Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Period 4 Weight Training Nutrition

You have been training hard this semester and I have seen some impressive gains in strength and in quality of movement. For the remainder of the semester our blogs will focus on what is probably the most important factor of all for lasting health. Your nutrition. It is a tough subject, because your body is a miraculous machine that can and will run on just about anything you give it for a while. The effects of poor nutrition often take years to reveal themselves in terms of chronic health problems, but recent research suggests that these problems are showing up earlier and earlier in peoples lives. Luckily, small changes to your eating now can make big differences , not only on your performance in workouts, but also in your overall health.

In order to look at our nutrition we need to know where we are right now. For this weeks blog I want you to think about the last three meals you have had to eat. They can be snacks, or real meals. Write down everything that you have put into your mouth for your past three eating sessions, be sure to include drinks, that pack of skittles, the piece of pizza after school, everything.


  1. 1) Mahi-Mahi with Chipotle sauce
    Black Beans and Rice
    2) Corn Beef Sandwich w/ Mustard
    Sour Skittles
    Bag of Fritos
    Bottle of Water
    3) Cinnamon Toast Crunch with Milk
    Orange Juice

    Robbie Weinstein

  2. 1. chips
    2. burrito
    3. burger and fries

    -Alan Nguyen

  3. Breakfast:pancakes, eggs, strawberries
    Lunch: pasta, pizza
    Dinner:French Toast, eggs, bacon

    Kyle Saggar

  4. subway meatball sub, water, cookie, clementine, turkey sandwich, water, fiber one bar, celery and carrots, apple, gatorade, white rice, chicken and potatoes, doritos chips.
    Kamiyar Rezvani

  5. breakfast: a cup of milk, a slice of bread with honey,and a slice of bread with white cheese,turkey and omelet.
    lunch: a steak, potatoes, salad, and rice.
    dinner: spaghetti

    George Giannos

  6. Breakfast: Mini Wheat cereal
    Lunch Turkey sandwich, sunny D, and Beef Jerky
    Dinner: Salmon, milk

    Luke Klecker

  7. breakfast: cereal with milk
    lunch: chicken sandwich, water
    dinner: rice, steak, broccoli

    Jason Chen

  8. Breakfast: Egg whites with Water
    Lunch: Sweet potatoes, Carrots, Celery Sticks, and Chicken Breast
    Dinner: Steak Chipotle

    Victor Shen

  9. Breakfast: chocolate muffin and milk
    Lunch: Cheese Pizza, fries, apple juice, cookie
    Snack: Cheese pizza, cheese and spinach ravioli, apple, gatorade, toast with bread
    Dinner: Puri (fried flour), chick peas, potatoes
    Dessert: toblerone chocolate
    Throughout the day: Water, Robotussin cough syrup, cough drops

    Yusuf Khan

  10. breakfast:yogurt
    lunch:ham sandwich, cheez-itz, applesauce,
    snack:meat nachos, 2 packs of fruit snacks, cup noodles

    ~Justin Feldman

  11. breakfast-power bar
    lunch- turkey sandwich, chips, cheese stick, and carrots
    dinner-rice, grilled chicken, vegetables
    dessert-ice cream

    Adam kaplan

  12. 1) braised beef, carrots, bread, water, kale
    2) toast, apple, milk
    3) chicken sandwich, chips, water

    Max Levine

  13. 1) bagel, eggs, water, OJ and an orange
    2) flank steak sandwich, banana, chips, gatorade
    3) chicken, pasta, salad, gatorade

    Brandon Stave

  14. 1) Ham sandwich, slices of mango, water
    2) Cheese pizza, pasta with meatballs, water
    3) Cinnamon toast crunch with milk, an orange, milk

    Brian Gastwirth

  15. 1) Spaghetti and meatballs, a Honey Bun, a banana, a handful of Skittles, a piece of Starburst, water and a pop tart.
    2) a PB&J sandwhich, a banana, a pop-tart, a packet of Caprisun and water
    3) a Cinnnamon Danish, a bag of Doritos and water
    Patrick Chidueme

  16. 1)mini wheat cereal with milk and a chocolate milk
    2)ham and cheese sandwich, apple slices, and a water.
    3) steak and potatoes,milk

    Luke Klecker
