Monday, October 22, 2012

Troubling Trends

Please read the article below and answer the questions at the end.

Obesity cuts U.S. children's life expectancy short January 13, 2011

For the first time in history, the next generation will not live longer than their parents.                                                          
“Diseases such as Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions and joint deterioration - what were once considered ‘adult’ diseases - are regularly being diagnosed in children, due to the prevalence of obesity,” said Jessica Bartfield, MD, internal medicine and medical weight-loss specialist at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, part of the Loyola University Health System.“What is particularly tragic is that studies have suggested that obesity in children today may contribute to a two- to five-year decline in their life expectancy, shorter than that of their parents, due to obesity-related diseases that are largely preventable,” said Dr. Bartfield, who is part of Gottlieb’s medically supervised weight-loss program involving physicians, nutritionists, exercise physiologists and behavioralists. She said obesity has many causes, including environment and culture. Genetics and parental weight status also plays a role.“If one parent is obese, a child has a 50 percent likelihood of being obese, and if both parents are obese, that skyrockets to 80 percent likelihood,” she said. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 80 percent of obese children between the ages of 10-15 continue to be obese at age 25. Furthermore, the earlier obesity develops in children, the more severe it tends to be as an adult. Besides health implications, there are psychological and social effects as well.“In addition to decreasing years of life, obesity decreases the quality of life through social ostracism, bullying, social isolation, and poor self-esteem, which can lead to poor performance in school, in jobs and in life,” she said.

Top Five Ways We Can Reverse the Obesity trend.

Trend 1 – Parents take charge. “Focus on getting the family healthy, not putting someone on a diet,” she said. “Monitor and take accountability for what the family is eating. Plan meals, set limits and take the team approach.”

2 – Involve the Kids. “As a family, create a weekly meal plan, look up calorie counts, make a grocery list, read product labels, choose fresh rather than packaged and get everyone’s participation,” Dr. Bartfield said. “Everyone has to get on board to be successful.” google_protectAndRun

3 – Add fresh fruits and vegetables. “Replace apple sauce for oil in baked goods, add carrots, broccoli and kale to soups and omelettes, cut up fresh fruit as a side dish,” Dr. Bartfield said. “Even if it is dipped in a little low-calorie whipped topping or low-calorie salad dressing to make the fruit or vegetable more appealing to kids.”

4 – Cut liquid calories. “Soda, flavored milk, fruit punches and fruit -flavored beverages are loaded in sugar and empty calories,” Dr. Bartfield said.

5 – Prioritize breakfast and keep meals consistent. “Eating within the first hour of waking up powers the brain and jump-starts the metabolism for the rest of the day,” Dr. Bartfield said. “Choose protein and fiber in breakfast foods to boost endurance.” Establish set meal times, and calories per meal, and stick to them, with defined healthy options for snacking.

Keeping It Real“In overweight children with medical complications or obese children, strive for a one-pound individual weight loss per month,” said Dr. Bartfield, who uses guidelines by the American Academy of Pediatrics. “Focus on weight maintenance for overweight kids without medical complications. As kids continue to grow in height, their percentage Body Mass Index (BMI) on the growth chart will decrease.

Read more at:

For this weeks blog I want you to answer the following questions.

1. How could you incorporate the "5 ways" into your life?

2. It has been said that people who are obese are lucky, in the sense that they have an outward sign of a problem.  Does that statement make sense to you?  Explain.


  1. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" into my life by thinking before I eat and planning meals ahead of time. Instead of going directly to the cavity-inducing foods, I could substitute full-fat ice cream for fat-free sherbet or dark chocolate (which has more antioxidants).
    2. The statement doesn't necessarily make complete sense to me. While obesity does show outward signs of problems, complications from obesity are internal and do not always show themselves right away. Examples of this are heart disease and adult onset asthma (you do not want asthma of any kind. Ever.) Consequences of obesity, while they diminish as weight is lost, a small portion of the side effects will remain with you for life. However, obesity is rather simple to fix, as all that is needed are changes in what you eat and exercise habits. In other diseases, such as asthma, side effects remain with you for a lifetime.

