Monday, September 21, 2009

Period 8 Principles of PE Ultimate Frisbee

We will spend he next week working on concepts for invasion games. Invasion games are games where you have to invade an opponents area in order to score. We will be playing the game of Ultimate Frisbee and our focus for the week will be maintaining possession of the Frisbee. We will go over several strategies to use when you have the Frisbee, as well as when you do not have the Frisbee to help your team maintain possession of the Frisbee in order to score. By Friday I want you to tell me one strategy you used in class to help your team maintain possession of the Frisbee.


  1. The fitness gram was helpful and helped with learning your capabilities.

    Jacob Amusya

  2. Wrestling helped to learn your body and the way it works, also techniques which can help

    Jacob Amusya

  3. First one yes
    ok to maintain possesion of the frisbee you make quick passes to a open reciever, not if there is a defender there.

    man this game is great! it's like football, without me getting beaten or mauled!

  4. Making short and safe throws while moving down the field

    Landon F.

  5. In ultimate frisbee, short passes are better than long passes for maintaining possession of it. Another technique is to move to an open spot to catch the frisbee before the other team's members can reach it. Because you want to make it to the goal line, passing the frisbee helps the team to win the game, and getting open is very important in passing the frisbee.

    -Tiffany Hu-

  6. One strategy is to have short passes and have all the team members advance quickly
    -Harrison Blackman

  7. I pointed at the person who I was throughing the frisbee to so that I would have a better chance of the frisbe getting o them

  8. short passes

    Kyle Rampp

  9. We passed the frisbee as much as possible
    -Aras Sanati

  10. Today we used a lot of short passes to get to the end zone

    -Grant Fox

  11. Short passes are better to get across the feild because a long pass could be intersepted.

    -Bryce Andrukitis

  12. We passed quickly so the other team didn't have time to move and cover our teamates.

    Ben Crookshank

  13. by throwing shorter passes there is a better chance of the frisbee being caught and a better chance of it going in the direction you want it to

    -wendy sun

  14. we moved around for each other, to pass the frisbee so it did not go to the other team.

    -Melissa Libutti

  15. Short passes lessens the possibly of the opposing team obtaining the Frisbee

    -Austin Feng

  16. short passes always work to help maintain possession of the frisbee

    Zach Grinspoon

  17. you need to make short passes to open people. Another good technique is to throw it ahead of a running teamate when no ones there.

    Nick Soileau

  18. frisbee is like handball but with a frisbee and touchdowns instead of goals
    Rohan Anthony

  19. we used short passes and ran different routes

    Boaz Ru

  20. Gawsh, a lot of people posted already...
    We must pass to someone who is open and ready to receive a throw.
    And we must be able to be able to get open to receive passes.

  21. We made lots of short passes so that we could catch the frisbee relatively easily

  22. We used short accurate passes so the other team would not get the frisbee.

    -Zoe Junghans-

  23. cutting to the open space is important, as well as making acurate and quick short passes to open teamates.

    nina lish

  24. short passes are good and flick your wrist when u throw.

    -Brandon Lezcano

  25. Our team did lots of short passes and kept moving around so they could be open

    - Krisztian Mazo

  26. work as a team
    varun ganti

  27. make short and easy throws

    Kayla Steinberg

  28. dont make too long passes that can be intercepted and get to an open space so your teammate can pass it to you
    kathy chen

  29. Throw short passes rather then long because theres a better chance of getting it to your team mate with the short pass -Efe

  30. that it is all in teh wrist as you flick it then it would be a better throw

    nikkkkkki bhallalalala

  31. i tried by throwing shorter passes so less interceptions by the invading team

    Marlon Romero

  32. mine eas the one withoutt a name that said... I pointed at the person who I was throughing the frisbee to so that I would have a better chance of the frisbe getting o them... it was on september 21 5:41 pm
    -Jordan Weissberg

  33. Theo Couloumbis

    Short passes were thrown so less interceptions were made
