Monday, November 26, 2012


The following essay was written by a young man named Blair Morrison who I had the pleasure of competing with at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Qualifier for the CrossFit Games in 2009. He finished 2nd in the regional and went on to finish 7th at the games. He has since opened up his own CrossFit Gym and has written several quality essay's on his blog. This one spoke to me and I hope it does you. 

Fitness Is...


Everybody has it. Few reach it.

It’s easy to assume that people despise mediocrity because the world is littered with evidence of humanity’s desire to excel—our obsession with talent, our reverence for heroes, even our love of money. It’s easy to assume that everyone wants to be his or her physical best because everywhere there are those wishing for a better body type or a better lifestyle. They fill our virgin ears with a symphony of sincerity and aspiration, but listen closer. They clamor with empty voices.

The truth is that 90% of people just want to get by. We pretend our ultimate goal is to be the best version of ourselves, reading the right literature, quoting the right sources, joining the right gyms; but the reality is far less compelling. If we are truly honest we will admit that the level to which we might possibly rise is rarely our chief concern. More important is reaching the level where we can merely survive or, at the very least, mock survival. Getting there is much easier. Getting there requires less time, less pain, and less effort. Getting there is too often there enough.

I was speaking with my father the other day about a friend of ours whose son wanted to be a college football player. He had good size and natural talent, but he was a little slow and lacked the explosive quality most big programs look for in an athlete. One evening while having dinner with this family my dad suggested that the kid hang a bell at the top of the hill abutting their property and ring it every morning before going to school. Not only would sprinting up the hill begin to build the explosive power needed for speed and acceleration but the sound of the bell would become a symbol of his dedication to the goal. I wish I could say the kid went out and rang that bell every day, or committed himself to some other program in its place, but this isn’t that kind of story. He, like many others like him, chose instead to remain a card-carrying member of that mediocre 90%.

Why? Because greatness is HARD. Our bodies don’t care about potential. They were built to survive, not to excel, and survival has gotten pretty easy as of late. Our bodies don’t know that by being stronger and faster and leaner the likelihood of illness, disease, and injury drop dramatically. Our bodies only know that it hurts like hell getting there. It takes supreme physical and mental fortitude and an unflinching, genuine ambition to overcome these hurdles. Most of us lack this and it shows.

In this story his ability wasn’t being measured against theirs or any others, only against his own potential as an individual. He claimed that he wanted to be the best that he could be, to give himself the best chance to be a college football player. But when faced with the reality of what it would take to reach that goal he balked, exposing his ambitions as half-hearted and insincere, and his athletic future to be one ridden along the tired road to the middle. This is an all too common tragedy.

After hearing this story, I sat for a minute and observed my father. He was visibly disappointed by the kid’s inability to commit himself to his goal. Yet I knew for a fact that my dad had wanted to lose weight for years and failed to commit himself to doing so in much the same way. This struck me as a prevailing irony, not just in this conversation but in our culture in general, so I decided to ask him when was the last time he “rang the bell.” He was lost for a second, then smiled wryly as he got my meaning. “Too long,” he replied.

Sadly, it seems that our praise of greatness and our distaste for mediocrity is an appreciation and expectation reserved for others. We expect Jordan or Tiger or Ronaldo to reach their potential every time they compete and we shake our heads when they fall short. But we shrug off our love handles and that occasional chocolate cake as acceptable losses. We cry for the children growing up without physical opportunities, yet lie on the couch and amicably waste ours away. We claim we’re too old, too fat, too injured, or too tired. The truth is we’re too obsessed with getting by.

The good news is that physical potential does not expire. It has no shelf life. Whatever state you’re in at whatever moment, you can always be better. SO BE BETTER. Too often people try to do this by setting a number to hit, a person to beat, or a mirror to impress, implicitly attaching a finite quality to the process. This focus is flawed. As you change and improve, so too should your potential grow and your ambition swell. Remember that fitness is a goal inadvertently attained through the systematic overestimation of yourself in all fields. It’s a byproduct of setting the bar too high, of striving for perfection and falling just short. It’s knowing that you’ll never get there but trying your damndest nonetheless. It’s constantly pushing your limits in every direction regardless of your skill. It’s finding a way to keep ringing the bell.
For this weeks blog, you need to leave two comments.  First comment on what the essay means to you and then you have to comment on another students comment.  Remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to keep disscussion civil and appropriate as this is a school assignment.


