Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Period 7 Weight Training - Blog 4.1 Community Events

Welcome back from the break! We are in the home stretch of the school year. One of my goals as your physical education teacher is to help you to gain an appreciation for the value of a physically active lifestyle. I hope that once you leave high school and enter college or the real world, you make time for physical activity. The health benefits are obvious but there are also social and emotional benefits to regular exercise as well. We will discuss those in more detail in coming blogs.

For this weeks blog I want you to find a community activity or event that involves physical activity. Make it something you would actually like to do, for example if you hate running, do not put a 5k down for your event. There are several opportunities for physical activity right here in our own community. Put google to use and find something that you would like to participate in and list it as your comment for this weeks blog. Include the link for you event in your comment.

For example, me and my wife along with several other teachers here at Wootton are going to run the Runamuck 5k. It is a 5k trail run with obstacles and mud thrown in and it is right here in Rockville.


  1. http://www.trifind.com/re_11256/HagerstownDuathlonSeriesRace1.html

    Its a duatholon in Hagerstown
    2 mile run, 10 mile bike ride, 3.1 run

  2. i participated by helping with the mulch sale. i worked for 5 hours and it required lifting many heavy bags of mulch.


  3. There is an introduction to self-defense course on April 25 that sounds interesting. I'll be able to learn how to protect myself from people I don't like.

    Link: http://www.thingstododc.com/?gclid=CIrYiOX5_6ACFdlw5QoddTJuvw

    Michael Castelli

  4. forgot my name on the first post

    matt grimm

  5. http://www.runwashington.com/index.php?page=details&race=6509

    its a 5k run on april 14


    -Dimitri Koutzoumis

  7. http://www.rockvillemd.gov/recreation/bicycling/ride-rockville

    Biking Event For Ride and Stride for Rockville and it could be either a 28 mile biking challenge or a 12 mile family fun ride

  8. I can't really find one, but I don't if it would count that I run everyday before school, it's like a priority that I do to stay fit


  9. Mack Hollins

    I would like to do a biking event with my little brother gbecause he thinks he is faster than me but obviusly he is not. I have not found one yet but the ewarlier blogs have had some interesting ones.

  10. http://www.bikeride.com/calendar/event.asp?id=16993
    12-16 mile ride
    Eric Song

  11. http://www.kidney.org/site/203/walk.cfm?ch=203

    the kidney walk to help raise money for the national kidney foundation. My uncle is Ronald Paul, a patient and sponsor of the event.

    - Josh M

  12. I helped out with the mulch sale, working for 5 or 6 hours. We carried lots of heavy mulch bags, and I am interested in lifting so that helped.
    -Ben Killion

  13. http://www.rockvillemd.gov/recreation/bicycling/ride-rockville

    you have to ride for 12miles and stride for 2k its fun and increases your cardio which is what i want

    Harris Tsinas

  14. Play baseball for Wootton this spring and play on a team in the summer.

    John Stoeber

  15. Although I am currently injured, i plan to start running soon during my recovery process.

    -Greg Potemken

  16. http://www.runwashington.com/news/2568/314/Potomac-River-Running-Announces-the-2010-PR-Race-Series-and-Kick-Off-Event.htm

    "The inaugural Rockstar Run 8K and 1-Mile fun run benefits the Celebrate Cherie Scholarship Fund"

    Palina Ivanova

  17. i plan to be an instructer in a hockey goalie clinic at rockville ice arena every sunday

    Steven Rubin

  18. im planning on working out alot so that i can be in good shape for wootton's wrestling team next year.

    william berganza

  19. I hope to run in a 5k run over the summer and I am going to train for it in class

    Aaron Kay

  20. Every year my mom and I do the homeless walk.

    Marisa Cresham

  21. The Autism Speaks walk that the football team does every year.



  22. I would like to train to run in the clarksburg 5k it is a race my church does every year to raise money for a orginization called the dwelling place

  23. Run a trail near my house every day after school. Tuesdays and Thursdays I play rugby for a club

    Gabriel Miller

  24. http://bikechesapeake.org/

    The tour de chesapeake. It's a 12 -62 mile bike ride around the bay.

    Max Langworthy

  25. im planning to work out everyother day in my home gym, then going for a 10 to 15 min job around the neighborhood. Also im planning to be on a baseball team that practice's 3 times a week and has atleast 2 games a week

    Damian Cruz

  26. The bear 5 mile run- in north carolina with my sister this summer.

    Jake Bradley