    -Dana Griffith
    Period 8

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  5. 1. To incorporate the "5 ways" into my life, I cold keep track of what I am eating and what is in what I am eating. I could make sure to go for fruits and vegetables along with water, or a low sugar drink for snacks, and with my sandwich at lunch.
    2. In a way, it does make sense. If you are obese, you can tell and you know you have to change your daily habits. Although, obesity doesn't always show right away, so the statement does not make complete sense.

    Jake Shulman

  6. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" by looking more at what i'm eating and when i am eating it. I should also eat more fruits and vegetables and eat something for breakfast, instead of just drinking coffee.

    2. No that makes no sense to me at all

    Lukas Bastien

  7. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" by eating right and eating more vegetables and fruits. I could eat breakfast but just the right amount to keep me going in the morning and and having just a little bit food during lunch and having just some fish, meat or pasta for dinner with a side of vegetable. Drinking water instead of other drinks and not having a lot of sugar.
    2. I think in a way it does make sense because they know they have a sign of a disease but people with cancer are not as lucky because they wouldn't know until they get a checkup.

    Joanne Liu
    Period 8

  8. I could incorporate the 5 ways by looking at the nutrition facts on the labeling. I would cut the fatty foods out at much as I can. I would eat more fruits for snacks, and eat vegetables atleast ONCE a day. Instead of having soda i could replace it with an all natural drink with real sugars. And it does make sense too me because you are usually able to tell at a certain point.

    Paul Saah Pd.3

  9. 1. I could incorporate the 5 ways into my life by thinking about what I am eating and trying to make good, healthier decision like instead of a soda i drink regular milk or water. I can also eat more fruit and vegetables.
    2. I would not say they are lucky because they have a disease that is dangerous, but i would say they are able to tell they are obese because you can see it unlike cancer patients who can not see it and do not know they have it until informed.

    Madison Mays

  10. 1. I could incorporate the 5 ways into my life by planning out my meals ahead of time. Instead of eating whatever is available, I should ask my parents to buy more fruits and vegetables

    2. I do not think it makes sense because people are conscious about their appearance and that can influence your image of yourself negatively

    Boaz Ru

  11. 1. I already incorporate the 5 ways into my life since i dont eat junk food, read the labels before eatting, no drink soda, work out, and eat fruits and vegetables
    2. I dont understand. I guess they are lucky because they can see whats wrong physically and get motivated to do something about it.
    Aurash Amirmokri period 7

  12. 1. The first trend seems a bit unrealistic, as does the 2nd, since organized attempts to "change" things in my family tend to fizzle out before much real progress can be made. I can see 3 and 4 happening because it has more to do with what is bought at the store/made, not major 'lifestyle' changes. Five is also iffy-- the people in my family have their own daily to-do-lists, so that would have to be more of an individual effort on anybody's part.

    2. It does make sense-- I'm surprised more people don't see how it does. If you can physically SEE that you're obese, it gives you more of an incentive to change your lifestyle. People who are unhealthy but thin usually have few noticeable problems, if any, that would give them reason to actively want to change their habits, and nothing short of a doctor's warning would give them the will power required to actively try to change much of anything.

    Claire R. Pd. 8

  13. 1. I already follow the 5 ways pretty well. I eat healthy, within the first hour of the day, and my family more than me tracks what they eat. I don't drink soda either, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
    2. Being obese can be advantageous because you have a daily reminder of your obesity. There is a higher incentive to change because the problems are noticeable. Skinnier people with health problems might not be able to notice it as well.

    Andrew Jasen

  14. 1)I could have more meats and protien at breakfast then i do now because i dont eat a very hearty breakfast right now. I also could eat more veggies and fruits and cut down on soda drinking.
    2) Nobody who is obese is lucky. Even if they have a so called "outward sign" they are not lucky. Everyone should have and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

    Sam Goldberg
    Pd 3

  15. 1. I could eat more meats and protein during lunch and breakfast becuase those meals contain mainly carbs for me. I also should eat less sweets.
    2. Noboby who is obese is lucky. They deserve to be healthy and have a healthy lifestyle.

    Noah Braunstein

  16. 1)i could eat more meats and proteins and a lot of fruits and vegetables instead of non healthy foods
    2)They are lucky because they have a obvious sign of a problem as opposed to people with cancer who sometimes dont know they are sick

  17. 1 i could eat more protiens and stuff and veggies and fruits.