  1. This essay says alot, and i agree that everyone has potential, whether your fitt or not. just cuz your body looks good does not mean you health. The bell sotry was very meaningful and shows how some people actually "ring the bell" cuz they want to and dont look at it like a chore. also setting golas helps potential as most people want to beat their goal, and that pushes them to do better. i look fitt, but im not sure if im health. and im like those 90% of people who just want to get by. this essay has opened me up.

    Allan Jiang
    period 7

    1. Well put allan but some people just wanna get by and after a wek forget and just bail out on the goals

      eli franck pd 7

    2. I agree with this. It doesn't matter if you look fit or healthy, everyone can set goals and has potential to conquer them.

  2. the essay is good and well wqritten and i agree with what it says.

    allan jiang wrote way to much this a blog not an essay

    bobby mack pd 2

    1. What does the essay mean to you?
      PERIOD. 3

    2. hahahahaha atleast i did the asignment and didnt just write that it was good.

      Allan Jiang
      period 7.

    3. Bobby, I respect your opinion, but you may want to work on your grammer and spelling.

  3. essay- could'nt agree with it more about how everyone has potential to reach/beat their goal

    PERIOD. 3

    1. I understand that you are entitled to your own opinions on capitalization and grammar in general, but please, please don't make a fool of yourself in public!

  4. This essay is very true. Everyone has potential to conquer what ever their dreams may long as they work hard enough and don't allow anything to stand in their way.

    Luke Klecker

    1. I agree with Luke that everyone has potential to conquer their goals
      Tyler king Pd.3

    2. what could you do better to help you achieve your goal.
      Andy Carrion

  5. i agreee with this essay 100% any one can do any thing and be any thing and they shouldnt let gender or race or hair color stand in their way

    sean weldon pd.3

    1. I agree with Sean that nothing should be in your way of reaching your potential.

      Jason Ho
      pd 3

  6. What this essay says is very motivating to me and is very applicable. After reading this essay, it renews my sense to try hard when it comes to working out, even when I feel tired. I agree with Sean that nothing should be in your way of reaching your potential.

    Jason Ho
    pd 3

    1. i agree with jason its hard working out during 3rd period when youre still tired or at home when youve finished a day of school.
      david nguyen

  7. Now i know why you push us so much to do more then what we expect our bodies can handle. i now have a new motivation to do my hardest during this class. you can complete anything as long as you have the right attitude and thoughts about it.

    1. I agree with her ^ and yes this article helps me realize why you push us so much.

    2. Also, a good schedule and making short term plans and goals can make it easier to move forward.

      Daniel Yarmovsky Period 7

  8. This essay is really relatable to me. It is so easy to just skip a day of working out or eat unhealthy. For me, it is much easier to motivated when you are in a group of people trying to beat each other outbut sometimes I lose my strive. This essay is motivating and very appropriate. I agree with Jason that it is applicable

    Boaz Ru

    1. I think it definitely helps having a group of people, because it encourages you to be your best. Also, I agree with you that is is easy to decide to eat unhealthy for a day or skip a day of working out.

  9. I think this guy makes a very good point that most people are always doing the bare minimum to get by. Its true that many people cant find the discipline or motivation to achieve their goals and make excuses. Like anything in the real world you must set your mind to something to be able to do it. If a student wants to go to college, he or she must focus on standardized tests and doing well in school or if an employee wants a promotion, he or she must work to be a better employee. I feel that this rule also applies to training or exercise. Of course an individual must never stop making goals for themselves otherwise you end up being lazy and start making excuses. I think many people are just too complacent with themselves and don't end up reaching their full potential.

    Alex Walsh

  10. Like some of the other students i do sometimes feel unmotivated or lethargic on some days at the gym. Laziness has at multiple occasions, restricted me from reaching my goals. But i do feel that as long as i train even harder the next day and forget about it i will be fine.I don't mind taking a day off from training because it only reminds me that i am human and i am not obsessed with this lifestyle. I don't think that a small break can really hurt.

    Alex Walsh

    1. That's a good point. We don't all need to strive for perfection, or be world class athletes. If your goal is just to be in shape, then go do that. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren't even doing that.

