Monday, November 8, 2010

Period 2: Lifestyle Focus - Sleep

We will finish out the semester using our blog to focus on lifestyle factors that influence our health.  These lifestyle factors may seem minor but can have a huge impact on our well being.  These posts will be a bit longer and will require you to do some reading.

Our first topic is sleep.  Please read the following information on teens and sleep from The National Sleep Foundation.

Teens and Sleep

Sleep Topics

Sleep is food for the brain. During sleep, important body functions and brain activity occur. Skipping sleep can be harmful — even deadly, particularly if you are behind the wheel. You can look bad, you may feel moody, and you perform poorly. Sleepiness can make it hard to get along with your family and friends and hurt your scores on school exams, on the court or on the field. Remember: A brain that is hungry for sleep will get it, even when you don’t expect it. For example, drowsiness and falling asleep at the wheel cause more than 100,000 car crashes every year. When you do not get enough sleep, you are more likely to have an accident, injury and/or illness.


•Sleep is vital to your well-being, as important as the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food you eat. It can even help you to eat better and manage the stress of being a teen.

•Biological sleep patterns shift toward later times for both sleeping and waking during adolescence -- meaning it is natural to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00 pm.

•Teens need about 9 1/4 hours of sleep each night to function best (for some, 8 1/2 hours is enough). Most teens do not get enough sleep — one study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights.

•Teens tend to have irregular sleep patterns across the week — they typically stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of their sleep.

•Many teens suffer from treatable sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, insomnia, restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea.


Not getting enough sleep or having sleep difficulties can:
•Limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. You may even forget important information like names, numbers, your homework or a date with a special person in your life;

•Make you more prone to pimples. Lack of sleep can contribute to acne and other skin problems;

•Lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior such as yelling at your friends or being impatient with your teachers or family members;

•Cause you to eat too much or eat unhealthy foods like sweets and fried foods that lead to weight gain;

•Heighten the effects of alcohol and possibly increase use of caffeine and nicotine; and

•Contribute to illness, not using equipment safely or driving drowsy.


•Make sleep a priority. Review Teen Time in this toolkit and keep the Teen Sleep Diary. Decide what you need to change to get enough sleep to stay healthy, happy, and smart!

•Naps can help pick you up and make you work more efficiently, if you plan them right. Naps that are too long or too close to bedtime can interfere with your regular sleep.

•Make your room a sleep haven. Keep it cool, quiet and dark. If you need to, get eyeshades or blackout curtains. Let in bright light in the morning to signal your body to wake up.

•No pills, vitamins or drinks can replace good sleep. Consuming caffeine close to bedtime can hurt your sleep, so avoid coffee, tea, soda/pop and chocolate late in the day so you can get to sleep at night. Nicotine and alcohol will also interfere with your sleep.

•When you are sleep deprived, you are as impaired as driving with a blood alcohol content of .08%, which is illegal for drivers in many states. Drowsy driving causes over 100,000 crashes each year. Recognize sleep deprivation and call someone else for a ride. Only sleep can save you!

•Establish a bed and wake-time and stick to it, coming as close as you can on the weekends. A consistent sleep schedule will help you feel less tired since it allows your body to get in sync with its natural patterns. You will find that it’s easier to fall asleep at bedtime with this type of routine.

•Don’t eat, drink, or exercise within a few hours of your bedtime. Don’t leave your homework for the last minute. Try to avoid the TV, computer and telephone in the hour before you go to bed. Stick to quiet, calm activities, and you’ll fall asleep much more easily!

•If you do the same things every night before you go to sleep, you teach your body the signals that it’s time for bed. Try taking a bath or shower (this will leave you extra time in the morning), or reading a book.

•Try keeping a diary or to-do lists. If you jot notes down before you go to sleep, you’ll be less likely to stay awake worrying or stressing.

•When you hear your friends talking about their all-nighters, tell them how good you feel after getting enough sleep.

•Most teens experience changes in their sleep schedules. Their internal body clocks can cause them to fall asleep and wake up later. You can’t change this, but you can participate in interactive activities and classes to help counteract your sleepiness. Make sure your activities at night are calming to counteract your already heightened alertness.