    2 Huh

    Bobby Mack

  18. 1. i already follow the 5 ways for the most part. i always check the label b4 i eat and i rarly eat candy and junk like that
    2. nobody who is obese is lucky because once you start eating healthy its not easy to stop because the junk food that you love becomes gross when you eat healthy and as long as healthy food tasts good everyone should eat it.

    PERIOD. 3

  19. 1. I value breakfast as a meal of the day and make time for it in the mornings, and I could definitely eat more veggies and fruits, but I think my family sets a good example of eating healthy.
    2. They are lucky in the sense that they have a motivation to lose weight that they can see on a scale and in the mirror, but apart from that it is an unlucky unhealthy lifestyle.

    Daniel Yarmovsky
    Period 7

  20. 1) I could start by eating breakfast that is protein rich, eggs, sausage etc. etc. My family and I can come up with a weekly dinner chart that has many vegetables and fruit. Instead of coming home everyday and drinking a soda drink I drink water
    2) Yes, this statement makes complete sense to me, many obese people are more conscious of what they are eating while, people who are not obese are not conscious at all of what they eat. People who are not obese may feel that drinking 1-3 sodas every day is fine, because there is no visual effect on there body.

    -Nabeel Emran
    -P.D 7

  21. 1. I can add a few more fresh fruits and vegetables in my daily diet, especially including lunch. Not having a lunch period during the schoolday, I always have to make sure that I eat a big breakfast so that I am not so hungry during my classes and when I get home from school. I can stop drinking soda during the weekends while I'm at my job as well.

    2. Yes. It makes sense to me because the statement is saying how obesity is a physicality that others can see from the outside. Other issues such as clinical depression cannot be detected without communicating with an individual for a long time. Being easily recognizable to others, once a person realizes that he/she is obese, they begin to motivate themselves to shed off some pounds.

    Daniel Ansher
    Period 7

  22. 1) One thing I could do is eat more vegetables and fruits in my diet and cut down on snacks with sugar that I usually eat for lunch. In addition, I could eat more proteins.

    2) Yes. I think that in a sense people who are obese tend to feel more concious about what they eat and have a reason to lose weight, whereas people who are not obese don't feel the need to eat healthy foods because they think they are already healthy.

    Arjun Saini
    Period 7

  23. 1) To incorporate the 5 things into my lifestyle, I could add more fruits/vegetables into my diet at lunch, or for a snack instead of chips. I usually have lettuce and carrots. Also, I could look more at calories on a box instead of just the dietary fiber, or just one other ingredient.

    2) Yes, since they are obese, they also have the motive to cut down on what they're eating instead of being on the kinda healthy range and not doing anything to maintain that range.

  24. -Jill Grime Period 8
    (pervious comment)

  25. 1) i could stop drinking so much SOYMILK but im afraid I cant stop because it is so amazing. I could also eat more because i eat random unhealthy stuff throughout the day. I dont eat that much though. so im losing energy.
    2) yes because being obese is just a label. only because it is outwardly shown. Although one can look fine but be unhealthy. Healthy does not look like anything but is instead something you feel. Obesity is just your bodies way of saying "yea im unhealthy you need to make some changes".

    melynn oliver pd 8

  26. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" as I make plan what to eat for each time. If I am thirsty, I will drink just normal water.
    2. It can be true for some people because they usually eat the food with concerning taste not how it is healthy.

    Jason Shim pd 2

  27. 1) Eat breakfast! Also stop eating all that chocolate 'n' stuff (not mentioned above). Add onto that eating even more fruits 'n' veggies.
    2) Obese persons not only themselves know that they have a problem, but also the people around them know. There obese persons are lucky because unlike people with cancer or depression, it can be seen on the outside and somebody can offer them help, without the persons pleading for it.

  28. 1. I feel that i already do enough to keep myself fit and healthy but i could decrease the amount of empty calories from flavored drinks in my diet.

    2. I don't agree because being fat is considered unattractive and healthy people don't really want to be reminded of society's flaws, so they avoid them as much as possible.