  11. This essays is well written and i agree with what it has to say and this essay and what this essay means to me is i can reach my potential.

    -Stephen Potemken

  12. This essay is well written and voiced in a way not many can. I agree that anyone has the potential to do anything they want and they just need to work at it to get there.

    Jared Welsh

    1. I agree with Jared.... All you have to do is work on it and anything can be accomplished.
      Javier Arana -pd3

  13. I think this essay makes a great argument and it is completely true. I sometimes feel the same way, as once I achieve my goals I do not necessarily attempt to do/become better. Also, I think I can see this every day with my family and friends who share their goals but then make no effort once it gets tough to achieve them. Lastly, I think there are probably some people in all of the weight lifting classes at our school (I know at least in mine) that contain people with goals of "getting big" but then do nothing in the weight room during the period. Hopefully this article will motivate them too.

  14. This essay has a good point and is very true since a lot of people have goal they want to reach but never reach them because they're lazy. I think weight training gives us an opportunity to reach our goal. This article motivates me to do better and reach my goal and shows me that I could reach my best if I wanted to.
    Gloria Avedano Pd. 8

    1. I agree. Everyone does have goals they want to reach but are too lazy to reach them.

      Maddie Mays
      Period 8

    2. i agree. Everyone has goals they want to reach but are too lazy to reach.
      Maddie Mays
      Period 8

    3. I agree because people always talk about their goals but they never reach their goals because they're too lazy.
      Joanne Liu
      Period 8

  15. I agree with everything the essay said. People are lazy and will therefore not achieve their goals. In order to be successful you have to be motivated and dedicated.

    1. I agree that to be succesful you have to be motivated and dedicated, yet i disagree at the fact you said that people are "lazy" therfore they do not achive their goals. I feel it has more to do with procrastination and drive. Often now-a-days with techonology people will find themselfs surfing the net for hours without realizing. Or homework will cuase delay, and people will use that as an excuse to not reach their goals. It's not a matter of being lazy.
      -Nabeel Emran Period 7

  16. i agreee with this essay 100% any one can do any thing and be any thing and they shouldnt let gender or race or hair color stand in their way

    Andrew Sanya
    Pd 2

    1. That's not exactly what the essay is saying. He's not saying that gender or race or hair color stands in peoples' way. It's the fact that we're simply lazy. It's our state of mind that makes us not want to work out every day or not go the farthest we can. Our race and hair color do not really affect how much we work out. The way our brain thinks holds us back.

      Jill Grime, Period 8

    2. i agree with what you are saying but its not talk about gender or race or hair color.

      matthew kay

    3. I think Andrew tried to say something that actually was correct, but it was just worded badly. I think he means that what he got from the article is that many people can't accomplish goals because there are many obstacles and pain associated with a certain goal. Some of these obstacles can include gender, race, or religious ones. If the goal is associated with that type of issue, we still have the same mediocre mentality where we just want to completely the minimum at best. I think if you look deeper, this essay can actually be transmitted to not just physical goals, but goals having to do with every day life. This includes social, political, and even economic problems. So, ultimately I agree with what Andrew has said.

      Daniel Ansher
      Period 7

  17. I agree with this essay 100,000,000 percent because some people are lazy which gets in they way of what there trying to achieve. I sometimes do this and this essay has givin me motivation.
    Grant Ibeh

    1. Well said i am motivated also to be better - Chris Partyka pd 7

  18. I agree with this essay. Often we will focus on what other people are doing, for example parents and their children. Many times parents are more involved in their childrens fitness when they are not involved in thier own fittness. The parents in this case do not live up to thier potentail. Even though I am a member at a gym, on rainy days I often will often pass to just play a quick round of "Call of Duty". Everyone has the potentail to do what they want its just a matter of drive and passion.

