Monday, March 5, 2012

Period 4 Weight Training Blog 5 Weaknesses

We have finished several different fitness assessments, you should be getting an idea of where your strengths and your weaknesses lie.  I have said before and will continue to hammer the point home that you can improve faster as an athlete or in your general health and fitness goals by focusing on that which you are not very good at, rather than just doing the things you like over and over. 

For this weeks blog let me know what fitness test you felt was a weakness of your and you want to focus on for the rest of the semester.


  1. 400m im stronger with distance rather than sprinting i really wanna focus on my stamina more

  2. A weakness for me was the max push press. I would like to improve this mainly by less weight but better form.

  3. one of my weaknesses is the dead lift, i have struggled to keep good form. i will use lighter weight so i can work on my form.

    -Jack Pykosh

  4. Kane Hsu

    I feel that i am weak in Cardio. I do not have sufficent stamina to complete some tasks

  5. core isn't really a weakness but that's what I wanna focus on


  6. My 400 Meter dash could definitely use improvement, so i would say i need to work more on my cardio.

    -Kevin Ross

  7. A weakness for me is my 400m and my push press, so i personally want to work on my push press and cardio.
    Alex Istaphanous

  8. Feel as though I could improve on my muscular endurance. Would like to maybe work on core and cardio.

    - Juan-Felipe Pataquiva

  9. Cardio is definitely something I would like to work on for awhile, running out on the track feels great. The Michael thing we did today was good.

    -Jack Herne

  10. my power clean form is not very good so when so working more on my form instead of trying to increase weight

    -Michael Panagos

  11. I feel that i have weak legs and i would like to improve my squat.

    Alex Walsh

  12. I think that my upper body is weaker than my lower body and i want to get my shoulders stronger

    Yusuf Khan

  13. Benching is my weakness because my right arm is weaker than my left due to an injury and to improve I will make my right arm strong through one hand push-ups and dumbells

    -Donovan Porter

  14. I feel like I was weak in the squat, so I'll be working lower body more often.
    Victor Shen

  15. my 400m run was not as good as i wished, so i'm going to work on my stamina and maintaining a good speed.

    Dalton Carlson

  16. A weakness for me was the 400m and i think i should work more on my cardio.

    -Shiv Parmar

  17. my weakness is pecs and i would like to improve my bench press

    -Brett Keenan

  18. Even though we work on core everyday i feel that it still is one of my weaker areas and i would like to improve on it

    Samuel Oh

  19. I feel that i'm weak in power clean. But i'll try to get an improvement on that.

    George Giannos

  20. my power clean form is horrendous, partly because i never power clean. I will begin to make power cleaning a part of my work out plan.
    - Lawrence Byun

  21. I would like to improve leg strength and bench.

    Andrew Jasen

  22. I think the fitness test that was my weakness was the max out on bench press, I haven't improved that much so I'll work on that now.

    Bruce Recht

  23. I feel as if i need to practice on my shoulder press and my overhead squats

    ~CHarlie You

  24. I think that my weakness was running long distance. i would like to work on my stamina.

    Paul Saah Pd.3
