Monday, February 28, 2011

Period 8 Weight Training - Knowing your numbers

We are on a strength program that follows a linear progression. This means we started with a weight we could easily handle(hopefully) and will add 5 lbs to that weight each week until we can no longer do 5 sets of 5 repetitions. In order for this program to work it is important for you to keep track of your weights for the lifts we do. For this weeks blog, I want you to list the weights you started with for each lift. The lifts are listed below.

Bench Press -
Front Squat -
Dead lift -
Push Press -

Period 7 Basketball - Know your team

We are well into basketball and we have made some trades to even out the teams.  In order for teams to perform their best, it is important to know each other and your strengths.  For this weeks blog list your team members by name and one strength they have that can help your team in basketball.  The dude with the glasses is not an acceptable response.  If you do not know someones name ask them and introduce yourself.

Period 5 Weight Training - Knowing your numbers

We are on a strength program that follows a linear progression.  This means we started with a weight we could easily handle(hopefully) and will add 5 lbs to that weight each week until we can no longer do 5 sets of 5 repetitions.  In order for this program to work it is important for you to keep track of your weights for the lifts we do.  For this weeks blog, I want you to list the weights you started with for each lift.  The lifts are listed below.

Bench Press -
Front Squat -
Dead lift -
Push Press -

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Period 5 Weight Training - Weakness as strength

This week we will be setting goals for each of the areas we tested. You will have an opportunity in class to look over your testing sheets and think about where you want to go this semester in terms of goals for each test. Once you do, your blog assignment for this week is to tell me where you biggest area of concern is on the goal sheet.

It has been my experience over the years both in my own training and in the students in my classes, that working on those areas that you are weakest in raises all other areas faster than any thing else. We need to find the weaknesses in your strength and movement and fix them. Using your test sheet let me know what you biggest weakness is.

Period 7 Team Games


We are starting basketball this week.  Just in time for March Madness.  For this weeks blog I want you to let me know your prior experience with basketball.  Do you play competitively on a rec team or with the school?  Do you play occasionally in the park or in PE class?  Do you have no idea what basketball is?  Let me know.

Period 8 Weight Training

This week we will be setting goals for each of the areas we tested.  You will have an opportunity in class to look over your testing sheets and think about where you want to go this semester in terms of goals for each test.  Once you do, your blog assignment for this week is to tell me where you biggest area of concern is on the goal sheet. 

It has been my experience over the years both in my own training and in the students in my classes, that working on those areas that you are weakest in raises all other areas faster than any thing else.  We need to find the weaknesses in your strength and movement and fix them.  Using your test sheet let me know what you biggest weakness is.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Period 8 Weight Training Goals

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success."
                                                                                                     Stephen A. Brennan

We are getting to the end of a long series of assessments to see where you are in terms of strength and fitness.  We will be starting our regular workout program soon, but first we need to set goals.  Setting goals can be a challenge for some because many people set goals without first considering what they really want most out of their training.  For example, programs will be very different for someone who wants to look good in a bathing suit and be as healthy as possible compared to the someone who aspires to play varsity athletics or compete an any number of sports.

For this weeks blog, let me know what you want out of your time in the weight training class.  What are you working towards?  Is it health and longevity, athletic aspirations, pure vanity, or anything else?  Figure what you want most out of the class and let me know in this weeks blog comment.  We will set your goals and your program based on that.

Period 7 Team Sports Hockey Tactics

Hockey is in full swing, hopefully you are getting comfortable with your team members and finding out each others strengths and weaknesses. Believe it or not, hockey is not just a mad mob of people chasing a ball. There are tactics and stratagies to the game that can improve your chances of winning. One of those deals with spacing. For this weeks blog, tell me how you think using spacing effectively will help your team win games.

Period 5 Weight Training Goals

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success."
Stephen A. Brennan

We are getting to the end of a long series of assessments to see where you are in terms of strength and fitness. We will be starting our regular workout program soon, but first we need to set goals. Setting goals can be a challenge for some because many people set goals without first considering what they really want most out of their training. For example, programs will be very different for someone who wants to look good in a bathing suit and be as healthy as possible compared to the someone who aspires to play varsity athletics or compete an any number of sports.

For this weeks blog, let me know what you want out of your time in the weight training class. What are you working towards? Is it health and longevity, athletic aspirations, pure vanity, or anything else? Figure what you want most out of the class and let me know in this weeks blog comment. We will set your goals and your program based on that.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Period 5 Weight Training

Welcome to Weight Training. For your first blog I just want to know that you know how to leave a comment. Click on comments, type in a comment and be sure to add your name with the comment. Then choose the profile of anonymous and submit your comment. It's that easy. Let me know in class if you are having any issues.

Period 7 Team Games

Welcome to Team Games. For your first blog I just want to know that you know how to leave a comment. Click on comments, type in a comment and be sure to add your name with the comment. Then choose the profile of anonymous and submit your comment. It's that easy. Let me know in class if you are having any issues.

Period 8 Advanced Weight Training

Welcome to Advanced Weight Training.  For your first blog I just want to know that you know how to leave a comment.  Click on comments, type in a comment and be sure to add your name with the comment.  Then choose the profile of anonymous and submit your comment.  It's that easy.  Let me know in class if you are having any issues.