Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So far this semster we have looked at ways to get our body stronger, how to eat to support that strength, and way's to help deal with soft tissue and mobility issues.  The final piece to our healthy living puzzle has to do with sleep.  Please read the following article from the National Sleep Foundation on teens and sleep as well as the WTOP article on changing the starting time for the high schools and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Sleep is food for the brain. During sleep, important body functions and brain activity occur. Skipping sleep can be harmful — even deadly, particularly if you are behind the wheel. You can look bad, you may feel moody, and you perform poorly. Sleepiness can make it hard to get along with your family and friends and hurt your scores on school exams, on the court or on the field. Remember: A brain that is hungry for sleep will get it, even when you don’t expect it. For example, drowsiness and falling asleep at the wheel cause more than 100,000 car crashes every year. When you do not get enough sleep, you are more likely to have an accident, injury and/or illness.


  • Sleep is vital to your well-being, as important as the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food you eat. It can even help you to eat better and manage the stress of being a teen.
  • Biological sleep patterns shift toward later times for both sleeping and waking during adolescence -- meaning it is natural to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00 pm.
  • Teens need about 9 1/4 hours of sleep each night to function best (for some, 8 1/2 hours is enough). Most teens do not get enough sleep — one study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights.
  • Teens tend to have irregular sleep patterns across the week — they typically stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of their sleep.
  • Many teens suffer from treatable sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, insomnia, restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea.


Not getting enough sleep or having sleep difficulties can:
  • Limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. You may even forget important information like names, numbers, your homework or a date with a special person in your life;
  • Make you more prone to pimples. Lack of sleep can contribute to acne and other skin problems;
  • Lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior such as yelling at your friends or being impatient with your teachers or family members;
  • Cause you to eat too much or eat unhealthy foods like sweets and fried foods that lead to weight gain;
  • Heighten the effects of alcohol and possibly increase use of caffeine and nicotine; and
  • Contribute to illness, not using equipment safely or driving drowsy.


  • Make sleep a priority. Review Teen Time in this toolkit and keep the Teen Sleep Diary. Decide what you need to change to get enough sleep to stay healthy, happy, and smart!
  • Naps can help pick you up and make you work more efficiently, if you plan them right. Naps that are too long or too close to bedtime can interfere with your regular sleep.
  • Make your room a sleep haven. Keep it cool, quiet and dark. If you need to, get eyeshades or blackout curtains. Let in bright light in the morning to signal your body to wake up.
  • No pills, vitamins or drinks can replace good sleep. Consuming caffeine close to bedtime can hurt your sleep, so avoid coffee, tea, soda/pop and chocolate late in the day so you can get to sleep at night. Nicotine and alcohol will also interfere with your sleep.
  • When you are sleep deprived, you are as impaired as driving with a blood alcohol content of .08%, which is illegal for drivers in many states. Drowsy driving causes over 100,000 crashes each year. Recognize sleep deprivation and call someone else for a ride. Only sleep can save you!
  • Establish a bed and wake-time and stick to it, coming as close as you can on the weekends. A consistent sleep schedule will help you feel less tired since it allows your body to get in sync with its natural patterns. You will find that it’s easier to fall asleep at bedtime with this type of routine.
  • Don’t eat, drink, or exercise within a few hours of your bedtime. Don’t leave your homework for the last minute. Try to avoid the TV, computer and telephone in the hour before you go to bed. Stick to quiet, calm activities, and you’ll fall asleep much more easily!
  • If you do the same things every night before you go to sleep, you teach your body the signals that it’s time for bed. Try taking a bath or shower (this will leave you extra time in the morning), or reading a book.
  • Try keeping a diary or to-do lists. If you jot notes down before you go to sleep, you’ll be less likely to stay awake worrying or stressing.
  • When you hear your friends talking about their all-nighters, tell them how good you feel after getting enough sleep.
  • Most teens experience changes in their sleep schedules. Their internal body clocks can cause them to fall asleep and wake up later. You can’t change this, but you can participate in interactive activities and classes to help counteract your sleepiness. Make sure your activities at night are calming to counteract your already heightened alertness.
If teens need about 9 1/4 hours of sleep to do their best and naturally go to sleep around 11:00 pm, one way to get more sleep is to start school later.
Teens' natural sleep cycle puts them in conflict with school start times. Most high school students need an alarm clock or a parent to wake them on school days. They are like zombies getting ready for school and find it hard to be alert and pay attention in class. Because they are sleep deprived, they are sleepy all day and cannot do their best.
Schools that have set later bell times find that students do not go to bed later, but get one hour more of sleep per school night, which means five hours more per week.
Enrollment and attendance improves and students are more likely to be on time when school starts. Parents and teachers report that teens are more alert in the morning and in better moods; they are less likely to feel depressed or need to visit the nurse or school counselor.

There is currently a push in the county to change the start time of high schools.  Here is an article from WTOP.

