Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Period 2 Weight Training Blog #4 Problem Areas

Believe it or not this is our fourth week of school.  We have introduced several lifts and spent a lot of time working on form. It is essential that we get our form right before we move up in weight. In order to get our form right we need to know what we are doing wrong, so that we can fix it.

For this weeks blog I want to know what lift or movement has given you the most trouble and what in particular about that lift or movement is the problem. Finally what are you doing to work on fixing the problem.

For example, It has recently come to my attention that I have issues with ankle mobility and specifically tightness in my calves.  I have had these issues all my life, but with my recent increase in trail running, it has become more of a problem.  I have started a daily, ankle mobility, stretching routine and hope that it will help not only my tightness in my calves but also my bottom position of my squat.  I will keep you posted.

Let me know what you need to work on and what you plan to do to work on it.


  1. I am having trouble with deadlifts. My back starts to arch when the weight is increased. I try to keep my back straight with a good posture.

    Eddie Tsao

  2. My problem is the front squat. My tricep and wrist mobility is very strained henceforth my wrists tend to kill when i finish the workout. So stretching my triceps daily and making sure the weight is off of my wrists, I could possibly improve my form.

    -Kevin Ross

  3. I am having trouble with my chest press. I think I am hyper extending and I can't seem to find the right time and place to move my head in and out of the way. I am going to practice more with just the PVC pipe to perfect my form and get a rhythm going.

    Adam (AJ) Roshfeld

  4. I need to work on ankle mobility and get more flexability in my lower body so I can run faster and do th workouts more smoothly. I will stretch every morning and night in order to gain flaxability.

    -Greg Potemken

  5. I have trouble with the deadlift. My back begins to arch as I come up towards the middle of the lift. I'll try to keep a straight back with a spotter watching while deadlifting with a lower weight, then slowly move back up.

    -Victor Shen

  6. I need to work on my back sqaut technique. I sometimes have a hard time finding the right spot on my back to place the bar without it hurting. For that i will need to build up my traps and shoulders. I also have a hard time getting low in the squat due to hip tightness which i can fix by squat therapy and hip flexor stretching.

    Michael Castelli

  7. I need to work on my front squats, the way I'm doing them is a strain on my knees, the way I come out of the squat. I could improve my form. I am going to practice doing squats with out any weight in order to improve my form.

    George Ewald

  8. I'm having trouble with my chest press. I cant keep my balance very well and when I trust the weight up I feel unsteady. I will practice proper form.

    Alex Cho

  9. My form on the deadlift needs improvement. I am trying to use my hips to compensate for an unstable core. I need to strengthen my core so I can lift my chest and hips at the same rate in the beginning of the lift. To improve my form I am going to do more core stabilization core exercises that don't involve movement and I will try to deadlift next to a mirror with a light load.

    Seth Margolis

  10. I believe that I have a problem with the squats because my knees are not strong enough.So, I need to improve this and get myself faster and quicker.

    Thanos Kondylidis

  11. in my opinion,i'm a trouble with the deadlift. that's happened because of the body's position. So, i have to improve it doing more exercise about this.

    George Giannos

  12. I am having trouble with the front squat b/c my wrist mobility is weak and when i do the squat it feels like I am trying to hold the bar up with my two fingers, to improve my form i will try resting the bar more on the mussel in the shoulder. I also need to improve my form on the dead lift b/c when i pull up I immediately flex my back and lift using just my lower back.

    Zach Kramer

  13. I'm having trouble with my bench presses. when i get the bar to my chest my shoulder lock and i have trouble lifting the weights from that position.

    Shiv Parmar

  14. I'm having trouble with the form on push presses. The momentum seems to be stalling rather than helping me push the weight up. The head positioning is awkward too, but I can work with that by focusing on throwing out my chest and tightening my core. Therefore, the only problem I have seems to be on the momentum.

    Brian McGrattan

  15. Just like what many have already said, I have problems with the front squats. I need to fix my form using the PVC pipes so I don't add unnecessary weight on my wrists. Also, I need to fix my deadlifts, and I will accomplish this by exercising with regular squats.

    Daniel Park

  16. I have to improve on my pull ups since I struggle with pulling up my own body weight. In order to fix this problem I'll have to do exercises that will increase arm strength and also trying to do pull ups more often.

    Ari Mhashilkar

  17. I am having trouble with my deadlift form. At times I have overextended my back and then under-extended my back to compensate.This has hurt my lower back and lessened my ability to do other lifts. To try to fix it I have been using lower weight to work on form until I can get it down so I do not hurt myself.

    Alec Jasen

  18. im haveing trouble with deadlift . i need work on my squat and my balance .

    Marlon Romero

  19. my frontsquat is the lift i have the most trouble executing because wrist flexibility and learning to shift my weight back

    josh strauss

  20. The deadlift has given me the most trouble because of my lack of back flexibility. I am trying to strengthen my lower back to fix this.
    -zachary siegel

  21. I have been having trouble with the dead lift. A lot of the time my back starts to arch, therefore damaging my back. I have been practicing at home to make sure my spine stays straight. I know that this is key to ensure my full potential at this lift.

    Kyle Weissenburger

  22. I just need to work on my stance for squats and deadlifts.

    Keinol Savinon

  23. i need to work on my form for deadlift, my squats could also use some help because i sometimes have trouble keeping my back straight
    vaughn meddings

  24. On all the work outs, I tend to use different muscles than what I should be using. To fix this, I should focus more on the part I am working on and fix my forms. For Example, when I started bench pressing I held my hands too close to each other which caused me to use more of my arm muscles than my chest. But now by arching my back I can really feel my chest being tense after the workout

    -Phillip Kim-

  25. i am having trouble with my frontsquat. it seems that i tend to loose balance and cant get the bar to balace on my shoulders properly.

