Monday, October 4, 2010

Period 2 Weight Training Blog #6

Front squats are hard to do but well worth the effort involved in doing them correctly.  We start our loaded squat work with front squats, for a couple of resasons.
  • It places the load in a more favorable position to achieve the perfect posture we want during the squat.
  • It forces you to use less weight
  • It allows for a better bottom position
  • It transfers more favorably to the olympic lifts
Many of you have let me know the front squat is difficult for you.  Take a look at the video below on the proper way to perform the front squat.  Did you see any mistakes you are currently making?  If so let me know in this weeks blog.


  1. Adam (AJ) Roshfeld

    I think I curve my back a lot, and that really strains my lower back especially.

  2. I have issues with holding up my elbows and tend to reset after each rep I do. I also don't drop low enough per rep and need to curl my hands more back onto my shoulders.

  3. I don't notice anything wrong with my form.

    -Greg Potemken

  4. balance and finding the perfect line to lift is some times difficult ton achieve also my wrist flexibility prevents me from front squating properly

    josh strauss

  5. I find that I curve my back more that i am suppose to. I also need to bring my elbows higher up.

    -George Ewald

  6. working on pushing my elbows up from the bottom of my squat to help maintain back and shoulder posture

    alec jasen

  7. As the weight gets heavier, i tend to come up on my toes.

    Eddie Tsao

  8. i believe that the most important thing is that you are able to do perfectly squats. in this way, you wil be able to manage easily this exercise.

    George Giannos

  9. The only thing I sometimes do wrong is i forget to drive my elbows up when i come out of the squat because sometimes in the later sets my elbows go forward which is bad.

    Michael Castelli

  10. I do not notice anything wrong with my form

    Shiv Parmar

  11. I have problems with having the proper body curve when I get into the squat position and also I am not spreading my legs out enough. I also have issues with putting my elbows in the right position when I'm holding the bar while doing the squat.

    Ari Mhashilkar

  12. I tend to lean forward with my back. This puts more pressure on my toes. I need to lean back more and keep my body weight on my heels. This should also help my elbow position.

    Seth Margolis

  13. Most of the time I forget to reset my posture and therefore start with elbows lower than they're supposed to be.

    Victor Shen

  14. The only thing that I notice, is that my back sometimes hyper-extends.

    Kyle Weissenburger

  15. Back becomes pushed down, then I lose balance, and to keep myself steady, I sometimes have to lean back to far.

    Brian McGrattan

  16. I tend to shake and jerk a little bit when do a squat with the bar.


  17. I need to get use to straightening my back and I will be good.

    Keinol Savinon

  18. I need to get my back straighter and i will be fine.

  19. I come up my toes, and do not keep my elbows parallel. the bar also does not rest correctly resulting in stress on my wrists.

    -Daniel Park

  20. the problem i have with this is keeping my back straight, i think if i can get better at that my squat will improve
    vaughn meddings

  21. I noticed that sometimes i let my elbows go down and curve my back. i can correct this by keeping my elbows up.

    Max Langworthy

  22. I noticed that as the weights increase I end up going on my toes and loosing my balance.

    -Alex Cho

  23. The problem that i noticed was that i need to point my elbows up when i go up.

    Zach Kramer

  24. The only problem I am having with the front squat is toward the end of my set my core gives out cuasing my back to round slightly.

    -Aumare Hayes

  25. I have not worked on front squats yet due to joining class at the middle of the quarter

    -Phillip Kim-