Montgomery petition calls for later school bells

Sunday - 11/4/2012, 1:29am ET
    ROCKVILLE, Md. - Thousands of people across Montgomery County have signed a petition calling for later start times for high schools, which often start class before 7:30 a.m.The Washington Post reports more than 7,000 people have signed the petition since it was launched Oct. 15. It will be presented to the school board this month.Supporters point to research showing that lack of sleep is linked to academic performance, absenteeism and increased risk of depression and car crashes.Parent Shelly McGill of Bethesda says it's not safe for students to be out before the sun rises. A student was fatally struck by a car this week at 7:03 a.m. on her way to Seneca Valley High School.While a later school start sounds good to teens and many parents, it could have a domino effect. School buses in Montgomery County do double or triple duty, driving teens first, then middle schoolers and finally the youngest kids. Buying more buses to accommodate the time change for teens would be cost-prohibitive. Later start times would also conflict with after-school sports.Mary Carskadon, professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University, says the teenage brain needs eight and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep per night. A teenager in Montgomery County would have to be in bed by 9 p.m. to get the right amount and still be on time the next morning - a bedtime many teens are unwilling to adopt. Joshua Starr, superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools, has promised to take another look at the question. The petition goes to the school board in November. Fairfax County also has early start times. But Arlington and Loudoun counties start school later.WTOP's Rosemary Frisino Toohey and Heather Brady contributed to this report.Follow WTOP on Twitter.

    For this weeks blog, answer the following questions on the Sleep Foundation Article and the WTOP article.

    1. How much sleep on average do you get each night and how does that compare to the recommended amounts in the information above?
    2. What are some of the consequences of not getting enough sleep?
    3. Which strategies listed above would help you to get more sleep
    4. Do you think starting high school later is a good idea?
    5. What issues do you see developing if high school start times are pushed back?


    1. 1.I sleep around 7 hours, it says we need 9 1/4 hours but i sleep averagly around 7, so i need to sleep more.
      2.sleeping disorders,limits learning and solving ability,eating habits change, skin problem.
      3.i could astablish fixed times to sleep and wake up, and take naps in the afternoon.
      4.no, starting earlier is better to prepare you for the future.
      5.they won't be prepared for college and their grades and results will be a ton lower.

    2. 1 6
      2 eating habits and tiredness
      3 naps
      4 no start early
      5 would have to rearange entire schedule
      Michael M

    3. 1. o hrs
      2. being tired.
      4start early
      5. would change my schedule
      bobby mack period 2

    4. 1. 7-8 hours. need 1-2 more hours
      2. lack of focus and awarness, bad eatting habits
      3. going to bed earlier
      4. yeah
      5. more procrastination
      Aurash A

    5. 1) I sleep around 5 and 1/2 hours a night it says teenagers need about 9 and 1/2 to 8 and 1/2 hours a night, I definitively need more sleep

      2)Limits my ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems,makes me more prone to pimples, and leads to aggressive behavior

      3)Make sleep a priority, make my room a sleep haven, and do quiet calm activities before going to sleep don't work out

      4)Yes,I will have to ability to go to bed later and maintain 9 and 1/2 to 8 and 1/2 hour of sleep a day

      5) Would change every ones' schedule,from teachers to students, the bus issue Montgomery county would have to hire more bus driver and buy more buses, and people would procrastinate more

      Nabeel Emran P.d 7

    6. -I sleep 7-8 hours a night, so i need a couple hours more
      -im tired and irritable
      -stop procrastinating on my work
      -no cuz
      -clubs and sports would be too late

    7. 1) I get around 8 and a half but I should be getting an extra hour.
      2) Drowsiness, irritable towards others, can't function correctly.
      3) Make sleep something that I need to do regardless of how long I want to stay up, do calming activities in the evening so that I am not riled up at night.
      4) Yes, I think it will uppen our moods and allow us to function more properly.
      5) People will want an even later start time arguing this one wasn't enough and everyone's schedules would become messed up.

      Daniel Ansher
      Pd- 07

    8. 1) I get 7-8 hours of sleep a day, but the article says teens should get 9 and 1/4
      2) lack of focus, concentration and energy in all activities
      3) managing time better
      4) Yes, it gives students more flexibility
      5) some people will think that they can stay up later because school starts later

      Boaz ru

    9. 1. I get around 7-9 hours of sleep per night. I still need about another hour on average.
      2. Going to school drowsy, sleeping in class, not focusing in class, less patience.
      3. Not take naps (took naps after school for 30mins-1hr and didnt fall asleep till like 12am.)Have sleeping a top priority.
      4. No, go to bed early, the county has been doing this for years, why change it?
      5. Students will just go to bed later. It will help us later in the future because when you get a job or go to college you might be starting work/class at 7am. And the class schedules will have to change.

