Monday, December 13, 2010

Period 7 Weight Training Now What?

The past two weeks we have looked at processed carbohydrates and the effects they can have on your overall health. The problem with being young and invincible is that the body can compensate for your poor nutritional choices to a point. It often takes a long time for the effects of poor nutrition to show up as a diseased state. This leads many people to the false belief that nothing is wrong.

The immediate effects of cutting out processed foods are increased energy, a clear mind, and better sleep. All of these things lead to better performance in the weightroom, the gym, and the classroom.

For this weeks blog, I want to know, what specific action are you going to take this week to cut down on your processed food consumption. Your action has to be realistic and one that you have complete control over. Don't tell me you are going to have you parents buy better food. That is a good start, but does not give you control over the process. Let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Because I work every day after school I am usually on my own for dinner so I will either eat a burger or chipotle. In an attempt to better my eating habits this week I will either make myself food before I go to work and take it with me such as a tuna salad sandwich or while I am at work I will buy a rotisserie chicken to spread out over a couple of days. Also on my way to school I usually just eat a pop tart or a piece of toast but in stead this week I will wake up earlier than usual and make myself eggs and have fruit with my breakfast.

  2. Well i have to make weight for 140 so all i can eat our good foods that are high in fiber and protein.

  3. Alot of the time I have a sandwich and soda for breakfast and lately I've just been having alot of soda and far less milk or plain water than I used to have. I will cut down on soda and replace it with juices and milk.

  4. goodness, last comment by Peter Aybar

  5. This week instead of eating cereal for breakfast, i chose to eat an apple and a banana everyday. I found that the choice kept me feeling fuller for a longer amount of time.

    Stephen Alder

  6. Have less servings of dinner everyday and eat more salad

  7. Stephen,
    An apple and banana are good foods but both carbs. You need some protein and fat with your breakfast.

  8. For this week, because my meals (being korean and all) are generally low protein and high in carbs, I'll make myself small meals throughout the day like tuna sandwiches, chicken wraps, etc. Plus, instead of eating poptarts and stuff in the morning I'll try to give myself a fuller breakfast meal, not just snack type food.

  9. I eat healthy usually everyday due to wrestling by eating healthy foods with protein, fiber i try not to eat anything to unhealthy but just so i don't eat a lot i have one gummy worm a day and that makes me eat better because i had my bad food for the day. i usually eat mini wheat's for breakfast then ham sandwich for lunch then meat for dinner usually with carbs on the side and vegetables.

    Conor Higgins

  10. For this week, instead of eating frozen waffles or sugary cereal, i will try to eat a breakfast of eggs, toast, and some fruit.

  11. rather than buying lunch at school, I'm going to bring in something healthier like chicken or whole wheat pasta, as well as vegetables. I believe that many of the meals served at school are made up of processed foods, so cutting them out of my diet would be beneficial. I'm also going to switch the cereal i eat in the morning to something healthier like a granola or oat cereal.

    -olin akisoglu

  12. Instead of eating school breakfast i will eat eggs and a glass of milk at home


  13. Realistically, I've cut out all foods besides healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and waters for wrestling.

    Outside of wrestling I eat a lot of processed food but I limit myself to eat so much per day. I don't like to overload myself with nothing but junky foods and typically If I eat a package of zebra cakes I'll try to eat something healthy to make up for it.


  14. i will avoid school lunches. also i will cut down on soda and junk food, and try to prepare my own meals

  15. instead of just eating a granola bar for breakfast..ill eat some eggs and sausage..with toast
    Nick Wise

  16. have less cereal and junk food and replace it with healthier stuff like eggs a protein

    John Stoeber

  17. i eat alot and snack alot between meals. instead of snacking on jumk foods licke potato chips or toquitos i should have a can of tuna and water drink alot more water so i feel full
    Ralph bernardo

  18. Shane Bramble

    cook more food from home. bring a lunch to school

  19. Avoid school lunch, and start packing my own.
    JaVaun T

  20. cut back on the grainy processed cereals like reese's puffs for breakfast and replace it with fruits.
    Patrick Sheridan
