Monday, October 17, 2011

Period 8 Weight Training "You are the teacher"

We have spent the better part of the last two months learning how to move our bodies correctly in order to get stronger and prevent injury.  We have focused on a few major lifts and have sprinkled in various auxiliary movements.  Just about everyone is working hard and will make great improvements, however it is all for nothing if you don't learn something along the way.  For this weeks blog I want you to be the teacher.  If you can teach someone something you learn it on a deeper level. 

Think about the lifts of the squat and the deadlift.  I want you to come up with the most important cues for thoes two lifts and give me a five step process for teaching each.  For example, if I were to do the same for the bench press it would look like this:

Bench Press
  1. Even grip, have spotter
  2. Shoulders packed back and down
  3. Feet planted
  4. Inhale, elbows out, lower bar to chest
  5. Exhale, press to lockout
Your five step process should show me how to do the lift correctly and should include any safety concerns.  I will not post these responses untill Friday.


  1. dead lift :
    1. even grip (tight)
    2. back straight, knees bent
    3. eyes focused on a point on the ground ahead
    4.lift with the extension of the knees and back at the same time
    5.keep bar close to legs

    1. even grip, bar resting on shoulders
    2. stand up under bar and back away from rack
    3. stare upwards
    4. lower self into seated position, but keep back tight
    5. reach parallel and then come upwards while keeping back straight


  2. Back Squat
    1.) Position feet slightly outside shoulder-width apart.
    2.) Put bar on the lower back and postition arms where confortable.
    3.) Squat with a straight back, butt below the hips and do not let the knees come forward too much.
    4.) Come back up with back straight.
    5.) Repeat, then step forward to return bar.
    1.) Walk to the bar and position feet directly under the bar at shoulder width apart.
    2.) When grapping the bar, send butt backwards with only a slight bend in the knees.
    3.) Bring the bar up to the knee then rub along the thigh.
    4.) When returnin the bar to the ground, press the bar along the thigh until reaching the knees. While doing this send the butt back.
    5.) Once passing the knee, bend at the knee to return the bar to the ground.

  3. Reid Vincentz

    1)Even grip, have a spotter
    2)Squeeze shoulder blades, Chest up
    3)Look at the ceiling or neck will hurt, dont place bar on spine
    4)Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up
    5)Lower Leg and Upper Leg at a 90 degree angle

    1) Bar above the center of feet
    2) Bend through the knees until shins hit the bar
    3) Lift your chest
    4) Keep Bar close to body
    5) Lock Knees out

  4. deadlift:
    1. have a straight back and bend at the hips
    2. sit back and squat a little
    3. even grip
    4. keep bar in contact with body
    5. push through the floor without doing stripper deadlifts or pooping dogs

    1. choose if you are doing front or back squat
    2. feet should be even with shoulders
    3. bend at the hips, not the knees
    4. sit back, knees shouldn't pass your toes
    5. push through your feet, keeping heels on the ground.

    -Eric Rogers

  5. Push press
    1. Even grip, make sure safety bars are in place
    2. bend knees to get under bar, place bar on top of chest
    3. lift up
    4. Push bar up and fully extend arms, bar should be a little bit behind head, so if it is necessary to drop it wont hit your head
    5. bring bar back down to chest

  6. Dead Lift
    1. Walk up to the bar, keep feet shoulder width apart.
    2. Bend down to pick up the bar by pushing your hips back and keeping a big chest.
    3. keep an even, double overhand grip
    4. Pick up the bar and keep your arms straight
    5. drop the bar when finished(make sure you have room to drop it so it doesn't land on someones foot)
    -jason lazar

  7. Deadlift
    1. Make sure feet are placed shoulder width apart at the bar
    2. Bend down making sure you keep your back straight
    3. Pick bar up to waist height still maintaining a straight back
    4. Make sure chest is out
    5. Slowly put the bar down without bending your knees and keeping a straight back
    6. As bar passes the knees you can slightly bend your knees
    7. Set bar down

  8. Deadlift

    1.feet under bar
    2.bend down with a big chest and keep chest in front of bar
    3.keep back straight, bend with the knees
    4.stand up with your knees while keeping your back straight your knees begin to straighten out stand in an upright position

    -Kyle Saggar

  9. Squats
    1. Positions hands evenly
    2. Duck under the bar with bar positioned on lower neck with shoulders shoved back
    3. When comfortable strengthen back and lift bar with leg strength
    4. Spread feet inline with shoulders and don't lock knees
    5. While keeping back straight, slowly bend your knees and body at the hips (butt back) while squatting down
    6. When your knees are at a 90degree angle push back up to starting position
    7. Repeat steps 4-6

    Dead Lift
    1. Position hands evenly and comfortable with fingers around the bar.
    2. While holding bar squat down with back straight up in the start position
    3. Strengthen your back making sure you don't over flex the back
    4. Lift up bar with bar slowly going up your legs and around your knees until you are standing straight up
    5. Once you hold the bar for a second, do the opposite and go in reverse from step 5-2