      Paul Saah Pd.3

    10. 1. I get around 6 hours of sleep, and I need to sleep two more hours to get enough sleep. Though when I am able to sleep for as much as I want on the weekends I sleep 10 hours, which is the amount I need to feel well rested.
      2. I feel tired during the day, and I am not able to pay attention during class. I also generally do not retain as much information from days when I do not sleep.
      3. I do not think any of the strategies could help me, as I always got to whatever club I have that day, then play basketball with my friends, and then do homework. However, I could start doing parts of homework during class.
      4. Yes, the only reason I dislike school is because it starts early. I hate having to wake up still feeling tired. I also think that my grades would improve, because on days where I sleep more I do better on tests.
      5. The cost of having to buy extra buses would be an issue, but this could be fixed by moving middle school start times up as well (the start time between middle and elementary already has a large gap). This would allow the current number of buses to be enough.

      -Michael Palizkar
      Period 3

    11. 1 I get 6-7 hours of sleep a day the article says teens should get 9
      2 i am very tired in school
      3 think of fixed times to go to bed and don't send time on the computer before i go to bed
      4 no
      5 it would change peoples schedule

      matthew kay pd 2

    12. 1. I get around 5-7 hours of sleep, so I need to get 2-4 more sleep
      2. I am usually not too tired in school, but sometimes I get very tired. I also don't function properly to perform my daily activities.
      3. I could use fixed times to go to bed
      4. Yes
      5. The students wont learn as well because school is a little later and they wont be prepared for college.

      Vardhan Mehan

    13. I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, an hour more could benefit me.
      I usually get very tired during the day and have trouble paying attention.
      I could try to keep a fixed schedule of when i go to sleep and try and take naps on days that i know i will be up later.
      We would get out later and have less time in the afternoon to get stuff dont like homework and also it woudl be harder for teens with jobs to have good schedules

      Alyssa Kopsidas

    14. 1.Around 5-6 hours, but according to the information I need to get 3-4 more hours of sleep.
      2.I am almost always tired throughout the day and lack focus in some classes.
      3.To fix this problem, I shuold manage my time better.
      5. People will most likely go to bed later, and after school acitivities will end later or be curtailed.

    15. 1. Typically 8 hours, sometimes 8 1/2. How much sleep I get is usually half an hour off the "some people" target.
      2. Death, forgetfulness, not paying attention, etc.
      3. Get rid of all of that nicotine and alcohol before bed-- kidding, kidding-- I could just do homework earlier and make my room darker.
      4. Ideally, yes-- but there must be some 'catch' as to why they haven't changed it sooner.
      5. People freaking out about changing their schedules, some people being stupid and using the time to stay up later, etc.

      Claire R.
      Pd. 8

    16. 1) around 7 hours of sleep per night, I should get at least 2 more hours of sleep compared to the article... But this is not realistic with the amount of hw and studying highschoolers have to do
      2) not foccused, drowsy, sleepy, bad attitude, lowering of grades
      3)I can try to get to bed at least by 11 every night, and keep it constant even on the weekends
      4)no and yes
      5)not enough time for hw, bus Schedual messed up

      Heather Nelson
      Pd 8

    17. 1) I get around 6 and 1/2 hours of sleep every night, I need about 3 more hours.
      2) Trouble concentrating because i'm sleepy
      3) Make a bed time so I get more sleep.
      4) Yes
      5) People would procrastinate more.

      Arjun Saini
      Pd 7

    18. 1. I get around 7 hours of sleep, so I need to get 2 more hours sleep
      2. I am not tired in school. I also don't function properly to perform my daily activities.
      3. I could use fixed times to go to bed
      4. Yes
      5. The students wont learn as well because school is a little later and they wont be prepared for college.

      -Stephen Potemken

    19. 1) i get around 6 1/2 to 7 hours of sleep, go to bed at ten, up at five so i can go to the gym before school
      2)I do have pretty bad acne, and i'm usually tiered between 3rd and 6th period
      3)I wouldn't change anything about my sleep pattern, if i go to bed even earlier, i can't get all my work done.
      5)I don't really see an issue

      Lukas Bastien

    20. 1) I usually get 7-8 hours a sleep a night. I should be getting about an hour more.
      2) Some of the consequences of not getting enough sleep is tiredness and not being able to focus as well.
      3) I could try to go to bed earlier and set i time i try to go to bed by every night and spend less time watching tv.
      4) no
      5) The bus schedules would be messed up and people would probably go to bed later.

      Maddie Mays

    21. 1. about 9 hours during the school week

      2. im tired for almosgt the entire day

      3. i can give my self a bed time and a wake up time for the school week

      4. no because when u get a job you will be getting up around the same time or erlier

      5. stay up later doing hw, not have time to work


    22. 1.) I get about 7 - 9 hours a day per week.
      2.) I'm tired after school, but after I nap I'm fine.
      3.) I give myself a bedtime usually; I go to be around 10 PM or 11PM during the school week. On non-school days (Excluding sunday) I stay up whenever I wanna go to bed.
      4.) No, because High school is a lot of work. If you start it later all of your energy will be used up.
      5.) Grades dropping due to being tired, people cramming things in, etc.

      ~Cole Cochran, PD 7

    23. 1) I usually get around 7 hours of sleep per day. Sometimes less.

      2) After I don't get enough sleep, I'm just annoyed because there's always something to do that keeps me from sleeping, like hw.