    Alex Walsh

  29. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" by looking more at what I eat and making sure I get all my daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

    2. No that makes no sense to me and it's just not true.

  30. i could look at what i eat, add more fruits and vegtables to my diet drink water as well as eating breakfast every morning and eating evenly like instead of no breakfast a little lunch and a lot of dinner at like 9 o clock at night.

    no that makes absolutly no sense cause it also gives people a reason to get treated like crap all the time

    eli franck pd 7

  31. 1. I can incorporate the 5 ways by eating breakfast more often, drinking skim milk and eating fruits or vegetables in at least 2 of my meals.
    2. The sentence makes some sense in that obese people are "lucky" because they know they have a problem while people who may be skinny but eating unhealthy diets may not see that they have a problem seeing that they are skinny and are thus not "unhealthy."
    Jason Ho Period 3

  32. 1.) I need to start eating breakfast more, but usually I don't have the time. I also need to eat more fruits and veigtables as well.

    2.) Well, I GUESS it could make sense, depending on how you approach it. You could be "lucky" since you know you have it already and you know you can fix it then and there. At thte same time it doesn't because you aren't lucky at all to be obese.

    ~Cole Cochran, PD 7

  33. 1. I usually fulfill all the healthy ways except for consistent meals. I would fic this by planning my meals.Also I would like to eat healthier on my own as my meals are usually dictated by my parents.

    2. Yes and no, no because their are emotional issues that come with obesity and other physical threats like diabetes and heart conditions, yes because if a skinny person were to try and bulk up, the amount of calories they would need to eat would be enormous, but an obese person has calories to burn and could easily become muscular through hard work and a good diet.

    Rahul D. pd 7

  34. i can incorporate the five ways by adding more fruits into my meals

    2 Yes-ish, they can see the effects of their problems and can track their progress more easily than alreaddy fit people, but the obesity often hides other problems, like heart disease and diabetes, two problems that the person might not see.

    Ethan C pd 3

  35. 1) i can incorporate the 5 ways by balancing the size of my meals

    2) it makes sense because they know they have a problem while some people might have a problem that they dont know about it.

  36. 1) I can incorporate the "5 ways" by keeping track of what I eat. I can also add more veggies.
    2) It kind of makes sense. Obese kids are only lucky in the sense that they know what disease they will most likely get in the future. However, they aren't lucky because they have that disease and are stuck with it.

    Anna Cheng pd 8

  37. 1. I can incorporate the 5 ways by watching what it eat and plan ahead to eat healthy foods.
    2. Yes because they can see the problem and can see if there becoming less obese overtime.

    Nathaniel Rosov p7

  38. I can incorporate the 5 ways by looking at what is actually in my food and how it will benefit my body.

    It does make sense in a way because they know that they are obese and they have to make a change and prepare whats heading for them but they will be concequenced with some major heath issues

  39. 1)
    1,2,3 and 4 my family already do. so i think i should eat better in the morning to follow this rule system. Also, i should eat when i wake up, instead of like 2 hours after.
    The statement stated makes sense because being overweight is reversible but aids and HIV and cancer are note curable.
    kamran singh
    period 3

  40. 1) I'd incorporate the rules by eating healthier foods as soon as I wake up. I could cut any sodas and fizzy drinks out of my regular meals, which would be placed at specific intervals throughout the day. And I could go for a run in the evening to work off the food I had eaten throughout the day.

    2) Being obese is lucky because its something that can be seen. When you're obese, you know that you're obese. You can take the initiative and work out in order to get thin and healthier. But if you're thin with a high metabolism and eat unhealthy food, then its easy to believe that fast food, soda, and any other unhealthy foods aren't unhealthy because they don't physically affect you. Better to be fat as a child and become thin than be thin as a child and clot your blood flow with fast food until you become fat.

    Oliver Salter
    Period 7

  41. 1) I can incorporate the 5 ways by balancing my diet and exersizing more

    2)Yes this makes sense yet when people see your problems they may make fun of you or exploit them

    matt ainsworth

  42. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" by looking more at what i'm eating and when i am eating it. I should also eat more fruits and vegetables and eat something for breakfast, instead of just drinking coffee.