    Juan-Felipe Pataquiva

  10. SQUAT

    1.Inhale and look at one place on the wall, making sure that the bar is on your back comfortably. Have a spotter ready

    2.Send your butt straight back and then down

    3. The line from your knees to your ankles should be perpendicular to the ground (knees can't be past the feet)

    4. Stay at the bottom for a few seconds

    5. Exhale and stand up like you normally would

    1. Squat down so that your knees are bent but don't go past your feet and your back is straight, and your chest is out. Have a spotter ready

    2. Grab the bar and make sure that it is touching your shins

    3. KEEP YOUR BACK STRAIGHT AS YOU STAND UP. You can't pull the bar up with your back- this leads to injury. Just stand up with the power coming from your legs.

    4. Once the bar reaches your knees, straighten your knees out so that you are standing up normally holding onto the bar

    5.Dont drop the bar. With you spotter watching, do what you just did in reverse- sit back down with your back straight, chest out, and knees not past your feet. You butt should be sinking back like it would into a chair.

    Todd Schleicher

  11. dead lift
    1. even grip
    2.wide feet
    3. hang loose
    4. full triple extension
    5. don't lift with arms

    back squat
    1.packed shoulders
    2. firm feet
    3. good grip
    4. bend at hip
    5. move knees out when at bottom of the squat

    -Matt Garmer

  12. Jackson Pierce
    1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your hips, knees, and feet in a straight line.
    2. Tighten your abs and push your shoulders out.
    3. Lower your body down, pushing your butt back as if you were sitting in a chair.
    4. Your knees should make a 90 degree angle, keep the weight on your heels, rather than on your toes.
    5. Push yourself up, still keeping the weight on your heels.
    1. Stand under the barbell in a way that your shoelaces are directly under the bar.
    2.Puff your chest out at sit back as if you were doing a squat.
    3. Keep you chest up and drop down, gripping the bar. Push your hips forward and extend your knees.
    4. Pull the bar up your thighs. Make sure not to lean too far forward or back, or you way hyperextend and mess up your body.
    5. Slowly lower the bar to the floor, maintaining your form. Do not bend your knees until the bar passes them. Maintain the form, or risk injuring your back. Release the bar and stand up again.

  13. Back Squat:
    1. Even Grip, hands have same distance from a certain point on bar.
    2. Load weight safely onto shoulders. Adjust feet to shoulder length apart.
    3. Keeping your back straight, bend knees until hips come below knees, as if going to sit in a chair.
    4. Pushing through your heels, still keeping your back straight lift the weight.
    5. Repeat, or re-rack the weight.

    1. Have your feet right under your hips and align your shoelaces with the bar.
    2. Keeping your back straight bend your knees slightly and then grab bar with an even grip.
    3. Pushing through your heels lift the weight keep your back straight until you come into a full standing position.
    4. Full range of motion ending with shoulders back and chest out.
    5. Maintaining form, lower bar to the floor. Repeat.


  14. Squats
    1. Positions hands evenly
    2. Duck under the bar with bar positioned on lower neck with shoulders shoved back
    3. When comfortable strengthen back and lift bar with leg strength
    4. Spread feet inline with shoulders and don't lock knees
    5. While keeping back straight, slowly bend your knees and body at the hips (butt back) while squatting down
    6. When your knees are at a 90degree angle push back up to starting position
    7. Repeat steps 4-6

    Dead Lift
    1. Position hands evenly and comfortable with fingers around the bar.
    2. While holding bar squat down with back straight up in the start position
    3. Strengthen your back making sure you don't over flex the back
    4. Lift up bar with bar slowly going up your legs and around your knees until you are standing straight up
    5. Once you hold the bar for a second, do the opposite and go in reverse from step 5-2

    -Guido Cialdella

  15. Squats
    1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart
    2. Position bar on the back part of your shoulders
    3. Make sure you are looking up and one spot
    4. Send Butt back, bend knees until legs are forming an 90 degrees angle, make sure not to let the knees bend past your toes ( you should be able to see your toes)
    5. Rise up making sure your weight is on your heels

  16. Trenton Hamm

    1. have a straight back and bend at the hips
    2. sit back and squat a little
    3. even grip
    4. keep bar in contact with body
    5. push through the floor without doing stripper deadlifts or pooping dogs

    1. choose if you are doing front or back squat
    2. feet should be even with shoulders
    3. bend at the hips, not the knees
    4. sit back, knees shouldn't pass your toes
    5. push through your feet, keeping heels on the ground.

  17. Raphael Socher
    1. Put feet shoulder width apart
    2. Slight bend at the knees
    3. Tighten core and press shoulder blades together
    4. move hips backwards
    5. Move back up, keeping weight on the heels
    1.put feet shoulderwidth apart
    2. Bend hips down to the bar, making sure not to bend in the back
    3.Pick up the bar, keeping it as close to your shins as possible
    4. Move the weight back down slowly, remembering to breathe
    5. Never give bend in your back

  18. Dead Lift
    1- Have a straight back and bend at the hips
    2- sit back and squat
    4-keep bar in contact with body
    5-push through the floor without doing stripper or pooping dogs

    1. choose if you are doing front or back squat
    2. feet should be even with shoulders
    3. bend at the hips
    4. sit back, knees dont pass your toes
    5. push through your feet, keeping heels on the ground.