      3) A schedule would be a good idea, but that limits free time, which is something a lot of people cherish.

      4) Starting High School doesn't change the fact that we'll still be spending any time after school studying/doing homework, and then we'll go to bed even later, since we get out of school later.

      5) It would mess up the schedule that thousands of teens have gotten into. And it still wouldn't change procrastination problems.

      Oliver Salter, PD.7

    24. 1.) I get about 6 hours of sleep or less per night. It's less than recommended but it can't be helped.
      2.) Hormonal imbalance, depression, dropping grades, dangerous for drivers
      3.) I could get a nap in during French maybe. I set a regular bed time and attempt to got to sleep by it.
      4.) YES
      5.) Probably the biggest issue would be the logistics transporting children in school buses.

      P.S. I wrote a letter to the editor about this and it was printed in the latest edition of the Gazette.

    25. i get probaly about 7 and a half hours of sleep
      umm i am just overall crabky
      i could try to go to sleep before 11
      I don think it would help. as much as that seems awesome, you would have less time to do homework so you end up going to bed later anyway
      Umm i think it would be all the after chool clubs and like groups that people particiate in
      Isaac Levine

    26. 1.I usually get 7 to 7 and half hours of sleep.
      2.I can't wake up and concentrate in school.
      3.Try to go to bed earlier every night to create a fixed schedule of sleep.
      5.School would most likely end earlier and you would come home later.
      David Nguyen

    27. I get about 7 hours of sleep a night which is about 2 and 1/4 hours short of the recommended hours.
      Some consequences of not getting enough sleep are drowsiness, malnutrition, and lacking mental and physical performance.
      All I need to do is go to bed and wake up at a reasonable time every day and take short naps when im tired.
      Yes starting school later would be amazing because I have more time for sleep and homework.
      I think nothing will really change because a later bell would just allow students to go to bed later and not get the recommended amount of sleep.

      Alex Walsh

    28. 1. 6 below recomended amount
      2.harder to learn,skin problems,agression, causese one to eat too much, and increased effect of alchol
      3. naps and make sleaping a priority
      4. yes teens need the sleep
      5. none
      chris partyka prd 7

    29. 1: 5 hours recomended is 8
      2:contributes to illness,agression,hieghtened effects of caffine and alcohol
      5:later release

      eli franck pd 7

    30. 9 recomended is 8
      drousey,agression, lacking thinking ability
      set a bed time and naps
      no issues

    31. 5-6 hours, recommended is 8
      tired all the time, sleeping in class
      nap, set bedtime
      no issues

      Tatum King period 8

    32. 1)8-9 Hours of sleep
      2)Being tired starting to not understand anything
      3)Dont leave the homework to last minute
      4)I dont care
      5)Less time to do homework, and the bus schedual would be different then it is now

      Johnny Bestland Pd 7

    33. 1. i get around 7- 8 hours of sleep which is close to the recommended amount of sleep.
      2. effects the ability to learn, diference in eating habbits, and hard to understand things when tired.
      3. napping more and getting homework done earlier so i can get to bed earlier.
      4. no i think school starting earlier sort of forces you to get up and fall asleep earlier.
      5. there wll be a later release and kids will stay up later if they know school starts later.
      Ben Museles
      Period 7

    34. 1. I normally get about 8 1/2 hours of sleep which is right around the required amount of sleep for a teen. I anything, I need about 30-45 minutes more.
      2. Inability to pay attention in class, to your friends, etc. One who does not get enough sleep is more vulnerable to illness, become obese or overweight, and could lead to more aggressive and inappropriate behavior.
      3. Make my room cooler, darker a and quieter at night while also allowing a place for bright light to come in in the morning. Keep a more consistent sleep schedule.
      4. While we would get to sleep in later in the morning, for a lot of us, the time we actually sleep will be the same. With after-school activities starting later and the usual load of homework. Most teens would get to sleep later and sleep the same amount of time as they do now.
      5. Teens will be forced to stay up later with the ending of extracurricular activities ending later and having to do their usual load of homework.

      Jake Shulman
      Period 7

    35. 1. Usually anywhere from 5-8 hrs a day.
      2. Lack of focus, athletic performance, and dietary issues.
      3. I think napping would be a good solution as well as attempting to set up a strict sleep and wake up time.
      4. Yes, I personally think I would really benefit from it.
      5. A change in all grade level schools, as teens usually get out of school early enough to take care of younger siblings, (parents usually are working).

      Rahul Dharmavaratha
      Pd. 7

    36. 1.usually 7-8 hours a night
      2. you grades willdrop you will becomemore moody and lack of focus
      3. Going to bed at the same time every night no matter what would be a good solution
      4. dont care
      5. because everthing in the day would just be pushed back an hour or 2. I would still get the same amount of sleep

      Noah braunstein

    37. 1.Around 5-6 hours, but according to the information I need to get 3-4 more hours of sleep.
      2.I am almost always tired throughout the day and lack focus in some classes.
      3.To fix this problem, I shuold manage my time better.
      5. People will most likely go to bed later, and after school acitivities will end later or be curtailed.

