gotten my power clean form down better. I am able to do it, but if my form was a little better, or if i had worked on it some more, I would be able to do more weight.
    2. I wish I had learned how to pace myself better on metcons. Sometimes I would go all out in the beginning and be burned out by the middle of the metcon.
    3. Lastly, I wish I had learned a few ways to keep my hamstrings from getting tight.
    Matthew Beinart

  18. Learned/Liked:
    1. the rules of ultimate frisbee
    2. I realized that I could still do cartwheels and a handstand
    3. capture the flag

    Wished I Learned/Disliked:
    1. wrestling
    2. running the mile
    3. fitness testing in general

    -Ariana Yeatts-Lonske

  19. I really liked that we didnt do as many metcons as we have done in the past. I felt the metcons were annoying and that theydidnt makes us stronger, just made us sweat more.. I also liked that we maxed out alot and that we did out workouts based on % of our max. That was really fun for me to see how much stronger i was getting. I also think you guys need to yell at someone up in admin about getting the tech room already because the weightroom is wayyy too small. Btw that lucky 7 work outr was a nut buster but i liked that we did it at the end of the year it was a great way to end everyting.. See you nxt year mr kirk!


  20. Samuel Rickman Pd7June 6, 2010 at 10:12 AM

    Good things:
    1. Gives me time to lift and release any stress that i had.
    2. Is a cool class.
    3. The blogs help broadened our knowledge of physical education.
    Bad things:
    1. Metcons
    2. Hard Metcons
    3. Not a lot of Active Rest days.

  21. i liked the soccer and football units. i hated the ultimate frisbee and badmitten units

  22. Christina Hwang
    3 things I liked:
    learned how to really throw a frisbee
    volleyball techniques, and soccer
    3 things I didn't like:
    floor hockey, basketball,that jump rope thing

  23. Kurt Vetrano
    One thing I really liked were the games that we played that weren't really sports(Flickerbacll, Longball etc) They were really relaxing and just fun to play. Another thing I liked was the way the teams were set up, and then at the end of the unit we had a tournament. The last thing that I liked was the ultimate frisbee unit, I just thought it was fun.

    One thing that I didn't like about this semester was the day we just walked around the track. I know it was good exercise but it was just not very fun. Another thing I didnt like was the long period of time where we had the same teams for several units in a row. Last, I didn't like the basketball unit.

  24. • One thing I like doing this semester was playing Flickerball
    • Another thing I like this semester was Ultimate Frisbee
    • One cool thing I learned was how to play the game of flickerball, which I had never played before then
    •One thing I did not like about this semester was basketball

    Everything else was fine

    John Duncan

  25. Despite coming here mid-April, T did actually learn a lot more in the class than I had known.
    The things I liked:
    -The variety of lifts we did
    -The way you correct form
    -The "Active rest" days

    Things I did not like:
    -Coming so late/not knowing half of what was going on
    -Nothing really, it was an enjoyable class once I got everything down

    Gabriel Miller

  26. John Stoeber

    I had health all forst semester so to get out of that and into a PE class was awesome. I liked lifting, playing modified team handbal, and playing fickleball was really fun. ALso talking with friends was cool.

  27. i liked the football and basketball unit
    but i didnt like ultimate frisbee
    rachel teicher

  28. I liked all the varied exersices we did. I learn a lot of new stuff. I like how our workouts were always a percentage of our max. And how we focused on correct form a lot.

    I wish we learned more exercises with free weights.

    Ben Crookshank

  29. Daniel Nozick-

    Learned: proper nutrition, proper ways to lift, how to be more fit

    Wish: more running and other activities than just lifting, more interesting activities, more outdoor activities

  30. I Liked Ultimate Frisbee,football,and soccer.

    I disliked the people who just fooled around,badminton, and volley ball

    Alex Walsh

  31. i really enjoyed the class and thought it was fun. this semester was more easy going because their was less metcons and it helped me focus on the form of my lift.

    suri venugopal

  32. what i liked was
    1. how we would have short units
    2. we got to play a lot of different sports.
    3. how we got to choose our own team sometimes.

    what i didn't like was
    1. how the period of time for each unit was different for each sport, like basketball.
    2. i didn't like the jump rope exercise
    3. the basketball unit.

