Monday, October 4, 2010

Period 4 General PE Blog #6

We are starting ultimate frisbee!  We practiced throwing yesterday.  For this weeks blog explain, in your own words, what I meant when I said you can tell what you did wrong with your throw by the flight of the frisbee.  I will not post your responses until Monday.


  1. If the frisbee curves up then your wrist is angled up. If the frisbee curves down that means your wrist is angled down

  2. You can tell what you did wrong with you throw by the flight of the frisbee. If the frisbee goes up high in the air turned a different way and then comes back to you at an angle, there is a good chance you did not make sure your arm straight and level and you didnt flick your wrist hard enough.If you flick your wrist to much it will not end up where you want it and when you dont flick it enough you are not putting enough spin the frisbee causing it to come back instead of going further. Also if it Doesnt not go as far as you want it to and you are still using the correct arm and wrist mechanics,try twisting your hips hard so it will strengethen your throw and make the frisbee go further

  3. you can tell what went wrong with your throw if you see that the frisbee is not going straight at your target or if it curves while in the air.

  4. you meant that if it happens to fly up, you angled the frisbee up on or before release.
    if it flies downward, you happened to angle it downward before release.

    if it curves in an arch in either direction, its either late release or u did not "cock" it back or you spun it too much on release

  5. I think that what u meant when u said that u can tell what u did wrong with your throw by the flight of the frisbee is that if u look at your wrist after u have thrown it then which ever direction your wrist points is where the frisbee is going
    Zach Rispler

  6. If the frisbee goes straight to the ground you have it tilted downward to much if it goes straight up you had it tilted to far up

  7. You mean that you can tell if you let gow to early or to late, because it will go to far either left or right. You can also tell of you put to much power or to little power by the distance the frisbee goes.
    -Shayon Zadeh

  8. it means by the way the frisbee is thrown, you can tell whats wrong

  9. If your frisbee goes to the side, that means your wrist did not snap enough. Distance has to do with the force in which you threw it.

  10. It means that the angle at which you flipped your wrist has a relationship to where the frisbee flew, and how hard you flip your wrist is how far it will go.

    -Lydia Han

  11. You can tell something is wrong with your wrist if you throw it to much to the left or right.

  12. It means the frisbee will go the way that you wrist is after you have thrown it.
    - Tina

  13. If the frisbee is not going strait, then the throw was not correct.
    -Ben Lim

  14. If the frisbee doesn't go in a direct straight line to the target, that either means you let go too late or too early.

  15. Throwing a frisbee has to do with your wrist and your stance. If your wrist doesn't flick correctly, then your frisbee will definitely go astray. If you don't stand facing the left or the right and if you don't look at where you're throwing then you're frisbee won't go where you want it to go.

    - melody

  16. the frisbee curves when ur arm is angled wrong

  17. If the frisbee goes up then your wrist was at an angle. If it curves then it means that you let go too early or too late.

  18. To make a good throw it depends on your body movement and the flick of your wrist. Flicking your wrist hard or soft will decide how far the Frisbee goes and the direction the Frisbee goes depends on if you angle your arm correctly.
    ~Mariam Abraham

  19. It means that when u threw the frisbee and it cuved the wrong way, and the angle in which it was thrown depends on the wrist position.

  20. If the frisbee doesn't fly the in the direction which you wanted it to, you know that you didnt throw the frisbee correctly
    Pallavi Malla

  21. when you throw the frisbee you can tell if you angled your wrist weird or if you flicked your wrist the wrong way.
    -danielle margolis

  22. the frisbee's path depends on how you flick your wrist and how you throw the frisbee so this will affect how the frisbee turns and flies.
    -kelly regan