      Andrew Sanya

    38. Around 6.5-7.5 hours on a school night.

      Lack of focus and drowsiness as well as moodiness are an effect of lack of sleep, particularly for me.

      I need to keep a more regular schedule and eat earlier

      School start times should definitely be pushed back, My first classes are always the ones i get the worst grades in.

      If the start time is pushed back, then winter sports practices may need to be shortened due to lack of light and/or temperatures.

      Ethan Crookshank PD 3

    39. 1) 8 hours. kinda close to recommended

      2) hard to focus and drowsiness

      3) i could make a sleep schedule

      4) no its a terrible idea

      5) less time to do hw and do sports in the afternoon, its going mess up elementary and middle school times, and its going to make you unprepared for college and work in the future

      David Yazdani
      Period 3

    40. 1. i usually get 8-6 hourz of sleep a night
      2. i have trubl focusing on the teacher and im depressed
      3. i could have eazy clases and go to bed at 7:30 and wake at 6:45
      4. nah but a change wud be nice
      5. less play time in the sun eatin orios an kool aid an cheetoz
      ----------------SEA'N WELDON_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

    41. 1. 6 to 9 haha
      2. less focus meaning a drop in grades. general fatigue.mood can also deteriorate.
      3. set a more constant sleep schedule
      5.it messes up how the school system operates and a lot of changes and unfamiliar measures would have to be taken. instead of after school activities because of a possible new start times before school activities might become the norm. which is essentially pointless.
      melynn pd 8

    42. oh also melynn says her sleeping times are below and above the recommended 8 hours.

    43. 1.on the weekends i get about 10-12 hours of sleep and on weekdays during school 8 hours. compared to the info, i'd say i get a healthy amount of sleep, even more so on the weekends.

      2. some of the consequences of lack of sleep could be things like, not growing and a healthy rate, not allowing muscles to heal after a workout, not allowing cuts to heal, and most importantly, not giving your body enough time to regain energy to get through the day.

      3. strategies that are listed above that would help me the most is naps, and making my room a sleep haven.

      4. that's not even a question to think about, of course high school should start later because when you become a teenager, your testastorone builds, you go through growth spurts, ect.. and inorder to acomplish most of those things you need sleep unlike children who usually go to bed at around 10 and wake up at 6 with an excessive amount of energy.

      5. if the times were to be pushed back, it wouldn't give us enough time to finish homework and if you have an after school activity or on a sports team (like me) you would egt home even later giving you even less time to finish homework.

      -Logan Tritto

    44. 1) about 6 hours during the week and the weekend

      2) hard to focus and drowsiness

      3) i cant really do anything about it because i cant miss any hockey...

      4) i wouldn't mind high school starting later

      5) less time to do hw in the afternoon, its going mess up elementary and middle school times, and its going to make you unprepared for college and work in the future

      Luke Klecker

    45. 1) around 8 hours during the week

      2) poor acedemic preformance, increased risk of depression, car crashes

      3) taking a shower before i go to bed, keeping a regular sleep schedual

      4) yes i think it is a good idea

      5) less time for after school activities

      Matt Klein

    46. 1) I get around 7hrs sleep.
      2) I will do bad in school and wont be able to concetrate.
      3) Make sleep a priority, Make your room a sleep haven and take naps.
      4) I think high school should shorter not start later.
      5) This would mean school would end later and we would have less time to do home work.

      kamran singh
      period 3

    47. 1. 3-6
      2.go to sleep in class,cant focus
      3.take naps during the day
      5. none
      -michael ha

    48. 1.)I sleep for 6 hours every night
      2.) Your tired all the time, and you sleep in classes.
      3.)Naps during the day, and the make your room a sleep heaven.
      4.)Yes very good
      5.)You have less time do homework and afterschool activities.

    49. 1. I get on average of 6 or 8 hours on week days and around 10 on weekends.
      2. Is hard to concentrate during class and your always tired.
      3. I can take short naps after school.
      4. Yes and no.
      5. School would end later so there would be less time to do homework and other things.

      Nathaniel Rosov

    50. 1. I get 8 hours during the week and 12 hours during the weekend
      2. You can't learn well and driving is harder
      3.I can create a time to go to bed and wake up and stay constant with the times
      4. yes
      5. school would have to end later

    51. 1) i get 6-7 hours of sleep every night and 9 hours during the weekend.
      2) It's hard to stay awake and you dont have the energy to do regular day activities.
      3) i can create and every day schedule that'll keep my timings of everything i do during the day so i can get everything i have to do get done and sleep early and get more hours of sleep.
      4) Yes it is a good idea, more kids will get more sleep and pay better attention during class and have more energy to participate.
      5) School would end later and we would have less things to do during the timespan of school ending- sleeping.

