Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Period 4 Weight Training Grade Yourself

The first quarter is in the books and grades have been posted and your grade reflects how well you were able to follow the guidelines I put forth not necessarily how hard you have worked in the class. I have said before, one of the reasons I like fitness and weight training specifically so much is that what you get out of it is directly proportional to what you put into it. Many of you have worked very hard this past quarter and your results are showing that. Some of you have not worked quite as hard. We do not grade on effort in weight training but for this weeks blog I want you to take an honest look at you level of effort int he class for the past quarter and give yourself a grade. I will not post these comments. I just want you to take a moment to reflect on what you are putting into the class and in turn what you are getting out of the class.

The grade scale is as follows
A - Works hard daily, ready to work out and puts full effort into all activities practices form on lifts and goes after weak areas.
B - Works hard consistently but not everyday, put full effort into what you do but will take days off here and there
C - Have to be reminded to get back to work, have a hard time getting to class on time does not follow class activities, does not practice form on lifts
D - Does not even change for class activities, not a part of the community of the class, does their own thing.
E - Luckily we do not have any of these. I would work hard to get you out of the class if we did.

Let me know what grade you would give yourself and back it up with examples, as well as ways you could improve heading into 2nd quarter.


  1. I would give myself a B. There are some days I don't feel like trying my hardest because I am tired. THere are also times I don't try because I would rather hang out with friends. I also forgot to do some of the blogs last quarter.

    -Kyle Saggar

  2. I'm a B right now because I don't always do the workout. Sometimes I need 4th period to get lunch before I go to my internship because I dont have a lunch period. I'm going to be an A this quarter though cuz I have a new workout schedule

  3. A: I'd give myself an A because I feel I have worked extremely hard in this class and intend to maintain that work ethic. But I will try to improve on my frequency of changing clothes.
    -Matt Mays

  4. Id give myself a B because I work hard most days, but i give myself days off every once in a while

    Brandon Stave

  5. I think i deserve a B in the class. it is because i try woring everyday but i do not put in as much as effort as i should. I normally dont push my self to do the best that i can do. I tend to work on exercises that i am good at like the squat and dead lift more but at ones that i am not as good at such as benching and push press i tend to not try as hard

    Yusuf Khan

  6. I would give myself and B plus. I change for workouts, and usually try my hardest at every lift or exercise. I feel like I don't deserve an A because usually there's always more that I could do everyday for my workout to make myself stronger. I don't push myself hard enough; simply doing the assigned workout isn't enough for me so I always can do better.

    Victor Shen

  7. B because i have my bad days when i dont want to do nothing and there days where i give a full effort
    -Donovan Porter

  8. Adam Kaplan

    i would give my self a B because most days i work as hard as i can and do as much weight as i can but sometimes i goof off and cheat myself on sets. For example instead of doing 5 sets i would only do 4 or 5. I am seeing results and improving but not as fast as I would like. I will continue to work hard for the second quarter and try and stay on task as much as possible this next quarter. Hopefully this effort will turn into faster results on how much i can lift depending on different exercises.

  9. i would give an A because i improved my max about the exercises which exist in the paper. I feel that i tried hard to get improved, and i think that i can be improved more into 2nd quarter.

    George Giannos

  10. I would give my self a B due to my lack of changing and sometimes forgetting to finish an exercise. I am going to start changing and also will start to set goals for myself I may see a real and significant improvement

  11. I admit that i am at a C right now because i often dont do anything but sit down and talk the whole period. But when i do workout I defintly keep form and put a lot of effort into it. If i do decide to lift i put all my energy into it. This quarter i will improve by changing clothes more and keeping up every day.
    -Kamiyar Rezvani

  12. I feel that I deserve an A in this class. I have been working really hard. I was able to max out in the push press and the dead lift. My new max in the dead lift was 295 and my new max in the push press was 165. I was also able to get on the board for maxing out.

    -Alan Nguyen

  13. A. Every day in class I feel I do the lifting assigned in full effort. This has been shown by working and continuosly adding on weight that I can handle while trying to maintain correct form, and has also been shown by being able to add on more and more weight throughout the course of the quarter. I feel for the second quarter for lifting I need to put more focus into getting the correct form, which will allow me to lift better and with more weight.
    -Robbie Weinstein

  14. B.
    I work hard on most days, but some times I get lazy.
    I could improve by just doing everything the class does and working my hardest

    Jason Chen

  15. B.

    I work hard when I want too but sometimes I take a day off. I will try top change more often to motivate myself to not slack off as much.

    ~Justin Feldman
