Monday, October 3, 2011

Period 8 Weight Training: Goals

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success."

Stephen A. Brennan

We are nearly finished with all of our assessments and are well into our regular workouts.  It is time to take a look at our goals.  We will pull our sheets out and set goals for each of our assessment areas, but it is impossible for us to focus on all of those goals at once.  For this weeks blog, I want you to pick the three areas of assessment that are the most important to you.  For example, the goals of a football player are going to be very different than those of an athlete on the cross country team.  We can gear your training to focus on those areas that are important to you.  This does not mean that you will not improve in the other areas, only that we can tweak your individual program to help you meet your indvidual goals.  For this weeks blog, list your three most important goals for the semester.


  1. 1. Improve my conditioning for running
    2. get to 75lbs in DB press
    3. get under 9 min in the 1 mile run

  2. get big
    make a sports team
    good grades

  3. Get good grades
    Have perfect form when lifting
    Have Fun

    Spielman, Noah

  4. i think it would be cool if i could do good handstand pushups without a wall. Get a stronger core. and work on my power cleans.
    -Eric Rogers


    Reach 75 Push ups, 20 Pull Ups, and 45lbs dumbell curls.

    All consecutive.

  6. I play football, so I want to focus on muscular and respiratory strength. My three goals for the semester are...

    1. I want to be able to bench my own weight (120 pounds)

    2. I want to be able to run a mile in 6 minutes and 30 seconds

    3. I want to be able to squat 105 pounds

    -Todd Schleicher

  7. My three goals are to:
    1. work on my endurance and strength for football
    2. work harder in this class and in football practices
    3. change my outlook on hard workouts and hard practices to a more positive outlook rather than a negative outlook.
    -jason lazar

  8. i play basketball and i need to get better at power cleaning.

    1. work on my power clean
    2. get better at squating
    3. get my endurance and speed up

    -Xavier Hill

  9. My 3 goals are to:
    1) get good grades throughout highschool
    2) get my mile run under 8 minutes
    3) to build muscle and be able to put more weight on each excercise that we do.
    *Tatum King*

  10. I want to decrease my 40 time to 4.8, benchy 300 pounds, and clean 215


  11. For my threre goals I would like to be able to:

    1. Improve on my bench by at least 10 lbs.

    2. Break 6 minutes on my Fran

    3. Improve my mile from 1:01 to at lest :55 seconds.


  12. Trenton Hamm Said...
    my 3 goals are
    1. 8 min on mile run
    2. increase my beach press my 15 lbs
    3. increase squats by 20 lbs

  13. my 3 goals are: 1) do 5 strict pull ups in a row, 2) incrase my power clean max by 15 lbs, 3) increase my bench by 20 lbvs

  14. My three goals are to:
    1) Run a mile in 6 minutes and 15 seconds
    2) Bench 115 pounds
    3) Deadlift 20 more pounds than i do now

  15. 3 Goals:

    1. Bench 145 lbs
    2. Increase Cardio endurance
    3. Run a 8:50 mile

    Juan-Felipe Pataquiva

  16. 3 goals

    - be able to deadlift 250
    -be able to bench 180
    - be able to run a 6:30 mile

    - Danny Quackenbush

  17. My 3 Goals:

    1. Shorten my mile time down to 7 mins by the next testing time

    2. Increase my squat by 20 lbs in 2 months

    3. Increase my deadlift by 40 lbs in 2 months

  18. My three goals are to:
    1) Be able to get my mile run under 8 minutes
    2) Be able to bench press to atleast 120 lbs.
    3) Be able to push press atleast 100 lbs.

    Outside of Weight training, to get all my tumbling back for cheerleading

    *Tatum King**

  19. My three goals for this semester is to:
    1. be able to bench press 200 lbs.
    2. Squat 200 lbs.
    3. work on my endurance and get my mile time below 7 mins
    -jason lazar

  20. Will Quackenbush

    1. Work on my form for squats/dead lifts etc
    2. Reach 25 pull ups
    3. work on core

  21. My three goals are:
    1. to squat 150 lbs
    2. to run a mile in under 6:15
    3. to power clean 95 lbs

  22. Since i skimboard I would like to...
    1-make my core stonger allaround(not just abs) to increase my balance
    2-I would also like to increase my endurance, rather than go for the heavy wieghts
    3- I would like to also work on stenghtening my triceps

    Sean Avjian

  23. My goals are:
    1. To shave 16 seconds off of my 400m and mile
    2. To bench my body weight(135)with five reps instead of one
    3. To shave 30 seconds or more off of all of my MetCons.

    -Jackson Pierce

  24. 1. Higher wootton total
    2. Faster metcon times
    3. Improve endurance

    -Daniel Zhang

  25. 1. run a 6 minute mile
    2. bench my body wieght
    3. get better at metcons

    Jack Wright

  26. Raphael Socher
    My 3 goals are:
    1. Be able to bench 165 lbs. 3 times by the end of 1st semester
    2. Be able to squat 200 by the end of the year
    3. Be able to run 400m in a minute by the end of the year

  27. 1.get through school year
    2.improve fitness
    3.get stronger

    -jason mei