    52. 1) I sleep every night for 6 hours
      2) It's hard to concentrate to ESOL class
      3) I will plan to go to bed at certain time.
      4) Yes, as it increase more sleep time.
      5) All of the schedule will delay for several times

      Jason Shim

    53. 1) I get 7-8 hours of sleep a day, but the article says teens should get 9 and 1/4
      2) lack of focus, concentration and energy in all activities
      3) managing time better
      4) Yes, it gives students more flexibility
      5) some people will think that they can stay up later because school starts 1) I get 7-8 hours of sleep a day, but the article says teens should get 9 and 1/4
      2) lack of focus, concentration and energy in all activities
      3) managing time better
      4) Yes, it gives students more flexibility
      5) some people will think that they can stay up later because school starts later

      Javier arana

    54. 1) I get about 5 hours of sleep but the article says get 9 hours
      2) less energy, lack of concentration/focus
      3)have better time management, stop procrastinating
      4)no because sports/activities won't change lengths of time, along with homework. Either way, students will get about the same amount of sleep.
      5)Kids will be less productive after school because they feel like they'll have time before school to do homework and study.

      Andrew Jasen

    55. 1.i sleep 7-8 hours so i need .5 to an hour more.
      2. really tired, harder to focus, worse eating habits
      3. naps and making sleep a proiority
      4. Maybe a little but not to much. If u start school to late it wont make a difference if you have alot of homework because you'll be up later.
      5.Kids might stay up later because school starts later. Also school would need to end later pushing activities back later in the day that before you would have done sooner.

      Michael Elliott

    56. 1) I get about 7 hours of sleep and on the weekends I get 9 hours. The article says to get 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep.
      2) Mood swings, cranky, lazy, not paying attention in class and leading to grade dropping.
      3) Establish a certain time i will sleep and wake up. Also making my room really dark so it'll be easier to fall asleep.
      4) I think starting high school later is better because there is a chance we could raise our grade. We could be more focused and stay up a little later studying.
      5) Kids might stay up later and get lazy and maybe they woiuld go to school late.

      Joanne Liu
      Period 8

    57. 1.)I get about 5-6 hours of sleep every night. I need to fall asleep a little earlier.
      2.)Lack of focus, Bad moods
      3.)naps and going to bed earlier.
      4.)No because I want to be able to have a longer afternoon.
      5.)Not enough time for after school activities.

      Glenny Woolschlager
      Period 7

    58. 1. I get around 7 hours of sleep every night. I should go to sleep at an earlier time.
      2. Not focusing, cranky
      3. Make a bed time
      4. I would rather have a longer afternoon
      5. Less time for homework, after school activites, etc...

      Ryan Bass

    59. 1. I get around 7.5 to 8 on a good day (and around 10-11 on weekends) whereas I am supposed to keep a consistent sleep level of around 8.5-9.5 hours a night.
      2. Sleeping in school, grades dropping, don't give your body a chance to recuperate after a day of work and exercise.
      3. Plan out homework and don't procrastinate.
      4. Hell yes, I would function much better with a normal wake up time.
      5. After school sports need the whole afternoon for their stuff.

    60. 1. i get around 6-7 hours on a school night. 9-11 on weekends. i need to get a lot more sleep on school nights
      2. being cranky in school, unable to concentrate in school
      3. dont eat, drink, or exercise before going to bed+ set a bed time
      4. it is a good idea because then, teens will have a greater chance of being more successful in school because of getting more hours of sleep.
      5. clubs and sports afterschool will end later on in the day.

    61. 1. I get around 5 hours of sleep on school nights and around 10 to 12 on the weekends. I shouldbe getting more sleep during the week.
      2.falling asleep in class, not being able to concentrate
      3.dont eat or excercize 30 minutes or less before bedtime
      5.sports' practices will end later

      -Matt Mays

    62. 1) I usually get 6-8 hours of sleep per night.
      2)You can become tired during the day and lose focus in school and other aspects of your life.
      3)I think avoiding electronics would be good for me because i use my phone alot before bed which usually keeps me up.
      4)No, because people have jobs and lives outside of school so its good that it ends early.
      5)People still get the same amount of sleep because they go to bed even later and say that school starts later so they can go to bed later.

      Sam Goldberg
      PD 3

    63. 1)How much sleep on average do you get each night and how does that compare to the recommended amounts in the information above? the av is 7-8 hours but i normally get 5-6 hours.
      2)What are some of the consequences of not getting enough sleep? not beiong attentive in class/ not doing well on any tests or exams etc.
      3)Which strategies listed above would help you to get more sleep? taking more naps would help me out a lot becuase the amount of sleep i get isnt enough.
      4)Do you think starting high school later is a good idea? no becuase eihter way kids would stay up later.

      Xavier swinghler
      What issues do you see developing if high school start times are pushed back? lower test scores & bad behaivior

    64. 1. 5 or 6 in week and 11 or 12 on weekends and i should get more sleep during week
      2. lower grades, always tired, lack of attentiveness
      3. not having caffeine before bed or not eating right before bed
      4. no because it is less time after school for activities and would screw up peoples schedules
      5. i dont see any benifits to starting later but negatives could be less time for schoolwork after school
      Michael Myers
      Period 3

    65. 1) 6 hours
      2) Work and early school.
      3) I will plan to go to bed at certain time.
      4) Yes, as it increase more sleep time.
      5) All of the schedule will delay for several times

    66. 1)in the week i usually get around 7 hours of sleep. The recommended hours of sleep are 8 and up.
      2)low performance, constant tiredness and lazyness.
      3)avoid having snacks right before sleep.
      4)yes, but as long as the dismissal hour doesnt go later.
      5)higher performance on students and more energy throughout the day.

