Monday, February 1, 2010

Period 7 Blog 3.2 Importance of Physical Education

Below is a list of 7 reasons why physical education is important, from an education blog called "Romow." Read over the list and for your blog question this week I want you to tell me two things. 1. Why is physical education important to you personally? and 2. What do you plan to get out of this class? I am not talking grades, but what do you want to know, or be able to do as a direct result of taking this class. Think about these seven reasons and your fitness test scores and let me know if you have any goals related to them.

7 Reasons why P.E. is Important:

1. It’s a link to good health.

The value of physical fitness can never be overstated. It’s only in physical educational classrooms that students learn the value of taking care of themselves thru proper grooming, healthy eating and regular exercise.

2. It’s a preventive measure against disease.

Many doctors today agree that obesity is a serious health risk. Without any form of diet management and control with the numerous processed food students intake everyday compounded by a sedentary lifestyle, a student’s health can easily be at risk to many diseases like chronic heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Physical education in school is a preventive measure to teach students the value of regular exercise.

3. It’s a program for muscle strength and fitness.

Physical education develops the students’ motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It also develops the upper body muscles through activities like doing push ups as well the lower body muscles through stationary jumping jacks, 3min running and jumping exercises. Programs usually have core training exercises also like doing abdominal crunches.

4. It promotes academic learning.

Physical health allows students to function even better in classrooms. A good cardiovascular system developed from regular exercise promotes excellent blood and oxygen circulation. This means more nutrients circulate through out the body which includes the brain. This circulation produces longer attention span during classes allowing longer concentration and absorption.

5. It builds self esteem.

Students who are active in physical activities like basketball, volleyball, martial arts and running just to name a few are more confident with themselves according to most social school studies. It’s probably because of the self discipline and dedication to excel in a sport that brings out the best in students. In school, the physical education program introduces these sport activities to students allowing them to make choices to which sport areas they want to get involved in.

6. It develops cooperation, teamwork and sportsmanship skill.

Most physical education programs are holistic. The program allows student to interact together to a common goal and that is to win and excel physically. It brings out the competitive sides of students working both body and mind but also promotes sportsmanship.

7. It promotes a physically active lifestyle.

The purpose of physical education is to instill in students, at an early age, the value of self preservation and choosing a lifestyle that is good for both the mind and body.


  1. First, physical education is important because you would know how to work out properly without hurting yourself and know how to lift without injuring yourself in the process. Second, I plan to get more knowledge of the proper lifting forms and statures

  2. physical education is important to me because it builds mental and physical strength.

    This semester I plan to set new maxs in each lift

    Aaron Kay

  3. Physical education is important to me because i care about my body and want to keep myself in good shape. i hope to improve/perfect my form and jack up the weight this semester

    Sam Rosenblatt

  4. Physical education y very important because it keeps my body in shape and im able to do well in sports and it also keeps me healthy.

    Im planning on being able to lift alot by the end of the semester.

    Will Berganza

  5. Physical education is important to me because first of all, I enjoy doin it. Also it helps me maintain a healtly lifestyle, and keeps me in good shape for whatever sports i want to play. In this class i plan to get bigger, faster, and stronger, while having a good time doing it.
    - Josh Meltzer

  6. Physical education is important to me because i want to get big, muscle wise. My family also has a history of diabetes so working out may help reduce my chances of getting it.

    I plan to get stronger this semester and to continue to.

    Michael Castelli

  7. john stoeber

    physical education is important to me because i want to get stronger this semester and i want to learn what to and not to eat after lifting

  8. Physical education is emportant to me because I like to maintain good shape. This semester, I hope to learn how to do new lifts and raise my maxs on the lifts I already know

    Olin Akisoglu

  9. For me, physical education is a major part of my life. I have to keep in shape for the sports I play. I wanted to take this class because my coach finds it extremely important to increase strength for all aspects of lacrosse. By lifting weights and working on my upper body, lower body, and core strenght, it will improve the way I play overall.

    Marisa Cresham

  10. physical education is important to me because it is a great, acceptable outlet for primal aggression. I plan to gain back all the weight I lost, and repair the damage wrestling season has done to my lifts.


  11. physical education important to me because I like to stay active and have fun.
    I plan to be able to have perfect form for each lift and get stronger and dominate metcons


  12. This class is importent to me is importent because i want to get stronger to help improve my sports along with preventing injury. my goal is to improve my maxes and max more then blatt in somthing and be safe

    Chris Kohn

  13. P.E. demonstrates to me how progress is directly correllated with effort. I want to become a better athlete by improving my endurance and explosiveness.

  14. Physical Education is importnant to me because my health is importnant to me and I will do anything I can to keep myself in good shape. I also plan to perfect my form in all lifts and maxamize the weight as much as possible this semester.

    -Greg Potemken

  15. Physical Education is useful, in that it helps promote good fitness and health; I'm hoping to use what we do in the weight room this semester to get myself in better shape, get stronger, and to prepare for other activities. Endurance, explosiveness, and all-over strength, especially better core strength, are all things I'd like to improve.


  16. Exercise keeps the body in good health and functioning it properly while also keeping the muscles strong. I hope to get in better shape as well as becoming much stronger this semester thanks to this class.

    -Micah Johnstone

  17. PE is important to me cause it keeps you in good health and you get stronger as u do it -Patrick B-

  18. i want to get more better physically. once im done with wrestling, i wont be doing more sports. i want to maintain and improve upon what i have gained physical wise.

  19. Physical education is important to me because i become healthier by getting in shape and as you said girls are more prone to injuries than guys so it's important for me to become stronger so i'm less likely to get injuries.

    This semester i plan to increase the amount of weight and number of reps that i do, which would make me stronger and healthier

    -Palina Ivanova

  20. mack hollins

    physical education is important because it can keep you healthy if you work hard. for weight lifting especially; we can learn proper form to keep from injuring ourselves later in life. i want to improve my power lifts

  21. Physical education is very important for me because i enjoy doing it and i get to keep my self in shape

    Harris Tsinas

  22. P.E. is important because you can learn how to work out correctly and how to not get hurt.
    Eric Song

  23. Daniel Nozick-

    P.E. is important to me because it makes me stronger mentally and physically. I want to get better times in track meets as a result of our workouts

  24. P.E. is important to me so that I can stay in shape and healthy. I am looking to get as strong as possible this semester to help me with football.
    Ben Killion

  25. P.E. is important to me so that I can stay in shape and healthy. I am trying to become stronger and practice on all my sports, mostly on basketball because my shot are off and i want to make a bigger impression when i play.

    Ammaar Yousufi

  26. Its important to have P.E. to stay healthy, fit and in shape. Its good to give yourself great self esteem and promote a physically active lifestyle.

    Steven Rubin

  27. physical education is important to me because it encourages mental and physical health in all aspects of life. this semester i plan to improve my form and increase my strength

    Max Langworthy

  28. Physical education is important to me because it keeps you in shape and healthy, and keeps me conditioned for football. This semester I plan to improve my form on my squat and my power clean.

    Jake Bradley
