Monday, October 17, 2011

Period 4 Weight Training "You are the teacher"

We have spent the better part of the last two months learning how to move our bodies correctly in order to get stronger and prevent injury. We have focused on a few major lifts and have sprinkled in various auxiliary movements. Just about everyone is working hard and will make great improvements, however it is all for nothing if you don't learn something along the way. For this weeks blog I want you to be the teacher. If you can teach someone something you learn it on a deeper level.

Think about the lifts of the squat and the deadlift. I want you to come up with the most important cues for thoes two lifts and give me a five step process for teaching each. For example, if I were to do the same for the bench press it would look like this:

Bench Press

Even grip, have spotter

Shoulders packed back and down

Feet planted

Inhale, elbows out, lower bar to chest

Exhale, press to lockout

Your five step process should show me how to do the lift correctly and should include any safety concerns. I will not post these responses untill Friday.


  1. Squat
    -Square shoulders
    -Line up middle of bar with middle of back
    -Push bar off rack, hips back, inhale
    -Squat down until thighs are parallel with ground, lean on heels
    -Push up off heels, rack bar by walking into rack

    -Feet hip width apart, feet pointed straight forward
    -Grip bar just outside the feet
    -Straight back, push stomach forward, make sure hips are back
    -Lift off ground, make sure back doesn't bend and keep chest forward
    -Keep bar close to body, hold at the top of the lift for 2-3 seconds, then bring weight back down

    -Victor Shen

  2. Deadlift

    1. grip the bar and make sure your hands are besides your legs

    2. you then straighten out your back

    3.tilt your head a little, you then use your eyes to look at up the ceiling

    4. use your legs to help you dead lift

    5. after coming up drop the weight

    -Alan Nguyen

  3. Dead Lift:
    -Grip just outside of your hips' width
    -Knees bent; chest is poking out
    -no movement in the spine
    -lift the bar
    -back down, don't bend knees until you pass your knees

    -even grip
    -knees shoulder-width apart
    -chest poking out
    -squat all the wau down and hold
    -come back up slowly

    -Matt Mays

  4. 1. Even grip, approach bar, have spotter
    2. Make sure the bar is on your back muscle not your spine
    3. Back up and get feet set
    4. Lower, dont move your knees forward,keep your chest straight
    5. Raise, lift up chest and keep spine and core compact

    Robbie Weinstein

  5. Justin Feldman~


    Make sure the bar is even on your back

    Tighten your core

    Inhale, squat to the full range of motion keeping your back straight

    Exhale, bringing the weight up using the strength of your legs.


    Tighten your core before picking the weight up

    Even grip

    Look straight ahead, not up or down

    Pull the weight up using your legs without hyper-extending your back

    Bring the weight down slowly and let the bar slide over your thighs and knees

  6. Back Squat- have the bar at chest level before you start, have feet spread slightly more than shoulder width apart, keep your stomach hard while going down, go lower than parallel with your knees, keep ankles on the ground

    Dead Lift- have feet spread shoulder width apart, have a hard stomach, start with the bar above your shoe laces, keep your back straight the whole time, hold the bar close to your legs when your lifting it
    Yusuf Khan

  7. Dead Lift

    Chest up

    Back straight

    Knees bent a little

    Hands just wider than shoulder width apart

    Feet shoulder width apart

    Inhale, pull bar against shins,pull up against thighs
    Slowly let bar down against thighs, shins, and back down to ground

  8. 1)Have a spotter
    2)Make sure the bar touches your chest while lifting
    3)Feet planted on the ground
    4)Bench nothing greater than your max
    5)Get a firm grip on the bar
    -Donovan Porter

  9. backsquat

    •grab the bar hands spaced evenly and slightly wider than shoulder width apart
    •Bar rests across the back of shoulders
    •Head up, chest up and out
    •Shoulder blades pushed together
    •Elbows pointing down and a firm grip
    •Torso straight and abdominals braced
    •Feet shoulder width apart
    •Feet flat on floor and toes pointing slightly outwards
    •inhale and holds the breath while lowering the bar
    •Knees bend and stay over the toes
    •stay back over heels
    •squat below parallel with the ground
    •stop briefly at the bottom
    •drive the bar up to the starting position by pushing through the heels
    •exhales while pushing the bar up

    -Kyle Saggar

  10. Squads:
    -front reck position
    -keep heels down
    -flexed court
    -keep your back straight and inclined
    -flex,stretch thighs

    -push chest out
    -keep your shoulder back
    -keep your arms straight
    -keep your back straight and inclined
    -inhale when you lift and exhale when you drop

    George Giannos

  11. Squat
    1. Even stance, feet slightly outside of shoulders
    2. Lower body as if to sit in an invisible chair
    3. Thighs perpendicular to legs
    4. Push through heels
    5. Stand up

    1. Lower body as if to do a squat
    2. Even grip on bar
    3. Back straight, lift bar by standing up, not with your arms
    4. Keep bar close to legs
    5. Lower bar keeping your back straight