For this weeks blog, answer the following questions:
  1. How much sleep on average do you get each night and how does that compare to the recommended amounts in the information above?
  2. What are some of the consequences of not getting enough sleep?
  3. Which strategies listed above would help you to get more sleep?


  1. 1.I get about 7 1/2 hours of sleep on weekdays. Basically I get 1 3/4 hours less sleep than the amount recommended.

    2.Consequences include drowsiness, aggressiveness, weight gain or loss, unhealthy eating, contribute to illness, and limit your ability to learn.

    3.Sleep earlier, make a sleep schedule everyday, take more naps.

  2. 1. I get about 7 hours of sleep every night which is not enough. I need 8 hours of sleep.
    2. Affected ability to learn and solve problems.
    3. Devolop a consistent rountine before I go to sleep every night.

    -Greg Potemken

  3. Adam (AJ) Roshfeld

    I get around 7 and a half hours each night, which is a less then i am supposed to. Some consequences can be, acne, irritability, weight gain, and illness. Some strategies that may help me would be to try to go to sleep round the same time each night, not to save HW until the last minute, and do calming things before bed.

  4. -I get about 8 hours of sleep a night. This is half an hour less than the minimum amount of sleep that the article recommends.
    -Some consequences include having huge mood swings that cause you to act differently to friends, family, etc. Not having enough sleep also makes you more prone to eating more unhealthy food, and more prone to having pimples.
    -I think waking up at the same time on the weekends and doing calm, quiet activities an hour before going to sleep could help me get more sleep.
    -Victor Shen

  5. I get about 5 hours of sleep every night. On a good night 6. It's about 3-4 hours less than I should be receiving.
    I am falling in sleep in classes and sometimes I feel cranky.
    I should not eat and should take shorter naps. My naps are 1.5 hours...

    Eddie Tsao

  6. I get about 7.5 hours of sleep each night which is an hour shorter than the recommended amount.
    Some consequences of not enough sleep include being more easily irritated, eating more, and performing poorly on schoolwork or in sports.
    I need to establish a sleep schedule and try to follow it even on the weekends so my body gets into a routine.

    Michael Castelli

  7. -i get about 5 or 6 hours of sleep each,i need 8 1/2 hour of sleep.
    -some of the consequences of not getting enough sleep are aggressiveness,unhealthy food and ineffectual study.
    -make a good schedule,in this way you will have time to sleep.

    George Giannos

  8. -I get about 7.5 hours of sleep each night. This is an hour short of the minimum recommended amount, and almost 2 hours short of the suggested amount.
    -Lack of sleep can impair cognitive functions. It can also lead to unhealthy behavior.
    -I need to keep a more consistent sleep schedule on weekends and weekdays. I also need to avoid watching TV before sleep.

    Seth Margolis

  9. I get anywhere between 7- 10 hours of sleep a night, so i almost get the minimum requirment

    2. Affected ability to learn and solve problems.

    3. When you hear your friends talking about their all-nighters, tell them how good you feel after getting enough sleep

    --__Aumare Hayes

  10. 1. I usually get around 7 hours of sleep each night. That means that I am short of about an hour to an hour and a half of the amount of sleep that I need each night.

    2. Some of the consequences of not getting enough sleep is it can make a person behave inappropriate and it can cause people to not be concentrated and to not pay attention when they are suppose to.

    3. The strategies that I can use to get enough sleep is to take naps during the day and to make a sleep routine.

    Ari Mhashilkar

  11. i get about 7-9 hours of sleep each night

    sleep helps your brain recoup and prepare u for the next day

    set a specific time where your going to go to bed and do not do any strenuous activity within a few hours of it

    josh strauss

  12. 1. I get about 8 hours of sleep a night and although a half an hour off the prescribed time I feel its a good amount for being in high school
    2. It can lead to affected ability to learn and unhealthy behavior
    3. Do work when i get home and not take a nap so i can go to sleep at a reasonable time

    -Zach Kramer

  13. 1. During the week I get about 8 hours of sleep... However, on the weekends I get less because I stay up extremely late. I need to get a solid 8 hours.
    2. Consequences include drowsiness, aggressiveness, weight gain or loss, unhealthy eating.
    3. I need to develop a routine that I follow not only during the weekdays, but the weekends as well

    Kyle Weissenburger

  14. 1. I get 8 hours of sleep each night. Though i should be getting 1-2 more hours of sleep each night.
    2. Sleep Deprivation can lead to drowsiness and loss of the ability to concentrate effectively.
    3. Doing HW early in the day and taking showers at night will allow me to go to sleep at consistent times and will allow me to sleep in an extra 15-20 minutes.