    2. It kind of makes sense. Obese kids are only lucky in the sense that they know what disease they will most likely get in the future. However, they aren't lucky because they have that disease and are stuck with it.

    Andrew Sanya

  43. 1. I could incorparate the 5 ways by watching what i eat and working out more.

    2.It makes sense. They are only lucky casue they are aware of the disease they will get in the future, but their not lucky becasue they have this disease.

    -Stephen Potemken Period 2

  44. 1) I need to start eating a bigger breakfast, because right now my dinner is way bigger than all other meals. Also, eating more vegetables and fruit will help.

    2) I understand what they are saying, some people have heart problems without even realizing it. However, I wouldn't exactly say that the obese are "lucky" so much as they are less unlucky.

    Aaron Tian

  45. 1. i need to dtart eating better and stop eating junk food.

    2. i get what they are saying how obese people are "lucky" but in a way they are not beecause they probly have some medical problem.

    -matthew kay pd2

  46. 1. I can tell my parents to make healthier meals and tell them to tell me about sports that i can join and they can drag me to the gym.
    2. It doesn't make sense to me because I am obese and I don't feel lucky to be obese because I am not capable of doing some of the things that people require me to do like running for example; I get tired quickly and have to push myself to keep going.
    Julea Nedelman
    Per. 8

  47. my family does 1,3,5 and people with diabetes are not lucky because it is a disease but it makes them more aware about diseases


  48. 1.i could run more and try to get my parents involved in more excersice.
    2.try to eat less fried rice and fried dumplings and more steamed vegs and fruit salads.
    3. go to swim practice ven more often.

    allan jiang

  49. 1)Eat better and wake up early to eat a full breakfast. I already eat fruits and vegetables. I also do not consume many soft drinks. In addition to that I also run 3-5 times a week. I can ask my parents to run with me and go to gym.

    2)I do not think that that makes sense. If a person is obese they have heart problems. They also have emotional issues and they continue to eat when they are depressed, which is most of the time.

    Vardhan Mehan
    Period 7

  50. I would cut out more of the fast food in my diet that I consume on a monthly basis. I don't eat McDonalds or Burger King too often, but I could consume less. I would buy healthier foods when I go out to grab groceries for the house and ask my parents what helthier foods they like and would be better for them and help me be healthier. I would also do squats, sit-ups, push-ups, etc. to help me stay in shape and keep getting stronger and better at what I do.

    It makes sense in context. To say an obese person is lucky for being obese, and just that is absurd. But because you can see the damage you are doing makes more sense. Because some people don't get fatter, but are still doing as much or even more damage to their insides which are as important as the outside.

    Burak Demir

  51. 1.) I can include the 5 ways in my life by eating right and staying in shape.

    2.) No people with diabetes are not lucky because they have this disease, but are in a way lucky because they are informed about other diseases.

    1. 1.) I can include the 5 ways in my life by eating right and staying in shape.

      2.) No people with diabetes are not lucky because they have this disease, but are in a way lucky because they are informed about other diseases
      gRANT iBEH

  52. 1. I could incorporate the five ways by eating healthier and eating breakfast more with bigger amounts.

    2. It dosen't make sense at all because all the fat on you can damage your insides and you are just not going to be very active.

    1. This was sam goldberg i forgot to add my name im sorry

  53. I would stop eating fastfood such as wendys, burger king, and mcdonalds. Then i will start eating vegetables like carrots, brocoli. Next i will eat more fruits, apples, grapes. While i do that i would then cut out carbonated drinks like soda, Dr. Pepper. Finally i can cut out all junky foods like cake, M&M's.
    Johnny Bestland
    Period 7

  54. 1.) I could incorporate the "5 ways" by cutting down on the foods with a lot of calories such as krispy kreme and sweet frog. I've realized I have been drinking a lot of soda over the past couple of weeks and i know it's not good to drink a lot of soda. I have baseball conditioning starting in a couple days and I know that wil get me back in shape so I'm not too worried about all of the stuff I eat right now.
    2.) Makes no sense to me at all.

    Glenny Woolschlager
    Period 7

  55. I could use the 5 steps plan by keeping track of what i am eating, and makin sure i am eating eating what i need to.

    I completely disagree with this sentence. First of all, it is not lucky to be obese, it is not a good thing. And sure, it is easy to diagnose, but because it is very obvious, kids are made fun of because of it.