    Max Levine

  12. Squat:
    place spot bars
    make sure bar is evenly placed across back
    arch your back and keep your chest up
    keep weight on the heels
    go down until thighs are parallel to ground
    have shins touching the bar
    grip the bar tightly and dont jerk the bar up
    keep chest up
    do not let your back round
    dont shrug shoulders on the way up
    -kamiyar rezvani

  13. Squat
    1. get feet shoulder width apart, step under the bar and push traps up to cushion the bar on your back, with hands equidistant from the center
    2. slowly move your hips back, and continue lowering them until they are parallel with the ground and you can feel the tension. make sure not to let your knees move in front of your toes.
    3. push up with your legs, making sure to keep your back strait and hips back

    1. get feet shoulder width apart, facing forward, with the bar centered in front touching your shins.
    2.move your hips back and then slightly bend your legs until your hands are locked out holding the bar just outside of your shins.
    3. push off the ground, while keeping your back strait, trying to draw power from your hips rather than your back.


  14. Back Squat:
    1)Evenly grip bar.
    2)Get underneath the bar and place it carefully on your traps.
    3)Focus your mind to doing the lift steadily and even.
    4)lift bar and get into the squatting position.
    5)Take a deep breath , squat down then up.

    Bench Press:
    1)Evenly grip bar.
    2)dig your heels in the ground , pack shoulders pack.
    3)Focus your mind to doing the lift steadily and even.
    4)take a deep breath and widen chest.
    5)lift bar down then up. Take small breathing breaks in between reps if needed.

    ~Martin Cialdella

  15. adam Kaplan
    Dead lift

    1. put laces of shoes under the bar
    2. get a nice semi wide stance
    3. get core tight and get ready
    4. grip the bar and lift making sure u lift with your legs and chest up.
    5. don't drop the bar lower until past knees then bend your knees and start over.

  16. Back Squat

    1. put bar evenly on your back
    2. put your feet shoulder width apart
    3. push your hips back until they are parallel to the ground
    4. keep you heels on the ground and don't let your knees go in front of your toes
    5. come back up and repeat

    Brandon Stave

  17. 1. put laces of shoes under the bar
    2. stand shoulder width apart
    3. squat down and grab the bar
    4. bring it up to you waist with a straight back and chest up, using your legs and hips to lift it.
    5. when you get to your waist place the bar back on the ground slowly

    Brandon Stave

  18. squat-adam kaplan
    1. lift bar off the rack with soft spot on the upper part of your back
    2. hands keep wherever comfortable
    3. tighten core
    4. squat until hips are below knees
    5. hold for a second and push back up keeping back straight

  19. Squat:
    1. grip the bar evenly
    2. make sure the bar is even on both sides
    3. tighten your core and take the bar off the rack
    4. look forward and squat
    5. go back up

    1. put your laces under the bar in an even stance
    2. grip the bar evenly
    3. keep back straight and core tight
    4. lift the bar up, while keeping back straight and close to your legs
    5. bring the bar down slowly and keep back straight

    -Jason Chen

  20. Squat
    1. grab the bar hands spaced evenly and slightly wider than shoulder width apart
    2. have the bar rest across the back of shoulders
    3. get under the bar and put your feet shoulder width apart
    4. lift the bar off the rack and step back
    5. push your hips back until they are parallel with the ground, come up and repeat.

    Dead lift
    1. put your feet under the bar at about your shoelaces
    2. put your feet shoulder width apart
    3. squat down and grab the bar and get an even grip
    4. lift the bar up to your waist with your legs and hips without bending your back
    5. place the bar on the ground slowly and repeat

    Brandon Stave

  21. dead lift

    1. shoes under bar, feet set below shoulders
    2. tighten your core, big chest
    3. grip bar evenly
    4. lift bar using your legs while keeping your back straight
    5. bring bar down slowly and bring it down your thighs


    1. keep an even stance with your feet just outside your shoulders
    2. Lower body while keeping back straight
    3. stop when hips are at least parallel to knees
    4. Push through your heels
    5. stand up and repeat

    Brian Gastwirth

  22. Squat:

    1. Feet shoulder width apart
    2. Grip bar evenly
    3. Pivot the hips back
    4. Keep back straight and bend knees
    5. Squat down with knees parallel to the ground
    6. Stay on heels and push back up

    Dead Lift:

    1. Keep back straight
    2. Bend knees and pivot hips outward
    3. Place bar against shins
    4. Put butt down and begin lifting the bar without bending your back
    5. Keep bar steady and going up against you thighs
    6. Bring bar down your thighs and keep back straight
    7. Place bar down on the ground and repeat

  23. Deadlift

    . grip the bar and make sure your hands are besides your legs

    you then straighten out your back

    tilt your head a little, you then use your eyes to look at up the ceiling

    use your legs to help you dead lift

    after coming up drop the weight

    jason Smith

  24. Squat: 1) spread your legs equally,2) bend knees below waste,3) keep your back straight,4) focus on one spot,5) push your hips back/ Deadlift:1)firm grip on the bar,2)put your chest out,3)straightened back,4)push your hips out,5)make sure your feet are under the bar before lifting-Donovan Porter