    -Kevin Ross

  15. I get like 5 to 6 hours sleep per night..

    consequences could include drowsiness.. weight fluctuation. and illness. lack of attentivenes

    i could go to sleep earlier and get more work done earlier that i do.

    George Ewald

  16. I get 7.5 hours of actual sleep a night. That means I'm at least an hour short of the recommendation.

    Sleep deprivation can lead to impaired focus and headaches that lead to you nodding off.

    I should probably do homework earlier, and go to sleep directly after brushing my teeth to avoid getting distracted by something else

    Brian McGrattan

  17. I get 6 hours of sleep a night. I need at least two and a half more hours of sleep than I am currently getting.

    Not getting enough sleep makes me tired during the day and not 100% focused.

    One way to accomplish this would be to not turn on the computer while I do my homework which magnifies the amount of time I need to do it. Sticking to a schedule which is set with the habitual actions of each day that week can help you get more sleep.

    Alec Jasen

  18. I get around 7 hours of sleep each night, which is 1 hour less then i should get. Some consequences can be, acne, irritability, weight gain, and illness. I may also not be able to concentrate in school as well as i could with 8 hours of sleep. Some strategies that may help me would be to try to go to sleep round the same time each night, not to save HW until the last minute.

    Shiv Parmar

  19. 1. I get around 6 hours of sleep per night.
    2. Lack of sleep will lead to lack of attentiveness and also can allow unhealthy behaviors.
    3. I should finish my school work before dinner time.

    -Phillip Kim-

  20. I get about 6 hours every night.I am 2 hours short of the recommendation.
    Some of the consequenses are that I am not too focus many times in my classes,and not so sucessful to the studing.
    I should take 2 more hours of sleep and do my homwork earlier and faster.

    Thanos kondylidis

  21. I get 6.5 hours of sleep usually. That means i am almost 3 hours short of the recommendation.

    This can lead to irritability, sickness and unawareness.

    I should probably finish homework earlier and not go on the computer as much.

    Daniel Park

  22. I usually get around 6-7 hours of sleep, which is much less than the recommendation.

    Sleep deprivation can make it difficult for a person to focus on things.

    If I did my work earlier in the evening I could get to sleep earlier.

    Zachary Siegel

  23. i get at least 7 hours of sleep a night

    tge side effects are not being able to focus therfor not being able to retain important information

    go t sleep a little earlier to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep


  24. 1) I have been getting about 8-9 hours of sleep lately ever since i moved to MD from FL since it's boring here.

    2) If i dont get enough sleep, then i wont be able to focus and might start acting funny.

    3)Im fine with the amount of sleep im currently getting.

  25. 1) I get at least 6 hours of sleep on weekdays. I ll need more than seven hours of sleep on weekdays

    2) the consequences of not getting enough sleepp are unefectual study and reding eyes

    3) Ill need to leave back some of my exercise because i get about 4 hours of running every day

  26. 1)I usually get around 6 hours of sleep a night

    2) when I don't get enough sleep, i become forgetful and lose focus easily

    3)I should start going to sleep an hour or two earlier

    Max Langworthy

  27. 1.I get aroud 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night which is the reccomended amount of sleep.

    2.When I lose sleep I lose focus and I get irritable

    3.I should not use the computer so late at night and not eat much before I go to bed

    Carlos Marrero

  28. 1) I am getting 6 hours of sleep on weekdays.

    2) Tha results of this are beeing unable to understan some of the things others say to you and aggressiveness. Also it doesn't let me do well at my workouts.

    3) I'll need to be getting an 7-8 hour sleep in my opinion

    Nikos Sterpis
