Monday, October 18, 2010

Periods 2, 4, and 7 Blog #8 Catch-up

All classes

Believe it or not the first quarter has come to a close.  Time flies when you are having fun.  For this weeks blog, I am giving you and opportunity to go back and fill in any blogs you have missed so far this quarter.  Next quarter I will not allow you to complete blogs after the next one is posted.  Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity and complete all of your blogs.  If you have kept up throughout the semester, enjoy the break this week!


  1. Adam Roshfeld.
    I jsut wanted to remind you that I got a 0 out of 10 for PSR week 5. So if you could please fix that it would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

  2. cant tell if we should right anything so i am

  3. I thought I did the last blog but it didnt post?

    I think the quote means that you should stick to a goal and not deviate from it. You want to complete everything and leave nothing unfinished.

    Eddie Tsao

  4. My biggest problems with the front squat is that I drag my feet, and not hold the bar stationed on my body very well. I tend to stress my wrists during front squats. Also, I often bend my back, losing my form

    -Daniel Park pd.2

  5. I did blog #4 but it showed up as a 0 out of 10. Could you please fix this Mr.Kirk?

  6. hi mr. kirk:)

