Monday, February 1, 2010

Period 3 Blog 3.2 Importance of Physical Education

Below is a list of 7 reasons why physical education is important, from an education blog called "Romow." Read over the list and for your blog question this week I want you to tell me two things. 1. Why is physical education important to you personally? and 2. What do you plan to get out of this class? I am not talking grades, but what do you want to know, or be able to do as a direct result of taking this class. Think about your fitness test scores and let me know if you have any goals related to them.

7 Reasons why P.E. is Important:

1. It’s a link to good health.

The value of physical fitness can never be overstated. It’s only in physical educational classrooms that students learn the value of taking care of themselves thru proper grooming, healthy eating and regular exercise.

2. It’s a preventive measure against disease.

Many doctors today agree that obesity is a serious health risk. Without any form of diet management and control with the numerous processed food students intake everyday compounded by a sedentary lifestyle, a student’s health can easily be at risk to many diseases like chronic heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Physical education in school is a preventive measure to teach students the value of regular exercise.

3. It’s a program for muscle strength and fitness.

Physical education develops the students’ motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It also develops the upper body muscles through activities like doing push ups as well the lower body muscles through stationary jumping jacks, 3min running and jumping exercises. Programs usually have core training exercises also like doing abdominal crunches.

4. It promotes academic learning.

Physical health allows students to function even better in classrooms. A good cardiovascular system developed from regular exercise promotes excellent blood and oxygen circulation. This means more nutrients circulate through out the body which includes the brain. This circulation produces longer attention span during classes allowing longer concentration and absorption.

5. It builds self esteem.

Students who are active in physical activities like basketball, volleyball, martial arts and running just to name a few are more confident with themselves according to most social school studies. It’s probably because of the self discipline and dedication to excel in a sport that brings out the best in students. In school, the physical education program introduces these sport activities to students allowing them to make choices to which sport areas they want to get involved in.

6. It develops cooperation, teamwork and sportsmanship skill.

Most physical education programs are holistic. The program allows student to interact together to a common goal and that is to win and excel physically. It brings out the competitive sides of students working both body and mind but also promotes sportsmanship.

7. It promotes a physically active lifestyle.

The purpose of physical education is to instill in students, at an early age, the value of self preservation and choosing a lifestyle that is good for both the mind and body.


  1. physical education is important to me becasue I want to get fit and I just wanna be stong in general.
    I want to know how I can make myself stronger without hurting myself and the right way to excerice, buil muscle.

    Se Lee

  2. Personally physical education's important to me because I'm a pretty active kid. I play basketball and football pretty often, so I need to stay at least somewhat in shape.
    All I'm really hoping to get out of this class is the knowledge to lift on my own, outside of school and to start making a legit effort to work out.
    -Kevin Lee

  3. I'm not sure where the first blog went, so I guess I'll just answer here?

    1. Fitness testing's important to get a basic understanding of what you can do, so you don't overwork yourself without knowing.
    2. We're trying to learn our strong points and our weak points, and what we need to improve on.
    -Kevin Lee

  4. 1.) it is important because i play a lot of sports so it will help me with them.
    2.) i plan to get out of this class is learning how excerise can really help you in your daily life.

    Kenzie GIlbert

  5. Physical Education is important to me because it helps me keep my weight steady because without it, I gain a lot of weight. I want to be able to gain more muscle mass but most importantly I want to learn the proper form so that when I lift on my own I dont hurt myself in the future

    -Neofytos Panagos

  6. 1)To get in shape and get physically well-rounded.
    2) to learn proper form to get the best results and not to hurt myself in the process.

    Ben Crookshank

  7. 1) Pyhsical activity is important to me because it helps me releive stress after long school days and take part in activities that I enjoy and I know are good for my health.
    2)For one, taking this class gives me a chance to work out everyday regardless of after school activities. Also, it will help me to learn proper form so I can get more out of my workouts when I am lifting without a teacher or coach present.

    -Matt Schliep

  8. 1. Why is physical education important to you personally?
    2. What do you plan to get out of this class?

    PE is important to me because the major i'm trying to do in college is exercise science. PE is like another perspective on what diffeent workouts do because from my knowledge everyone has their own opinion. you know that i intern at philbins Kirk who has a different mind set on working out/training than you. Also its a class where i can be with my friends who enjoy doing the same things i do, and is like a persuausion for me to do better weight training wise.

    i plan to get a good workout throughout baseball season so none of the muscle mass that i gained over winter goes to waste.

    --coki cruz

  9. Physical education is important to gain exposure to the vast majority of sports and physical activity. Out of this class, I want to be able to increase my overall strength but also maintain my cardiovascular capacity.

    Alex Kyle

  10. physical education is important to me becasue I want to get fit and I just wanna be stong in general for life's challenges.
    I want to get better at my power clean form and get within 100 lbs of the bottom of the wootton toatle board.
    J. Smitty

  11. 1. Physical education is important to me personally because it helps me to ensure that I stay active and physically healthy.
    2. I plan on improving on what I learned last semester in this class, by making sure I'm correctly doing each lift. This will help me to increase the amount of weight that I am able to lift.

    Matthew Beinart

  12. Physical education is important to me becasue it helps to keep me physically fit. Also, because its a program for muscle strength and fitness and that is what I really wan tot work on.
    I plan to get stronger from this class. Also I want to help the form on all my lifts.

    Michael Turow

  13. 1) physical ed is important to me because it gives me somewhere i can compete with others while bettering myself.
    2) i want better form so i can get more out of lifting.

    Matt Hoy

  14. this class will help me get better form when lifting and will allow me to be much more fit. the main reason i joined this class is so i call get stronger

    Suri Venugopal

  15. Physical education is important to me because I want to learn to increase my physical capabilities. I want to learn how to weightlift and how to build muscle in this class.

    Peter Aybar

  16. Its important to me so that I can live a healthy lifestyle, I wanna learn skills in the class that I can take with me when I leave

    Allen Hai

  17. Physical eduaction is important to me becuase i always want to stay fit and healthy throughout my life. I hope to become a more Athletic person by the time this class is finished.
    Logan Yanoff

  18. physical education is important to me because if you play a sport you may want to get exercise and get stronger. i hope to get stronger.

    -Brandon Lezcano
