Monday, May 2, 2011

Period 7 Stress

How You Can Deal With High School Stress
High school can be a pretty tough time for many students: classes become harder, you have more responsibility, you feel the need to fit in with your peers, and perhaps you even have to work. This article provides several tips on managing your stress level.
The following are six tips, adapted from, that can help reduce your stress:
- Have a healthy escape from school
- Lighten up and laugh a little
- Give yourself a little reward for doing well
- Keep things in perspective
- Be positive

- Stay away from drugs and alcohol

A healthy escape from school means breaking your daily routine a little. Give yourself a little bit of 'me' time each day. A good idea is to use this 'me' time to do something physical: physical activity reduces stress. For example, take a walk or hike, play with your dog outside, shoot some hoops, jump rope, etc. However, don't just be creative with your physical activity, be creative about hobbies you may want to pursue. If you like the sound of a saxophone, you could try taking lessons. Even underwater basket weaving has its place if it helps you relax and have fun.

Even when you do your day-to-day activities, don't take things too seriously-laugh a little. Laughter can get rid of stress as well as exercise can, and it's another healthy escape. There are things you can do to promote a light-hearted nature: spice up movie night with a comedy, buy some funny books/magazines, and most importantly, be able to laugh at yourself even when things don't go your way.

You should reward yourself for doing well in school, on a sports team, or for doing all your chores and homework and other commitments without any complaints. This doesn't mean you should go buy yourself a new computer. Nor does it mean you should reward yourself for every little thing like just getting up in the morning. What this means is when you know you have performed well on a given task, don't be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back.

An important skill to have throughout your life is to keep things in perspective. A proper perspective actually reduces stress. For any situation that is stressful, take a second to look at it from a different point of view. Try to visualize how unimportant this stressful moment is in the whole scheme of life. This exercise is designed to help you 'let go' of the little stress triggers that everyone experiences.

Often associated with proper perspective is positive thinking. The next time a stressful situation happens, instead of focusing on how it can ruin your life, focus on the benefits of overcoming this little hurdle. If a big test is coming up, don't look at it with the attitude, 'If I fail, I'll do bad in the class.' Instead, look at it with the attitude, 'When I pass this test, I'll be closer to my class goal of an 'A'!'

You've heard before and you'll hear it again-stay away from drugs and alcohol! Imagine this situation: You have a really nice car, I mean, REALLY nice. The color, make, model, everything you want in a car. The car needs work done on it, so you take it to the mechanic. He spends a lot of time on it and you spend a lot of money on it. Finally you get it back. What's the first thing you do with it? You take out your dad's sledgehammer and beat the bearings out of it? Why would you do that? The same is true with your body and drugs and alcohol. You are given a truly remarkable body. You spend time improving it inside and out. So, why would you destroy all the work and money you've spent on your body? Good answer-you shouldn't.

What do you do to handle stress? For this weeks blog, let me know what you have used in the past to help you relieve stress. If you do not have any current strategies which ones listed above do you think would work for you?


  1. To deal with stress, I usually watch TV to take my mind off the current situation.

    Dylan Jaffe

  2. Listen to music, draw out how or what i feel, write it down, being alone, but then again being alone isnt a good idea because its a time when everything starts to hit you hard, and has you thinking even more about it, so i try to do something active, to keep my mind busy.

    - Nathalie Cortez

  3. To relieve stress, I try to procrastinate less so I don't feel stressed on one day. I also try to take breaks or rest more so I dont feel overwhelmed by work.

    -Ashwin Suryavanshi

  4. Jason Shim

    If I want to relieve stress, I will listne to music, and playing some sports. That will make me fun

  5. to relieve stress i usually just think happy thoughts or troll on youtube videos.

    Marius toderas

  6. To relieve stress, I often go to a certain spot in my neighborhood (high up in a tree) where I know I will be alone, and I relax completely, thinking about the things that are stressing me out in a new light I didn't see before. Usually helps.
    Daniel Yarmovsky

  7. When I want to relieve stress I listen to music. I also try to spread the work load over a couple of days so there was more breaks.

    -Will Salter

  8. To handle stress i like to manage my work and then find time to play sports so i can take my mind off school and work.

    Titas Bera

  9. to relieve stress, i go out in my backyard and shoot hockey pucks really hard. this takes my mind off of the current situation

  10. What i do to handle stress is to just chill, play some sports with friends and listen to music when doing work sometimes. It helps lighten things up. Going to movies also helps. Videogames can help sometimes too. Its also all about time management, biggest stress causer for me is my procrastination, which causes major stress when the last minute comes and i have to finish all of my work in like 1 day.
    -Eric Fan

  11. To handle stress I take a nice, long nap.

    ~Brandon Fink~

  12. reading tends to take my mind out of things that give me stress.

    -Kyle Foster

  13. To deal with stress I take a break when I am in a stressful situation and get back at it with a new attitude.

    - Brian Jordan

  14. When I know I have a big project due soon, I spread the work over the week so I am not stressed out if I dont have the project done. Also, if I'm stressed, I do another activity to take my mind of the situation then come back to it later with a clear head.

    -Mark Wong

  15. When I am stressed, I either take a walk in the park or play xbox.

  16. to get rid of stress i listen to music

    Ben Keppler

  17. To relieve stress I would plan out my day so I wouldn't have to cram and stress out.

    Lee Wei

  18. To deal with stress I usually listen to music or watch TV to get my mind cleared. If I'm really stressed I'll walk the dog or just go outside and play for a while.

    Victor Reyes

  19. When i am feeling stressed i take a break from what i am doing and watch something funny or i hang out with friends

    -matthew saggar

  20. To relieve stress I either listen to music, or go into my basement and play mini hockey. I'm not sure why, but that always helps me relieve stress.

    Sam Eichberg

  21. to deal with stress i play CoD or other FPS games.

  22. To relieve stress I take a nice long nap
    dylan carlson

  23. When I am stressed I listen to music or watch tv. If I can't do that I play hockey on my driveway.

    -jake mitchell

  24. When I'm stressed out I like to get outside and take a jog, listen to music, or sometimes just sleep. It all depends on whats stressing me out. If its something physical, I'm not going to want to go outside.

    -Steven Berger

  25. When im stressed i just listen to music, play xbox, or do something that dosn't involve any stress.
    _Jacob Moshel

  26. To relieve stress, I try to take a break from what I am doing and play basketball or do something I enjoy. I usually listen to music or play guitar as well.
    -Danielle Koval.

  27. Usually when i try to alleviate my stress level, i play a video game or watch tv. I also like to play lacrosse in order to limit my stress level.
    Food helps too.
    -Matt Kehr

  28. To deal with stress I usually stop doing anything mind stimulating and go watch tv or something.

    Philip Kwong

  29. If I want to relieve stress, I will listne to music, and playing game.
    -Doo Hyun Lee-

  30. To aleviate stress, I will usually play soccer or excerise. this helps me think about distractions from my issues and reliefs any of my worries.

  31. To relieve stress i listen to my Ipod and take kickboxing

    -Jordan Weisberger

  32. to relieve my stress i usually play instrument or play computer


  33. To relieve stress i listen to music and take a nap. (sorry for the late reply)

    -Mauricio A.

  34. i just listen to music and chill, or go for a run. eating helps.

    nick walden
