Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Period 7 Advanced Weight Training Blog #2 Fitness Testing

We are in the middle of fitness testing.  Fitness testing is not always the most fun thing to do but it is important.  For this weeks blog let me know why you think fitness testing is important.  If you don't think it is important defend your reasoning.

Also check out  Bubba's Belly Run it is being held in a couple of week right down the street.  The proceeds go to a good cause and I plan on running it.  I encourage all of you to get involved in health and fitness events in the community and I will highlight several as the year progresses.


  1. I think fitness testing is important because later in the year when we fitness test again, we have something to compare it to, and to show how much we gotten faster and stronger

  2. Fitness testing is important because it shows your psyical fitness and helps you improve in the futrue.

  3. I don't think it is important because it does not matter how well you do on the fitness testing, as long as you are always trying your hardest in class.

    Stephen Alder

  4. Fitness testing is important so you know where you stand now, and how much you've improved (or got worse) in the future.

  5. Fitness trying is important because it gives you a baseline allowing you to tailor your workout to focus on your weakness because strengthening your weaknesses will make you stronger overall.

  6. it is important to take fitness fitness tests because they serve as a comparison so that you can tell how much you are improving.


  7. John Stoeber

    Fitness testing is important because it lets us see our progress throughout the year

  8. Fitness testing is important because it shows you where you are at physically and it shows you your strengths and weaknesses. it allows you to set goals to improve

  9. fitness testing is important because it gives us a basis of where we are in our physical fitness, and provides a basis for our improvement

  10. I believe that fitness testing is important because it gives you a better idea of what you are capable of and it allows you to set goals to work to for later in the year. This is a good way to work on areas you are typically weaker in and really improve on your stronger areas too by pushing yourself to your limits.


  11. Fitness testing is important to see what kind of and how much work someone can do. it is also good for measuring any improvement.

    -Aybar P.

  12. Fitness testing is important because you can see your level fitness then later in the semester you can find out if you improved at all. Plus you get to workout.

    -Conor Higgins

  13. Fitness testing is important for testing how effective your Shakeweight is.
    -Dimitri Koutzoumis

  14. Fitness testing is important because it gives you a baseline to work from; it allows you to know what you are starting from when you begin working out, and so that you can track your progress better at the end of the semester.

    -Henry Voss

  15. I agree fitness testing is necessary to document progress and set goals.

    Patrick Sheridan

  16. Fitness testing is important because not only does it show if you are in-shape/healthy it also gives you a reason to compete with yourself and get more fit over the year.

    JaVaun Tarr

  17. fitness testing is important so we remember to run and stay in shape and not just bulk up and lift because you need to keep your cardio up to be healthy
    Ralphie Bernardo

  18. mr. kirk is awesom i love weight training. W00t!

    -xavier hill