    -Nabeel Emran Period 7

    1. It is far too true what Nabeel has said about parents. They often realize that they did not reach their goals when they were younger and try to live vicariously through their children.
      Will Quackenbush

  19. This essay is completely true. I know that I sound exactly like everyone else, and this whole thing probably will be exactly like someone else's. But every time I read an article about fitness and pursuing an athletic dream, they never connect it back to the real world, saying that most people do not even do anything - apparently 90% of people are like that. This essay actually showed the real side of what happens in the U.S. It's a very very inspiring essay, and I'm glad someone actually wrote it.
    Jill Grime
    Period 8

  20. Yes, I agree with everything this man said. But it's not anything I have not heard before. I am aware that most people find a place to settle, if that were not true then we would all be great. Also, I don't really agree with what he said about goal setting. Of course it is bad to set an easily attainable goal, set it, then go back to being lazy. But that doesn't mean you strive for perfection every day and feel bad when you don't get it. Life is already full of unattainable goals, you may as well set a few that you can actually feel good about getting. That will help keep you motivated.

  21. This essay i think is right and i agree that people have potential, whether your fitt or not. just cuz your body looks good does not mean you health.

    matthew kay pd 2

  22. What this man says is true, we do strive to be the perfect us but as soon as we see that track, or the weights, we just do what we can to get by, we don't push ourselves to the breaking point so we can get better.

    Bobby mack needs to work on spelling

    Lukas Bastien pd 2

  23. I think the main this we can take away from this essay is that, as easy as it is to plan to get stronger and stay healthy, without a disciplined regimen of exercise, and without a daily plan, both for weightlifting but also nutrition, sleep, etc, the goal will fade and fail and we will end up feeling demoralized and it be even harder to start back up again.

    Daniel Yarmovsky Period 7

    1. i agree. you have to set up a plan and stay with it to get to your goal.

      -Nathaniel Rosov

  24. The essay is well thought out and means a lot of things to me. One, the essay motivates me to try to achieve the best I can be. Two, it explains that everyone has potential and have chooses to follow your goals or just fall short. So if you want to be successful you have to be motivated and dedicated to your goal.

    -Nathaniel Rosov

    1. I agree with Nathaniel. It does motivate me to do better too

      Paul Saah Pd.3

  25. I agree with this essay 100%. Pretty much the harder you work the better chance you will have at achieving your goal/dream. Being lazy wont help at all.

    Paul Saah Pd.3

    1. Paul summed the essay up in 3 sentences. What he is say is correct. The harder you work the better chance you will have achieving your objectives.
      Kamran Singh
      Period 3

    2. Paul did summarize it pretty well, you can still be active but not keep your goals, it is more on how much work you are willing to put into it.
      James Kuldell
      Period 7

  26. I agree with this article because making a goal is easy but it is hard to fulfuill it. Everyone has the potential but often their laziness makes them fall short of completing their goal. This article motivates me to do better and achieve my goals.

    Arjun Saini Pd. 7

  27. I agree with everything this essay talks about espescially the difficulty and evotion it takes to reach your gaols

    -Matt Ainsworth

  28. I agree with theessay in that i see this all too often, including in myslef. We constantly wish to be as good as those we see on sprots teams, dreaming of reaching that ptential, but not actually setting ino motion a plan to get there. They are often empty wishes.
    Will Quackenbush

  29. The essay is telling us how its so easy to just get by but you can always be better than who your are at this moment. Most people dont strive to be better beacues they set the bar too high and never reach it. The author is telling us to continue to set goals to be better and to not just get by. - Chris Partyka pd7

  30. i agree with the essay about how are bodies are made to strive

    trevor case p3

  31. I actually really liked this essay. I think that it did a really good job of pointing out the double standard that we have as a society; we expect other people to strive for greatness, but we ourselves don't. We may say that we do-- we may set times to beat and records to break, but that's all they are in the end.

    Claire R.
    Pd. 8

    1. Agreed. It's hypocritical to expect the best out of others while not even bothering to look after yourself. And especially agreed with your final statement. What's the point of records and scores? I've always found that concept meaningless, to be honest.

      Oliver Salter, PD. 7

  32. The essay presented here doubtlessly has a point. It reflects upon the desire of common folk to use as little energy as possible, to live as easily as they can. Being great is well worth the trouble, but as a wise man once said: "Hard work pays off eventually, but laziness always pays of now."

    1. Interesting quote.
      I agree 100%. People need to realize that their wants and needs require work, and they won't just happen magically.
      (pd. 8)

    2. I'd like to find ONE PERSON that actually thinks that. Of course people realize that their wants and needs require work-- it's more about incentive. Everyone has goals. Everyone who posted here has goals. 90% of us won't reach those goals. Why? Incentive. We aren't motivated to follow through. It's not laziness, it's complacency.