  33. Things I liked...
    -The Soccer Unit, learning new tricks and working on my timing;
    -Ultimate Frisbee; inside. Learning a new game is always fun, I always thought it was more fun inside then outside though, it makes it faster paced and more intense;
    -My favorite part; Hockey, I've always loved it.
    -I also wanted to add walking, its relaxing, good exercise, and fun because I can talk with my friends.
    Things I didn't like...
    -Breaking my clavicle on my second day of school, not only did it hurt, but it also made me miss a lot of gym, and other fun school stuff.
    -Jump Rope, I'm just not good at it, and so my grades suffered; didn't help my calves were killing me.
    -That intense week, I just don't like running, I like walking, and running is fun, but being forced to do it is no fun.

    All in all though, it was fun.

    Danyal 'Danny' Ahmad

  34. Like
    1. I definitely got a lot stronger
    2. I like the max percentage chart
    3. Teacher
    Don't Like
    1. Not enough benching
    2. Blogs
    3. Workouts for football were EXACTLY the same

    -Brandon Lezcano

  35. Things I liked:

    -the nutrion facts we learned
    -varied workouts
    -active rest

    Things I didn't like:

    -what happened to high intensity work outs?
    -we really didn't work as hard as the semester before.
    -no inspiration to work hard, like to compete in class.

    Jansen Vera

  36. What I liked:

    1) Learning how to strengthen myself all over, to be a better athlete.

    2) I liked the rest days, because the games were always fun.

    3) I liked the metcons, because you get to find out how mentally tough you are, and you get a lot more endurance and stamina from them.

    What I didn't like:

    1) No modified team handball in the wrestling room in second semester.

    2) Sometimes having two metcons a week, and sometimes not having any.

    3) No modified team handball in the wrestling room in second semester.


  37. 1. i loved having you as my teacher cuz even if i was late and had no shoes on you didnt yell at me (:
    2. i loved having ACTIVE rest day not (act of rest day hahaha)
    3. i loved trying to get better at what i could go.

    -theres not really anything i didn't like except the sweating part-

    love- palina ivanova

  38. I like the various workouts, mix of sports, and team hand ball
    I didn't like the metcons, wanted lear about staminia and blogs

    eric song

  39. I enjoyed learning the proper form for each of our lifts. I thought that it was good that you got what you put into the class. Lastly, i liked that we worked in olympic lifts.

    Some things I didnt like were Metcons, broken benches, people sleeping on the floors, and a lack of effort from a few of my classmates. It was uninspiring.

    Aaron Kay

  40. -i liked the times where we started directly playing the games instead of learning all the skills
    -i also liked having many different sports to choose from
    -lastly, i liked how we also had class games where we played against another class

    -i disliked how some people treat this TOO seriously and gets mad if you lose or mess up
    -i also disliked the football unit
    -i lastly dislike doing jump rope

  41. I learned how to throw a frisbee. i did not like some of my teams and i got mad when we had to run because people were not dressed for class.

    Mait Baldwin

  42. I liked how tough the medcons were and the intensity that was required to complete them. I also liked the different types of lifts and core work we did.

    -Greg Potemken

  43. i liked all the things we learned about nutrition. I liked the facts about sleep. I also liked when we did a variety of lifts.

    i didnt like how we always did like a 5 x 5 rather than doing a 3 x 10 once in a while. Also we didnt supplement or superset our lifts enough. Finally it would have been better to powerclean more and do the other lifts less.

    - Meltzer

  44. I liked having consistency of lifts through every week, being able to record the weights, and getting to try lifts i hadn't done before.

    I wish we had done more core work, done more metcons with running, and learned more stength workouts we could do at home with free weights.

    -Matt Schliep

  45. I loved being in this class this semester!
    ~I liked everything we learned about healthy eating, as well as specific facts about how exercise helps the body.
    ~I liked learning all of the different lifts
    ~I liked being in a class with all guys because watching them helped me learn, and it was just fun

    ~I didn't really not like anything. Metcons were hard, but thats part of getting stronger. Sweating was the only downside.


  46. I liked playing football and basketball during our active rests. I enjoyed learning new lifts other than the core lifts. I also liked how we tried to get up on the board.

    I did not like the metcons, especially the running ones. I also did not like ultimate frisbee because I cant throw one. I also didnt like how sometimes the weather would not let us play outside on active rest, I would gladly play inn the rain.

    Michael Castelli

    . The whole 5x5 system, in my opinion it was the best for strength training. Nothing else felt as helpful.
    . The metcons were more challenging towards the end of the year, a definite plus even though they were tiring as a mother.
    . Just a chill class in general. The atmosphere.

    . There wasn't as much power cleaning/core work as I hoped.
    . Some of my lifts went down because of inconsistency.
    . Forgetting about blogs.

  48. Oh, my bad the last one was me.