    67. 5 hours on weeknights 8 hours on weekends
      you get cranky and restless
      try to sleep listinig to j-cole and knnan
      nah i would rather have block schedules with less homework
      they might extend the skool day
      sean weldon pd3

    68. 1.I sleep around 8 1/2 hours, it says we need 9 1/4 hours but i sleep averagly around 7, so i need to sleep more.
      2. Sleeping disorders and ACNE!!
      3.TAKE NAPS!
      4.no, starting earlier is better to prepare you for the future.
      5.they won't be prepared for college and their grades and results will be a ton lower.

    69. 1) I got to bed around 10 and i wake up at 5 so i need about 3 more hours
      2) not focusing during school and being grumpy
      3) get everything ready for the morning so you could sleep more
      4)no, starting earlier would be better
      5)jobs usually start earlier and it would be a lot easier to procrastinate and do your work in the morning.

    70. 1) I go to bed at 9 and wake up at 6 so I'm fine
      2) Not as focused, grumpy, tired during the day, etc.
      3)Pack my bag before I go to bed and take naps
      4)No, it would require more buses meaning more money and it prepares you to wake up early for a future job
      5)Buying more buses to pick up kids later, less time for after school activities to accommodate for home work

      Jared Welsh

    71. 1.) I go to bed at around 10:30, and then wake up at 5:20, so I get about 6 hours and 50 minutes of sleep each school day - about 1 or 2 hours behind the right time.
      2.) Not getting enough work done, falling asleep in class, being annoyed at people for no reason.
      3.) I could start a routine before going to bed, and I could do quiet activities right before it as well.
      4.) No it's not - bus drivers are already pushed too hard, and after-school activities would be even later. Plus, there would be less time to do homework after school
      5.) Bus drivers would have to be faster and more diligent which could be hard, and homework would be harder to do after school with less time, because if we can't do our homework before 9 NOW, it wouldn't help at all if we couldn't do homework before 10, because then our sleep schedules would be off again.

      Jill Grime, Period 8

    72. 1) I get about 7 hours of sleep a night
      2) Acne, mood problems, poor memory
      3) I could do a better job of cutting out tv and computer use close to bedtime
      4) we learned in health that when school start times were pushed back, students actually went to bed EARLIER on average, so it would not be such a bad idea to do so.
      5) An issue is that students might not get all their home work done/ have less time for other things
      Will Quackenbush

    73. 1) I usually get about 7 hours of sleep, about an hour behind the recommended amount.
      2) Not getting enough sleep can lead to emotional swings, acne, stress, prone to disease, etc.
      3)Not drinking things like soda too soon before bed would help. Also, settign a definite time for bed would help as well.
      4) Starting high school later is a good idea. We would have less time for homework, but the benefits of extra sleep and the improved health that people would gain outweighs the negatives.
      5) Kids might do less extracurricular activities, leading to a less active population overtime. Obesity might increase across the nation.

    74. 1) i sleep about 8 hours a night that still isnt enough compared to the 9 1/2 hours we need to sleep
      2) learning disorders, skin problens, harder to concentrate
      3) keep my room cool, quiet and dark to make my room a "Sleeping Heaven"
      4)I think it is a great idea because most kids (including me) STAY UP UNTIL 10-11 doing homework sometimes, this causes us to not have enough sleep, so we cannot learn to our full potential the next day.
      5)a potential problem could be that some kids might take advanage of having school later and sleep even later in the night and still not get enough sleep.
      -------Andy Carrion Pd. 3

    75. 1. I get 8 hours of sleep and i need just one more hour.
      2. The consequences are falling asleep in class, not being able to concentrate, and skin problems.
      3. I can try to not eat anything with caffeine before going to bed and make sleep my priority.
      4. I think high school should start later because i would like to get a little more sleep and so would a lot of kids and our brains might function a little better due to more sleep.
      5. Kids would probably stay up longer since they have more hours to sleep
      Julea Nedelman
      Period 8

    76. 1 i get 9 hours of sleep
      2concentration and skin problems are a concequence
      3 get a quiet room
      4 i think it should start later because sleep is more important for people in high school
      5 people would stay up longer and come to school later
      trevor case p3

    77. 1. I get at least 8 hours of sleep.
      2. Not easy to stay awake in class, trouble focusing.
      3. Make sure to get to sleep at a REASONABLE time.
      4. If school started later, maybe kids would have the chance to actually SLEEP.
      5. People would take advantage of going to sleep much later and getting to school late.
      Samantha Pineda Period 8

