Monday, February 13, 2012

Period 7 Weight Training Early Weakness?

We are starting to work through all of our exercises and our various fitness assessments, at this point you should be identifying things that you naturally do well and things that you struggle with.  Nobody is great at every lift the first time they do it.  It takes time and practice to become proficient at these lifts. In the same way not everyone is built for long runs or heavy lifting.  There are some things you are naturally good at and some you struggle with.  I would argue that you get better faster by working on the things that you are not very good at, rather than just choosing to do exercises you know well and like.

For this weeks blog let me know what one lift, or area of fitness that you have the most problems with.  Also let me know what you are doing to address this area of weakness.


  1. I having problems with my squat. I've been working out more on my back muscles to help me improve my squat.

    -Alan Nguyen

  2. i am the worst at running because i have terrible stamina and run out of breath easily. to try to get better at running i am going to try running on a treadmill.

    matthew kay

  3. I am not very strong upper body wise. I struggle lifting heavy on push press and bench press. I will improve on this by doing more reps of a weight during the previous exercises and spend more time doing them in class. I will also do push-ups and pull-ups at home

  4. A lift that I have trouble on is power cleans. I am addressing this problem by practicing it at after school works and other places besides the gym

  5. I am the weakest at pullups and military press. I injured my rotator cuff, and have been doing physical therapy and exercises to strengthen it.

  6. Matt Wong-I am the weakest at shoulder press and pullups because of my weak rotator cuff. I have been doing physical therapy and other exercises to strengthen it.

  7. Back Squats

    I need to work on keeping my chest up and straight.

    Patrick Chidueme

  8. my push press is probably the lift that i struggle with the most. i havent moved up in weight all year.

    Matt mays

  9. I have the most problem with my upper body strength. i will try to improve on it by working consistently with dumb bells and work more to improve my max.

    Ryan Schuler

  10. The back squat, I tend not to get low enough because sometimes it causes pain in my lower back. I need to work on the proper form.

    Jesson Chen

  11. My weakness would be the push press, when i do it, it usually causes alot of pain in my wrists
    Andrew Chen

  12. back squats and keeping your feet in line. also form
    xavier swingler

  13. Back squats as I lose balance on the heels an I could fix this by doing a low amount of weights and pratice the form
    Andy lee

  14. In need to work on puffing out my chest in my dead lift and i need to work on getting full range of motion on my squats.

    Jay Friedman

  15. Push Press

    I need to remember to stay firmly planted on the floor and not let my arms loosen when I lift the bar.

    -Michael Donahue

  16. I have bad stamina, so I run and do met-cons in my free time, occasionally to try to improve

    Jason Chen

  17. I need to work on my front squat, still not used to the bar in front of my shoulder. I can't do the weight I'm doing in back squat for front squat. - mike Chen

  18. I am weak at push ups. I am practicing my push ups everyday and doing more and more reps each day.

    -Sarah Kowal

  19. honestly im weak at every lift because ive been in a brace for so long

    to solve the problem ive begun to see a trainer and slowly get back in shape

    -cole abid

  20. I have been unable to do any lifting due to my AC separation but I've been going to physical therapy and been slowly strengthening it. Because of this I now have full mobility but limited rotation. My weakest area is pullups.

    Adam Greaney

  21. My weakness is the squats which I cannot do anymore because of my knee's problem. However I am trying to get better by doing physical therapy.
    Thanos Kondylidis

  22. Power clean

    I have trouble not using my arms and just using my hips. I 'm working on tehcnique with PVCs and light weights step by step.

    And I have wekanesses with confidence and avoiding awkwardness with girls..Im working on it.

    Michael Turow

  23. my biggest problem lift is my squat. I am not quite at my squating goal that I set. I am trying to practice my form and doing it more often.
    -Jason Lazar

  24. i am not very strong on my lower body area...mostly things that include legs and ankles. i will kkeep doing low number of weight with high reps to gradually make myslef stronger.

  25. im having trouble with all lifts because im very out of shape, to fix this im seeing a trainer and doing more cardio

    -cole abid

  26. i am not very strong on my lower body area...mostly things that include legs and ankles. i will kkeep doing low number of weight with high reps to gradually make myslef stronger.

    *Tatum King*

  27. i am weakest at cardio and shoulders.

    Daniel Zhang

  28. My legs are weak due to a knee operation that leaves me with one weakened knee for life. I tackled this setback by running everyday to strengthen my legs