    -Sean Avjian

  19. Squat:
    1. feet shoulder width apart and place bar on bar
    2. push your hips back (bend at your hips, not knees
    3. push your butt back as if you were sitting in a chair
    4. go down as far as you can and keep the weight on your heels
    5. push your self back up and rack the bar.
    -jason laar

  20. Squat
    1. Even stance
    2. Back straight
    3. Chest out
    4. Butt back
    5. Tighten core, knees don't go past toes as you go down to parallel position. Come back up and lock out while maintaining good form.

    Dead Lift
    1. Even stance, grip bar tightly
    2. Back straight
    3. Chest out
    4. Butt back
    5. Tighten core, lift off and keep bar close to your shins and legs. Lock out at top and come back down while maintaining good form.

    -Daniel Zhang

  21. Squat
    1)Even grip, have a spotter
    2)Squeeze shoulder blades, Chest up
    3)Look at the ceiling or neck will hurt, dont place bar on spine
    4)Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up
    5)Lower Leg and Upper Leg at a 90 degree angle

    Dead Lift
    1. Walk up to the bar, keep feet shoulder width apart.
    2. Bend down to pick up the bar by pushing your hips back and keeping a big chest.
    3. keep an even, double overhand grip
    4. Pick up the bar and keep your arms straight
    5. Put Bar down when lift complete

    ~Noah Spielman

  22. deadlift:
    1. have a straight back and bend at the hips
    2. sit back and squat a little
    3. even grip
    4. keep bar in contact with body
    dead lift
    5. wide feet
    6. full triple extension
    1)Even grip, have a spotter
    2)Squeeze shoulder blades, Chest up
    3)Look at the ceiling or neck will hurt, dont place bar on spine
    4)Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up
    dead lift :
    1. even grip (tight)
    2. back straight, knees bent
    3. eyes focused on a point on the ground ahead
    4.lift with the extension of the knees and back at the same time
    5.keep bar close to legs
    6. reach parallel and then come upwards while keeping back straight

    jason mei

    7. don't lift with arms

  23. Will Quackenbush
    1)neutral back throughout
    2)feet shoulder length appart
    3)bend at the hips
    4)push with legs until bar is over knees, then bend with hips
    5)push chest as far forward as possible

    1)neutral back
    2)squat down with bar until thighs are parallel
    3)feet a little more than shoulder width apart
    4)elbows past the bar
    5)exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down

  24. dead lift
    1)keep your back nuetral
    2)approach the bar with your chest spread
    3)drag the bar up your calfs
    4)pull up youir thighs
    5) slowly bring the weight down
    6)keep your core tight

    1)feet just over shoulder with apart
    2)core tight
    3)a spot and look at it as you go down
    4)go to parralel before coming up
    5)keep your back nuetral

  25. Squat
    1. Even stance feet shoulder width apart
    2. Back straight
    3. Chest out
    4. Butt back
    5. Tighten core
    6.Come back up and lock out while maintaining good form.

    Dead Lift
    1. Even stance2. Back straight
    3. Chest out
    4. Tighten core,
    5.lift off and keep bar close to your shins and legs.
    6.Lock out at top and come back down while maintaining good form

    _Danny Quackenbsuht

  26. Bench press
    1) get a spotter
    2) lay down on bench
    3) make sure grip is even
    4) make sure legs are spred wide to help balance
    6) lift weight
    7) when weight is to much tell spotter
    8) place weight back on rack

    (part 2 of my first comment)

  27. Squat:

    1) Make sure the bar is even on your back
    2) Tighten your core
    3) Inhale, squat to the full range of motion keeping your back straight
    4) Exhale, bringing the weight up using the strength of your legs.

    1) Place feet under bar. The bar should cross right over shoe laces
    2) Tighten your core before picking the weight up
    3) Squat sending ur butt back keeping back straight
    4) Even grip
    5) Look straight ahead, not up or down
    6) Pull the weight up using your legs without hyper-extending your back
    7) Bring the weight down slowly and let the bar slide over your thighs and knees

    *Tatum King*

  28. squat
    1)feet just over shoulder with apart
    2)core tight
    3)a spot and look at it as you go down
    4)go to parralel before coming up
    5)keep your back nuetral
    jason smith

  29. luke klecker

    Bench press
    1) get a spotter
    2) lay down on bench
    3) make sure grip is even
    4) make sure legs are spred wide to help balance
    6) lift weight
    7) when weight is to much tell spotter

    1)feet just over shoulder with apart
    2)core tight
    3)a spot and look at it as you go down
    4)go to parralel before coming up
    50 dont liftwith your back