  56. the last comment was published by
    Isaac Levine

  57. !. I could use 5 ways to plan my eationg habits, i could also use it to calculate the calories and fats in my foods and choose which meals my healthiest
    2. People with obesity are not lucky, they can't do as many activities as someone with good a bmi, not to mention the self esteem they have which could lead to suicidal thoughts, I think it is more destructive than lucky
    James Kuldell P.7

  58. 1) I could incorporate the five ways by focusing more on what i eat for breakfast, like making sure i have some fruit and milk, or something else with protein.
    2) It does not make sense to me, because when kids are obese it makes them self conscious, and does not always motivate them to change. People make fun of them for it.
    Will Quackenbush

  59. 1) I could actually eat breakfast and eat healthier snacks when i got home from school
    2) it makes sense but it is much more of a negative thing for a child to be obese and be aware of it then not be obese and be less aware of their unheathy habits
    Michael Myers

  60. 1) I could make a weekly meal plan. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water and less soda. I could eat a breakfast with more protein and fiber.
    2) It makes sense because with obesity you can actually see the problem unlike some things like cancer but your never lucky when you have a health problem.

    David Yazdani
    P. 3

  61. 1.I should keep track how many calories i intake per week and eat more fruits and vegetables. I occasionally skip breakfast but i eat it most of the times.
    2. it does make sense because some health issues are not visible. Skinny people have the chance of having high cholesterol but have to have it tested in order to know.
    david nguyen

  62. 1. i would start by instead of eating cookies or chips,choosing a healthy alternative like trail mix or fruit. also i would continue to eat balanced meals and exercise regularly.

    2. it doesn't make sense to me why would someone who is obese be lucky

    Chris Partyka prd 7

  63. 1. Instead of eating things like chips or candy as a snack i may eat an apple or a banana. I would also start to look at some of the calories i eat so i can keep it at a good level.

    2. You not lucky. Sure its good to know your obese because many people may have a form of disease or cancer and not know, but its not lucky because it is still a problem.

    Michael Elliott

  64. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" by having a healthy pattern in my eating habits, for example, one morning i could have 2 eggs, the the next have whole wheat oatmeal, then a protein shake, etc.... I could also have a big breakfast and then lessen what i eat for lunch and dinner, i could also have a shedueled workout to help burn more calories.

    2.No it doesnt make sense to me because visible or not being unhealthy is bad either way. People who dont have visble signs will still be aware themselves that they are unhealthy and work hard to fix that, same with obese people they can just visually see their progress.

    -Logan Tritto
    -Period 3

  65. 1.To incorporate the 5 ways, i could check what i eat, and to eat at the right times

    2.It makes sense, since they know what they have to fix to solve their problem.

    Kane Hsu

  66. 1. To incoporate the 5 ways, i could check what i eat a.k.a (check the calories, how much i eat of it)
    1, 2, 3 , and 4 i already do and particpate in. Number 5 is a big issue for me because i always skip breakfest because i never have time in the morning to have a nice meal.
    2. The statement does not make sense to me because how can someone that is obese, be lucky? it does not make any sense.
    ~Sam De Jong~
    ~Period 7~

  67. 1. To incorporate the 5 ways, I could count calories and do portion control. I could also try to sleep earlier so that I wake up earlier, and therefore have time to eat breakfast.

    2.It does not make sense to me because it is harder for someone to change their lifestyles than to maintain it, and if they are obese then changes must generally be made.

    Michael Palizkar

  68. 1.To incorporate the 5 ways,I could try to go to bed earlier so i get more sleep and wake up earllier to make and have a more healthier breakfest.Also instead of chips as a snack i could subsitute carrots and peas.

    2. no it does not make sense to me because people who are obese have less activity because they are unable to do alot of activity. This is do to how they eat.

