Monday, May 2, 2011

Period 8 Stress

How You Can Deal With High School Stress

High school can be a pretty tough time for many students: classes become harder, you have more responsibility, you feel the need to fit in with your peers, and perhaps you even have to work. This article provides several tips on managing your stress level.
The following are six tips, adapted from, that can help reduce your stress:
- Have a healthy escape from school
- Lighten up and laugh a little

- Give yourself a little reward for doing well
- Keep things in perspective
- Be positive
- Stay away from drugs and alcohol
A healthy escape from school means breaking your daily routine a little. Give yourself a little bit of 'me' time each day. A good idea is to use this 'me' time to do something physical: physical activity reduces stress. For example, take a walk or hike, play with your dog outside, shoot some hoops, jump rope, etc. However, don't just be creative with your physical activity, be creative about hobbies you may want to pursue. If you like the sound of a saxophone, you could try taking lessons. Even underwater basket weaving has its place if it helps you relax and have fun.
Even when you do your day-to-day activities, don't take things too seriously-laugh a little. Laughter can get rid of stress as well as exercise can, and it's another healthy escape. There are things you can do to promote a light-hearted nature: spice up movie night with a comedy, buy some funny books/magazines, and most importantly, be able to laugh at yourself even when things don't go your way.
You should reward yourself for doing well in school, on a sports team, or for doing all your chores and homework and other commitments without any complaints. This doesn't mean you should go buy yourself a new computer. Nor does it mean you should reward yourself for every little thing like just getting up in the morning. What this means is when you know you have performed well on a given task, don't be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back.
An important skill to have throughout your life is to keep things in perspective. A proper perspective actually reduces stress. For any situation that is stressful, take a second to look at it from a different point of view. Try to visualize how unimportant this stressful moment is in the whole scheme of life. This exercise is designed to help you 'let go' of the little stress triggers that everyone experiences.
Often associated with proper perspective is positive thinking. The next time a stressful situation happens, instead of focusing on how it can ruin your life, focus on the benefits of overcoming this little hurdle. If a big test is coming up, don't look at it with the attitude, 'If I fail, I'll do bad in the class.' Instead, look at it with the attitude, 'When I pass this test, I'll be closer to my class goal of an 'A'!'

You've heard before and you'll hear it again-stay away from drugs and alcohol! Imagine this situation: You have a really nice car, I mean, REALLY nice. The color, make, model, everything you want in a car. The car needs work done on it, so you take it to the mechanic. He spends a lot of time on it and you spend a lot of money on it. Finally you get it back. What's the first thing you do with it? You take out your dad's sledgehammer and beat the bearings out of it? Why would you do that? The same is true with your body and drugs and alcohol. You are given a truly remarkable body. You spend time improving it inside and out. So, why would you destroy all the work and money you've spent on your body? Good answer-you shouldn't.

What do you do to handle stress?  For this weeks blog, let me know what you have used in the past to help you relieve stress.  If you do not have any current strategies which ones listed above do you think would work for you?


  1. To cope with stress mainly I use exercising mainly weightlifting. I always feel better when my heart is pounding and I'm breaking a sweat. Also wrestling with my friends helps reduce stress cause just messing around and the friendship helps a lot. Listening to music always helps with just about anything.

  2. To manage stress I always laugh at myself if i do something stupid so I don't always critique myself. I also work out which is a great stress reliever for me.
    -Andrew Devine

  3. i like to just relax with friends or play sports whenever i am feeling stressed
    chris kohn

  4. Stephen PotemkenMay 3, 2011 at 9:28 PM

    To manage my stress i do things that i enjoy like sports or music and hanging out with friends.

  5. To deal with my stress I just go for a run, or listen to my ipod for a couple hours. I think that rewarding myself for doing well would work, and also being positive.

    -Devyn Walton

  6. To deal with stress from small things I usually go for a distance run. Sometimes I also get together with friends and laugh a lot and have fun.

    Seth Margolis

  7. To relieve stress I just try to have some fun, hang out with friends, my girlfriend, play video games, watch movies, play with my dog. Anything to get my mind off the things I have to do for a while.
    -Peter Aybar

  8. to deal with stress i listen to music. i also like working out to relieve stress and a nice jog is always refreshing. i take a lot of naps too


  9. when im stressed i take deep breaths to help relax

    -Matt Bussard

  10. I always take a nap before I do my homework to make it a little less stressfull and give myself some energy. I also listen to music to relieve stress.

    -Olin Akisoglu

  11. hang out with anyone instead of worryign about whatm i have to do all the time. Also trying to get a good amount of sleep keeps me from being stressed.

    Sina Dayanzadeh

  12. To deal with stress I listen to music or workout. Also going on a run helps me. I sometimes will hang out with friends and that helps relax me.

    -Kevin Mooney

  13. John Stoeber

    To handle stress I always try to make the situation funny, and I try to finish my homework at least an hour before I go to bed to give myself time to relax. I also exercise routinely.

  14. In order to try to deal with my stress, I play video games. And also i try to work out when i am stressed. I believe that using the stress to get stronger is a very prouductive use.


  15. when im stressed i like to go outside and walk around or skate. what also works for me is to hang out with friends and try to forget about school
    -chris jones

  16. TO help manage my stress i listen to music. Go to sleep or play COD and there's a lot of other activities and stuff.

    Nick Wise

  17. I deal with stress by looking at the big picture. I ask myself is my problem the end of the world, and hopefully its not. Then I either work out or play x-box, depending on the time of day.

    Miohael Castelli

  18. I like to play sports when I am stressed out but when I don't really get stressed a lot

    Alex marks

  19. To deal with stress I like to play sports, lift, or listen to music.


  20. I find that listening to music, exercising, sleeping, reading or writing help me the most to relieve stress.


  21. to relieve stress i like to run and spend time with friends

    -hannah king

  22. to relieve stress i dance, sleep, and hang out with my friends.

    -mady romm

  23. To relieve stress I run, lift, read books, and listen to music. Another thing that helps alot is just being around friends.

    - Sadiq Olanrewaju
