Monday, September 20, 2010

Period 7 Weight Training Blog #4

Believe it or not this is our fourth week of school. We have introduced several lifts and spent a lot of time working on form. It is essential that we get our form right before we move up in weight. In order to get our form right we need to know what we are doing wrong, so that we can fix it.

For this weeks blog I want to know what lift or movement has given you the most trouble and what in particular about that lift or movement is the problem. Finally what are you doing to work on fixing the problem.

For example, It has recently come to my attention that I have issues with ankle mobility and specifically tightness in my calves. I have had these issues all my life, but with my recent increase in trail running, it has become more of a problem. I have started a daily, ankle mobility, stretching routine and hope that it will help not only my tightness in my calves but also my bottom position of my squat. I will keep you posted.

Let me know what you need to work on and what you plan to do to work on it.


  1. My two biggest problems are deadlifts and power cleans. Deadlifts because over the summer my lower back has become crap. And power cleans because my right knee tends to bend inwards, rather than straight out like it's supposed to. I've been trying to stretch the back a lot but it's not helping much, and for the cleans I suppose good squats help that.

  2. I feel like my most troubled lift is deadlift. I think that the only reason that i have trouble is because I try to use too much weight. But i also have problems with tightness in my thighs during squatting if i dont do a really thorough warm up. I think thru stretching and smaller amounts of weight, my lifting form would improve

  3. I need to work on maintaining a straight spine when I preform the shoulder press. I tend to hyper-flex my back when i do this. To help fix this problem, i will do core exercises to strengthen my core, which will help keep my back in a straight position.

    Max Goldschein

  4. the one without a name is mine.

    Stephen Alder

  5. When i dead lift to much it hurts my back and i have been working on improving my form.

  6. after i deadlift not that i do to much its that i get tired and start to arch my back so after my lower back hurts

    miles green

  7. my squatting because i have back problems i would like to figure out what causes it. I feel I'm doing it right.

    Conor Higgins

  8. i need to improve my flexibility because on some exercises like squat and deadlift it is hard to maintain good form because I do not have alot of hip flexibility


  9. when i get higher in weight, i have trouble with deadlift and squat. after a heavy deadlift, i sometimes feel a pain in my lower back, probably from wrong form. and during a squat, as i come up, i feel the need to pull the bar into my back. i think this is just an instinctual reaction for me, but it just makes the squat harder for me. I try to do perfect form on these lifts with lighter weight, and then slowly increase the weight, but sometimes i still struggle.

  10. When I do planks I feel a compression in my spine and pain. I do not know if this is due to lack of core strength because in all my other lifts my core is strong. Any advice to fix this problem would be much appreciated. What I am going to do to fix it is repetition with planks and other core exercises.
    -Micah Johnstone

  11. John Stoeber.

    The push press. While doing this lift I notice that I am extending my back and that it hurts. I havent really done it much so I'll just use lighter weight

  12. At higher weights, I have trouble with squatting, simply from trying to push the weight back up from the parallel position; otherwise, I go too low and suffer the 'butt-wink'.

    Otherwise, I think I have a problem in hamstring flexibility. It may be related to the problem I have squatting.

    -Henry Voss

  13. i noticed that my back extends during shoulder/push press with heavy weight. i have been trying to tighten my core while pressing to avoid this, i just have to consciously think about it and it helps alot.


  14. aintaing a straight back during push press

    shane bramble

  15. Just like everybody else, sometimes the temptation and simplicity of arching the back on the dead lift is too much for me.
    -Patrick Sheridan

  16. I think the lift that gives me the most trouble is the bench press. I definitely move the least amount of weight in it. I push in a sort of loop way once i hit 135 and I think it's what keeps me there. also i think i have a problem with using flexing my chest during the press because my lower back occasionally flares up during it. I am trying to fix the problem by keeping my arms as straight as possible and puffing my chest out more. - P. Aybar

  17. I feel that the lift that gives me the most trouble is shoulder press. It's not a lift I do very often and I feel that my form is worse with that lift. To improve on this I don't try to go as heavy as I normally would with other weights that way I can build good form first then work on going up in weight.


  18. i need to work on my power cleans the most. for some reason my form starts to fail as i get the bar up my midsection and get it up on my shoulders. i want to work on that and get it fixed

    Nick Wise

  19. i need to work on flexibility so that on squat and deeadlifts i can keep my good form


  20. The lift where I have to keep my elbows up is the trickiest one for me. My elbows always tend to go down after every rep.

    JaVaun Tarr

  21. i need to improve my flexibility so i can power-clean because it is not that i cant get the wieght up it is that i have to keep that vulcan death grip on it because i cant bend my arms

    Ralphie Bernardo