    Ben Museles
    Period 7

  69. 1.I could incorporate the five ways by eating healthier and by keeping track of what i eat
    2.It dosen't make sense at all because all the fat on you can damage your insides and you are just not going to be very active
    Matt Klein
    period 3

  70. 1. I could eat healthier sometimes
    2. I guess it does make sense but then again eating a lot isn't something to start worrying about once you become obese.
    pd 8

  71. 1. I could eat healthier and eat more fruits and vegeatables instead of carbs. Also I could eat breakfast every day.
    2. it doesnt make sense becuase ur not lucky. if ur unhealthy ur niot lucky.
    noah Braunstein

  72. 1) one thing i could do is eat more fresh fruits and veggies & cut back on soda
    2)yes this does make sense to mer its not like its a mental or anarexic problem were it cant be seen.


  73. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways" by eating right and eating more vegetables
    2. It does not make sense to me because it is harder for someone to change their lifestyles than to maintain it


  74. 1: i could eat healthier on some occasions, more fruits
    2: it does not make sense because it is not lucky to be unhealthy, and to be over wieght you more lucky if you maintain a good diet and are in shape.

    Luke Klecker

  75. one thing i would do is eat hgealither foods such as fruits and veggies.yes this made sense to me its not like it is something that cant be changed its not like its mental and cant be seen

    Marlon romero period 7

  76. 1)i would check more on my diet and eat more healthy food and avoid junk and high fat foods. eat a complete breakfast including milk and fruits, a healthy lunch like salads and chicken, and a healthy dinner too.

    2)i does not make any sense to me.


  77. 1) I could incorperate the 5 ways everyday by planning what to eat ahead of time instead of choosing something on the spot and not really thinking about their nutritional value.
    2) I doesnt make sence to be, but in some ways they are lucky because they are still alive, but they arnt because they arnt healthy.

    Tatum King, Period 8

  78. 1. I could incorporate the "5 ways into my meals everyday by planning what I eat ahead of time.
    2. This statement does not make sense to me because benig obese is not something to be happy about. They are lucky to have realized the disease is there before it's too late though.

    Ellie Gesiskie
    Period 8

  79. the way i could incorperate the 5 ways into my daily routine is if i got my family at home involved and we all workout together. i could also cut out sugary drinks like gatorade and soda.

    yes it makes sense because it shows a sign of lazieness or that the person is not working or eating the right ways.
    Andy Carrion Pd. 3

  80. The way i could incorporate the %ways is by working out with my family and all eating toghater and healthy. We could make a list of what we will eat and all the bad unhealthy foods we shouldnt eat.

    The statement doesnt make sense to me because being obese isnt lucky at all to me. You cant play sports and many daily life things are hard for you, such as walking up the stairs or even walking around your house.

    Abdul Khan Pd 3

  81. 1. not having junk food in closet to eat
    2. make a meal plan and buy all the ingrediants on sunday before the week starts
    3. always have one veggie/friut at every meal
    4.drink soda only on special occasions, drink milk and water during school days
    5. eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. dont eat dessert or sweets throught the day. have a snack when needed

    Heather Nelson
    pd 8

  82. 1 no more junk
    2 meal plan
    3 keep a correct portion of fruit and vegies
    4 no sugary soda/juice
    5 eat all my meals

    it doese make sense they can see what problems they have and know to correct them


  83. 1.) eat less junk food and stick to drinking water instead of "liquid calories"
    2.) the statement doesnt make sense to be because it shouldnt be lucky to physically obese.

    Michael Ambrosino

  84. I count calories and do portion control. I could also try to always eat healthy meals

    The statement doesnt make sense because being obese is not something to be happy about.

  85. 1) i could eat more natural foods and try to eat even portions. also i would try to buy healthier meals.
    2)it does not make sense to me because i dont consider obese people lucky because obesity could bring diseases or other problems effecting that persons health

    Alyssa Kopsidas

  86. 10 i could eat more natural food and stuff without preservatives.
    20obese people arnt lucky there fat
    bobby mack period 2

  87. 1) i could eat less crap food, eat mroe greens.
    2) fat people arent lucky becuase thier condtions can be seen by eveyone & be mad fun of etc.

    Xavier swingler

  88. 1) Since I cook dinner I can make them healthier and eat less junk food
    2)I wouldn't see it as lucky because being obese can be in genes or from eating and many obese people don't feel well emotionally about being obese

    Jared Welsh