      Claire R.
      Pd. 8

    3. I disagre. I feel that most people have the need to improve themselves, but most people cannot either make time for the commitment or are otherwise impaired. Just because we aren't always ambitious for self improvement doesn't mean we are always lazy.

      Ethan C
      pd 3

    4. I specifically said that I didn't think that people were always lazy. I said that a lot of the time, people are not motivated to do work because they are satisfied with the way they are. People like to live in the moment, and that's what they do... Although I'm fairly sure that you were responding to Alex, but oh well

  33. The essay presented is very inspiring, especially to those who say that we will be the first generation to live shorter than our parents. While that may be true, we cannot distract ourselves from the problems that are associated with ADULTS. The media constantly puts an emphasis on children and obesity obviously because it is an important issue in today's society, however they fail to even include the problems that are growing amongst adults in the generation of today. I find this ironic, similar to the essay above, because the same adults who are watching TV and sitting on the couch all day, want their children to stop playing video games or do more physical activity. I can personally connect with this essay as I used to be obese a couple of years, weighing 180 pounds and being 5'2. It took me a couple years to drop down my weight and after the pounds started shedding, I finally was motivated to "ring the bell" everyday. I suppose any sign of progress can push the mediocre to do great things.

    Daniel Ansher
    Period 7

    1. I agree with Daniel because it is hard to motivate yourself unless you see any sign of change or progress.

      Arjun Saini
      Period 7

  34. I agree completely with this essay. It made me realize that I should start to push harder. A lot of times, I complain about things and insist that I'm trying my best to change it, but i'm really not. The essay is really motivational and I feel that I connect with it.

    1. I agree with Anna because it is hard to stay committed to a goal and to work hard enough to improve. - Vardhan Mehan, pd. 7

  35. This essay is very true in the sense that many people make goals that they say they will achieve, but they don't have the commitment. Many people want to be the best at something, but when put to the test they dont show their motivation to "ring the bell". People should try to keep committed to a goal because there is always room for people to improve upon themselves.

    Vardhan Mehan
    Period 7

    1. I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Everyone has the ability to do it, but they are too lazy to put effort into their goal. (pd.8)

  36. The problem with making goals is easily explained in a few simple details.
    1: people set goals that are too BROAD. If they narrow it down to a few smaller goals, reaching their one big goal will be a lot easier.
    2: people set goals that require a commitment they don't want. Once they set their goals, they have to STICK WITH THEM.

    Samantha Pineda (pd.8)

  37. I agree with this essay. People set goals they want to reach, but never tried hard enough to reach them. We set goals that we want to reach, but when we go out and try to accomplish them, most of us feel it is too hard to accomplish a stop trying.

    Maddie Mays
    Period 8

  38. I strongly agree with this essay, in the way that anybody can acheive greatness if they dedicate themselves to get in shape, and that even if you are fat and out of shape, you can still work and work until you reach your goal. This reminds me of a qoute that i read one day and it went like this: "Pain is weakness leaving the body"
    I agree with Maddie Mays comment about how most people stop trying because they feel that it's too hard and give up.

    -Logan Tritto
    -Period 3

  39. This essay can be very influential on a someone if taken into the correct meaning. From this essay I understood that determination and work always prevails. Also that setting goals over what you can achieve and pushing yourself the limit can be good.

    Kamran Singh
    Period 3

  40. i agree with the essay. people set goals for themselves and many of them may only try to accomplish that for a week. it is because most people give up when the going gets tough or when they are bored. Push your "limits"!

    Michael myers
    PD 3

  41. i agree with basically everyones comment cause they all displayed the same idea
    Michael M
    PD 3

  42. i agreee with this essay. Its easy to say that you want to work hard, but most people arent actually willing to put in the effort. I also agree that pole should learn to push there limits.
    Noah braunstein

    1. I agree with what you said 100%. Too few of us know that we need to push our bodies to a certain limit in order to get where we want to be and too few of us put in the necessary time that we need to get there.