    78. 1.About 5-8 hours, depending on how fatigued I am.
      2.Unwillingness to get work done, and end up sleeping in some classes.
      3.Not play video games or lollygag around at late times.
      4.No. I believe the routine of waking up early is essential for some careers, and if people decide to sleep late, its their own problem
      5.Reasons stated above. People would be indolent, and not exercise the extra time wisely

      Kane Hsu, Period 2

    79. 1. On average i get about 8 hours of sleep. I could use that extra hour of sleep though.
      2. lack of focus in class, sleeping in class, bad mood
      3. Getting to sleep at a decent time would be a good strategy, and also taking short 30 minute naps to rest quick
      4. I do not think starting school would be a good idea. The reason its not a good idea is because we would be getting home later from school and sports and potential be having the same problem.
      5.The issue i see in starting school later would be the sports team would be practicing late into the afternoon and schools would have to pay more money to turn on the stadium lights.

      Noah Kimball

    80. 1.) on average i get about 7 hours (and sometimes less) of sleep which is not close to the recommended amount (i need to change that)
      2.) consequences consist of your learning ability, your mood, your well-being or health, and ability to focus especially at school.
      3.) cutting of workouts before sleep could effect the quality of my sleep as well as not waking up sore.
      4.)i would not want school pushed back because of my own sake (i need to be at my job everyday at 2:30)
      5.) I sense lots of problems from the push-back including less time for after school work and fun, also the switch in sleeping patterns could be uncomfortable.

      -Mikey Ambrosin0-
      Period 7

    81. 1. i get 8 hours of sleep a night
      2. your mood learning ability your health
      3.make your room a sleep haven and make it comfortable
      4. i think it would because it would get kids more fouced and better learners
      5.issues would be that school would run to late and sports practice would be affected

      Patrick Bernardo
      Period 3

    82. 1. some nights i get up to 8 and 1/2 hours but tipically i get about 6 or 7 hours a night which is signifigantly lower than the recomended 9 hours
      2.you lack the ability to focus, you may tired all day, and your body's functions may be slow
      3. the most helpful strategy for me is to cut out the uneccessary hours of tv watching when i get home and just go to bed
      4. i think at first, it would only encourage kids to stay up later but as the culture changed kids would just get more sleep
      5. if highschool starts later, so does elementary and middle school so the older kids can take care of their younger siblings. Also the school day running later would change the nature of sports practice and dinner times

      Ralph Bernardo
      Period 7

    83. 1)I get around 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night. This is much lower than the recommended amount.
      2)I fall asleep in class, I get headaches, and I am cranky when I dont get enough sleep.
      3)I could start my homework as soon as i get home and set a bedtime for myself so I could get to bed earlier.
      4)I do think it would benificial to start high school laster so that we could get more sleep becuase we would also perform better in school. It would be hard to get enough school buses to take us to school at the same tim eas middle or elementary school.

      Ellie Gesiskie :)

    84. 1) I sleep about 6 1/2 to 7 hours a night. But I feel that extra hour or two of needed sleep

      2)lack of focus, slow, lazyness, critical thinking is diminished, and you just don't feel your best.

      3)finish homework earlier, become less active in extraciurriculars, work harder without distractions to make homework go quicker.

      4)I think it would increase grades giving kids more time to do homework and to sleep longer, it would also give kids opportunites to live healthier lives by giving them enough sleep when they need it the most.

      5)Timing of the busses would be an issue for middle and elementary schoolers, it would also make school run later pushing back extra ciurriculars making it tougher for activities to end like they normally do.

      Burak Demir

    85. 1. i get about 8-9 hours of sleep each night in the week
      2. lots of porblems can occur beacuase of this, drop in grades, drowsieness, even falling alsep at the wheel
      3.Make a good betime
      4. I thyink having the times puxhed back will be good for everyone, teachers and studnets and bus drivers won't be driving in the dark, and hopefully everyone will get more sleep
      5. I can't think of any major issues because of the times being pushed back
      James Kuldell P.7

    86. 1. i get around 7-8 hours of sleep each night
      2. drop in grades, falling asleep in class, and lack of focus
      3. finish homework early and dont eat or excercise
      4. no because the amount of homework would make you stay up later.
      5. not as ready for college, and less time for after school activities
      Tyler king Pd.3

    87. i get about 4-6 hours of sleep a night.
      2) drop in grades and drowsiness
      3)go to sleep earlier
      4) no school would start later
      5) no extra curriculars

      adam mainz period 2

    88. 1) I get around 8-9 hours of sleep per night.
      2) Aggressive behavior; inability to solve problems.
      3) Establishing a bedtime and wakeup time.
      4) Yes, it is nearly impossible to think straight in the morning. Teens aren't programmed to wake up late, and school starting times should not factor into the drop in your math grade if math is your 1st period.
      5) Time to babysit or other jobs would be limited.

      -Dana Griffith, period 8.

    89. 1) 7-8 hrs of sleep
      2)less focus, tired all day, and bad grades
      3)sleep earlier
      4)yes, it would help all of us get more sleep and focus in class
      5) no ability to do afterschool things
