Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Period 3 Blog 2.1 Carb Crazy

It seems, from the last post, that most of us are going carb crazy. Many of you have thought about ways to fit protein and fats into your breakfast. This is a good thing. Now you need to look at the rest of your meals and see if you are balancing your meals throughout the day. What happens when we eat all carbohydrate meals?

Let’s look at the digestive process. Everything that you eat gets converted by the digestive system into blood glucose so that it can be used by the body as energy. Proteins and fats take longer to convert and raise the blood glucose levels at a slower rate (this is good). Carbohydrates are converted much more rapidly causing spikes in blood sugar levels. Simple and processed carbohydrates(most of the breakfast food you are eating) cause much more rapid spikes. Grains and sugar are what we are looking to avoid. Most of the carbohydrates you are consuming now are made from grains. Think pizza, pasta, bread, cereal, and any form of processed food. Most processed foods are made from refined grains, starches, and sugars. They are high-glycemic, meaning they cause large swings in blood sugar levels and are associated with greater risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic health problems. Consider this chain of events: A high glycemic food such as a sugary cereal, or wheat bread is consumed; this causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket, as a result, insulin levels are increased and blood sugar levels are decreased to levels lower than before you consumed the high glycemic carbohydrate (resulting in a feeling of sluggishness), because of this chain of events, the liver is forced to produce higher triglyceride levels which increase cholesterol, the kidneys retain sodium which causes fluid retention, the final result is an increase in blood pressure, Inflammation and hypertension. Vegetables and fruits are carbohydrates that are broken down more slowly by the digestive system and cause a slower rise in blood sugar.

I know this was a long one so I am checking for understanding. For this weeks blog, let me know, in your own words, why high glycemic carbohydrates are a bad food choice.


  1. All of the foods you eat is converted into glucose which is a sugar that is used by the body as a main source of energy. Carbs are broken down into sugars much faster than proteins and fat. The result of eating too much starch is your body has abrupt changes in sugar levels. Processed foods that are made of grains, starches and sugars are high-glycemic, since they causes fast changes in sugar level in the body. That helps lead to serious health conditions like diabetes. After eating the starch, the blood sugar raise up quickly and the liver has to make more triglyerides that increase cholesterol. The kidneys keep in sodium or salts that contribute to fluid retention(when fluid is not removed from the cells. Then, there is an increase of blood pressure, inflammation(used by the organism is remove the harmful substances and try to heal the damaged tissue) and hypertension. A better alternative is fruits and vegatable since they are broken down into sugars much slowly and doesn't increase the blood sugar so quickly.

    Wesley Chan

    PS can we have a shorter blog?

  2. By eating to many sugars this causes your blood sugar to rise which could lead to many health problems like affecting many of your organs and possibly getting diabetes. What you should be doing is eating organic foods or foods that have a low amount of sugar so that you are getting your daily amount of sugar but still keeping it healthy.

    -Justin Stuart

  3. Thanks for these nice tips Anonymous. I like this site as it is very informative.

  4. because they are digested quickly which is like a ton of carbs that are like pumped into you quickly but because proteins and fats take longer to be absorbed or digested or converted, that means that it is like a steady flow of energy which can keep you going through the day (which you definitely need when your in high school and are taking weight training, not really though or maybe... whatever)

  5. These food choices are bad for you because they provide quick energy that doesn't stay in you system very long. The reason is that it causes your blood sugars to rise. As a result you may feel slugish during the day and as well as not have the energy needed to work out. Plus these are not as healthy for you and may put you at risk for type 2 diabetes and other diseases. It is important to eat healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables which breaks down slower giving you more energy and well help you live a healthier life.
    Taylor Van Neste

  6. high blood sugar is by having to much sugar in the body, it can cause diabetes. eating fruit is a good alternative because even though there are sugars in them, they are have nutrients that are like sugars. -cornelius waiman

  7. all the food you eat is converted into sugar. when simple carbs are consumed the amount of sugar that goes into your blood pressure which causes body to produce higher levels of insulin and triglyceride which then increases cholesterol and will in the long run with repeated high levels of consumption of simple carbs will cause chronic health problems including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

    Alex Kyle

  8. ALl the sugar that rushes into your digestive system causes your blood sugar to sky rocket and lead to many health problems. The swings in blood suagr levels after consumtion of high glycemic carbs are linked to obesity, heart disease, diabeties, and high blood pressure. That is why eating those crappy high glycemic carbohydrates are bad for the human body.
    -Mitch Rampp

  9. The reason that high glycemic carbs are a bad food choice is because it starts a chain of events that can lead to poor health. First off, these kind of carbs raise your blood sugar level, which in turn raises your insulin level. Soon after, your blood sugar levels are lowered to was lower than it was before you ate this high glycemic carb food. This causes a stress on the liver and it eating too much high glycemic carbs can lead to such problems as high blood pressure, hypertension, etc.
    Matthew Beinart

  10. High glycemic carbohydrates causes large swing in the sugar level. When High glycemic carbs get consumed, your blood sugar level increase. Then the insulin levels increase thus making the bloog sugar levels decrease lower than before eating. the liver next have to increase in triglyceral levels and kidneys have to retain sodium. All this increase blood pressure, Inflammation and hypertension. Summary: Higher sugar levels increase obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other health issues.

    -Charles Li

  11. --doing this for A
    high gylcemic carbs are bad because they produce drastic swings in your blood sugar which also changes your insulin level. high glycemic levels can lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic health problems (copied the problems from the form). when the insulin goes up the blood sugar goes down making you feel sluggish, this leads to the liver producing higher levels of triglycerides which increases cholestorol, kidneys retain sodium causing fluid retention and eventually blood level increase, inflammation, and hypertension.

    So if we eat high glycemic carbs we will damage our bodies in the long run, which will hurt our fitness, and ability to do physical activites. All our work will have gone to waste.

    darian parsadoust

  12. Large changes in your inulin level thats caused by high glycemic carbs isnt good. This can lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. If your insulin is up your blood sugar is look making you feel weak. Leading to porducing triglycerides which increases cholesterol. This will cause a hard time for our bodies in the long run.

    Kevin Roman

  13. consumtion of high glycemic carbs are linked to obesity, heart disease, diabeties, and high blood pressure. It also causes your blood sugar to sky rocket
    -Mark Sokolsky

  14. Eating high glycemic carbs can lead to weight gain, diabeties, high blood pressure. So overall it is not good to consume these.
    -Jack Connelly

  15. high glycemic carbohydrates causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly which causes a lot of insulin to be secreted. As a result, glycogen is stored in the fat tissue.

  16. dimitri deychak

    High glycemic carbs are not good for you sometimes. For example, you heat some food high in carbs and if you do not exersize after that those carbs and sugars get turned into fat. This will not help with ou getting jacked. Always look for more protein and less carbs, UNLESS you know you are going to get jacked right after that like go to the gym.