      Jake Shulman
      Period 8

  43. The message this essay conveys, that people have the potential to be better, yet deciding not to act on it means a lot to me. Determination is an important factor, and without pushing yourself to the utmost limits, you will never achieve your goal. I agree with the general consensus of everyone else's comments

    Kane Hsu, Period 2

    1. Wouldn't you say that how much potential you have is decided by your genes?

      Matt Klein

  44. To sum up the essay, most of society is satisfied with mediocrity and "just" getting by. Too few of us have pushed our mental and physical limits. Too many of us say we're going to do something, but never actually go and do it.
    I agree with Noah Braunstein about hard work and pushing your limits to achieve your goals.

    Andrew Jasen

  45. I feel that the essay conveyed a strong message very clearly. I agree that everybody has potential, but we need to train for it.

    Ethan C
    Pd 3

    1. Wouldnt You agree that if you have parents who are good athletes, you have a better oppurtunity, and better genes to be a good athlete?

      Sam Goldberg
      PD 3

  46. The essay conveyed a strong message to me. Although everybody does have potential, other people such as Ken Griffey Jr, are born with more then others because of their parents. Even though you are born with more potential, you can't be good unless you train and work your body.

    Sam Goldberg
    PD 3

    1. I agree on what you said about even though you are born with potential doesnt give you the reson not to work, you still have to work hard in order to continue to be good and reach your goals.

      Noah Kimball period 3

    2. I agree with Goldberg... Not everyones born with a god given talent like Bryce Harper... But you can work hard and in the long run, become someone you wouldve never thought you would become.
      Glenny Woolschlager
      Period 7

  47. I agree with the essay that everyone has the potential even though some have more than others, but that you can only achieve greatness through pain staking hours of hard work.

    Matt Klein

  48. I agree with the essay because some people always talk about how they are going to lose weight or do something that is thier goals but most of the time, people are too lazy to reach their goals. Some people could be not in shape but doesn't mean that they can't have the same abiblity as a fit person. Fit people just have an advantage, doesn't mean they can do it better. Everyone has potential to achieve their goals.

    Joanne Liu
    Period 8

  49. I really like this essay. I think it is very true. People say they want to do something but often dont do it. They always want athletes to try harder ansd do better, but they cant will themselves either. You cant be lazy to acheive your goals. You need to put in the effort and hard work.

    Michael Elliott
    pd. 3

    1. That is true. I think we should keep trying until whether we achieved goal or not.

      Jason Shim pd2

  50. I agree with this essay a 100%. People always se goals for themselves to reach and never reach their goals. The reason why people dont reach their gaol;s because its in your head, you have to want it. If there is someone that you feel has more potential thing you, that does not mean that you cant work yourself up and have more or have as much potential as them.

    Noah Kimball period 3

  51. I agree with this essay. People always strive to do some big thing and they make goals and after a week or so they quit and say im happy with what i currently have instead of having that push and doing better. Potential is a frame of mind you must put yourself into and see before you can truly unlock your full potential.

    eli franck pd 7

    1. This is very true and i agree. People strive to do big things but dont put the work in

      Michael Elliott

  52. I agree with this essay comepletely. people strive to be the best they can, to reach their full potential. potential isnt a thing neccesarily, it is a thing that you think of. I want to say frame of mind, but i also dont want to copy eli.

    But yes i agree with Eli as well and he wrote his answer well.

    Isaac Levine
    Pd. 7

    1. I agree with Isaac because, people do strive to do their best so they may reach their full potential.

      Johnny Bestland Pd 7

  53. This essay really got me thinking. I agree with it 100%. You really have to work for whatever it is you want. Whether that is to make a sports team, get in shape, or just look good, you have to ask yourself "what do I have to do to get there" and then follow through with it, no matter how tough or how painful it is. Even if your goal is to get an A in a class or to get into a certain college, you have to ask yourself what you need to do to get there, and never give up. If you want it, you have to be willing to put in the extra time to get there.

    Jake Shulman
    Period 7

    1. So True! you have to put time into your goal and extra time to get there. I always ask the question "what do i have to do to get there" and follow the steps.
      -Sam De jong-
      Period 7

  54. I think that this essay tells us that if you don't have the will power to be motivated and reach your goal, you won't get any where in fitness or life.
    I agree with Shulman very nice wording, he put it in a way that everyone can understand, hopefully
    James Kuldell P7

    1. James i agree with you, you should have the desire to push and self motivate your self to acheive your goal. Especially if its a personal goal, no one else can do it for you and it will only be for your benifit.
      Sehej Singh Period 3

  55. This essay is a mindboggler and a really hard thing to think about but, i 100% agree with it. Life is all about work and improvement to want something you have to work really hard for it. When you are reaching for a goal there are many steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal! Also, if you want reach your goal you have to be willing to put in the extra time to get there.

    -Sam De Jong-
    Period 7

  56. This essay is great for getting you motivated for reaching not just goals, but individual "greatness." This piece means a lot for me and for everyone who wishes to be better at what they do. I feel like everyone else's comments catch the same gist that i caught and hopefully will motivate them and anybody else to strive to be better than average, and push to "ring the bell."

    -Mikey Ambrosin0-
    Period 7

    1. Totally agree, it does really motivate one do really go for what they want in life and with hard work they can do it. We as a society can acheve many, many things if we all set our minds to it.

  57. This essay is true, I myself am apart of the majority who are too lazy to reach their full potential. It really spoke to me and exposed the truth in society. We all have high expectations of professional athletes and are disappointed with their failure, however most do not look at themselves and their own laziness. Also some people may not set goals because they are afraid of not reaching their goal and disappointing themselves.
    David Nguyen

  58. This essay shows how it's important to try to reach our goal. Then, I realized that I should keep trying to reach my goal. If I stop, I would be able to reach or goal even sort of.

    Jason Shim

  59. From this essay i can say that one must be motivated and dedicated to their goal in order to efficently achive it at full potential. I agree with this essay and the steps to reaching your goal. I agree on Sam De JOng's comment tand that one must set aside time, effort, and potential to achive your goal effitently.

  60. that was Ben Museles
    Period 7

  61. I agree with this essay because it is hard to stay committed to a goal and to work hard enough to improve. - Javier Arana PD.3

  62. I agree with this essay because it is so important to stay motivated when trying to accomplish something. If you lose the motivation, It's going to be very difficult to finish what you've started.
    Glenny Woolschlager
    Period 7

    1. I agree with Glennys,Grant Ibeh

  63. To me the essay means that we can set as many goals for our self, but it'll be useless if we don't try to strive for those goals. Not ringing the bell will no effect anyone but yourself. Even though we are not professional athletes, we can still take the best care possible for our bodies and sitting around on he couch all day will not help the cause.

    Sehej Singh, Period 3

    1. I agree. You only do goals for yourself, not anyone else. And you dont have to be anyone special to work hard on your body, you just need desire.
      -Aurash Amirmokri p7

  64. This essay is very relatable and very true. For example: Around this time every year people set goals for their new years resolusion but, few actually keep it. Setting your physical goals and keeping them is mostly mental rather than physical. You must have the mentality to do something rather than just try to get by.
    -Aurash Amirmokri Period 7

    1. I agree with you and you got a good example.
      David Yazdani P.3

  65. I think that this essay means that humans try to do their best to reach their full potential. So they may chase their dreams to the fullest.
    Johnny Bestland Pd 7

  66. This essays means to me that people set goals to be one thing or another but 90% don't reach it because they don't want to go through the time, effort, and pain.

    David Yazdani

    1. I agree with this i find it hard to push myself to complete goals that are hard to obtain

  67. I agree with this essay, everyone has the potential even though some have may more natural ability than others, but you can achieve greatness through hours upon hours of dedication and hard work.

    Matt Mays P.3

  68. Potential is a hard thing to harness due to the nature of the work and dedication required. i find that the easiest way to keep achieving and improving is by competing with someone clearly better than you because every time you get stronger or faster you still need to catch up so you are always motivated. i have found now that im strong it is harder and harder to find a reason to squeeze every drop out of my potential. in contadiction to the last paragraph, physical potential does expire, in a way because without a reason such as sports or competition, or aneed for health improvement it is difficult to continue to push yourself.

    Ralph Bernardo
    Period 3

    1. i agree but disagree that physical potential expires. you can always achieve a better levelof healthiness

    2. I disagree with that statement everyone reaches a point in there life and in there physical potential that you just cant get any faster, or stronger. you can push to keep it consistent but you may not improve any farther.

    3. ^^^^Luke Klecker^^^

  69. i agree with this essay. full potential is difficult to achieve and will power and motivation is needed.
    -michael ha

    1. You are totally right.

      Ellie Gesiskie

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. The essay provides a valid point. People have always been held back by a sense of procrastination or the pain of trying too hard, but it doesn't have to be that way. Everyone has the ability to "ring the bell" but it's all about working up the strength and willpower to ring it yourself, instead of judging others for not doing so.

    Oliver Salter, PD 7

    1. i completely agree with you because ive set goals before and was too lazy to achieve them and was heled back because of it and regreted it
      PERIOD. 3

  72. I agree with his statement becuase i think that many people get lazy and stop at the point that they think they are mediocre and can fit in well with the rest of society and dont try to excell any further. I disagree with what Luke says because i believe that if someone tries their hardest to reach their goals and frequently move on to new goals they can accomplish anything they set their mind to

    Alyssa Kopsidas <3

  73. I agree wiht this article because everyone can change their health whenever they want, some people just have more of a drive to do this though.

    Ellie Gesiskie

    1. i disagree because i dont think it is as easy as just changing your health whenever u want. I think it takes commmitement and its not as easy as everone says it is

    2. You cant change your health whenever you want it is a long process that requires alot of work.

      -Stephen Potemkem

  74. i agree with this essay. We are always tending to do just the necessary effort and not giving 100% of it. People should keep up setting goals to themselves and try as much as they can to achieve them rether than just talking about them


  75. I agree with this essay because it is true, we always make goals and never complete them because we are lazy or we give up because we say we can't do it.
    Julea Nedelman Per. 8

  76. Julea, I comnpletely disagree with your comment, especially because it occurs so many times signed by different people and has nothing to do with this blog.
    Pavel Osipov Per. *

  77. This essay has made me re-think how I approach working out and living a healthy lifestyle. It makes me even more motivated to really push my limits and acheive my goals through hard work and perseverence. If you set your mind to something, you can achieve it, and this article gives me even more re-assurance that I can do what I want to do with hard work.

  78. i agree with it beacause we set goals and dont always do them cause we r lazy it makes me want to work harder

    patrick bernardo P3

  79. this essay is very true and i agree with it because there will always be those people who say they are going to a goal that they set and then they dont do it because they are lazy.
    Tyler king Pd.3

    1. I agree. People meet their goals halfway and then settle for "good enough".

      -Dana Griffith, period 3.

  80. I totally agree with this essay! it is absolutely true that people these days, including ourselves, usually do not finish what they've started. This trend needs to stop...

    Heather Nelson
    pd 8

    1. Very true points. i agree.

      Melynn Oliver

  81. This essay is very true, people now start something that they think will benefit them but they dont follow through with the plan. They set a goal and they they just become lazy.

    Tatum King Period 8

  82. This essay makes you stop and think about what potential really is. AS you read through the essay you slowly start to realize the characteristics being criticized are the ones you possess.

    Melynn Oliver pd 8

  83. To me, this essay means that so many people might be able to become whatever they want, but the path to their dream is filled with hardship. Instead, people choose instant gratification and settle for mediocrity.

    -Dana Griffith, period 8.

    1. this is very true, the need for instant gratification these days is unhealthy and needs to stop

      adam mainz period 2

  84. i agree with this too, it dosent matter how fit you are, anyone can make goals and anyone can be unhealthy or healthy.

    Redfield Shaw pd. 7

  85. this story shows that anyone can make goals but you have to know that the good feeling of getting fit and healthy dosent come immedietley

    redfield shaw pd. 7

  86. reaching a goal isnt just about planning it out, it takes a lot of commitment and motivation to actually reach a goal and finish what you started.

    adam mainz period 2

  87. The essay spoke to me on a personal level as for a long time I have been just "coasting by" just trying to do the bare minimum, regardless of what others have said about my "potential". I think I now understand this term. Saying you are going to do everything to the best of your ability is supremely different from actually doing it.

    Rahul Dharmavaratha
    Period 7

  88. I agree with adam in regards to motivation, that it is essential in order for you to complete your task or goals etc, and it is extremely hard to cultivate.

  89. I agree with adam in regards to motivation, that it is essential in order for you to complete your task or goals etc, and it is extremely hard to cultivate.

    Rahul D.
    period 8
