Saturday, September 27, 2014


4x6 potato sack squats

In 60 sec do 3 power cleans
5 shuffle slams
Then jump rope for the remainder of the minute
Rest 60 sec. Repeat 10 times

10a.m. and 4:45pm and 7pm

Hang Snatch
1,000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/30)
30 Pullups


compare to 2/28

Assisted ring reverse lunges with hop(5,5)

3 (4 minute AMRAPs)


10 jumping pull-ups

15 air squats


30 val slide mt climbers

20 med ball taps


10 landmines

10 goblet squats

Record the number of rounds for each AMRAP


20 grasshoppers
10 birddogs
20 hip circles(10,10)
10 blackbirds
20 kneeling shoulder rotations(10,10)
10 good mornings
10 lateral lunges
10 squat to stand
10 dead bugs

hip plank stretch with hamstring stretch and reach
pvc windmills
pvc head through

skill work: double unders

tabata-8 rounds of:

push ups
air squats
sit ups
pull-ups/body rows

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Romanian deadlifts 3x8
thrusters 3x8

one arm bench press 3x8/8

one arm bent over rows(3x8/8)
one arm ring rows(3x10/10)

box jumps or step ups-7 rounds of 20 sec on 20 sec off

3 sets of 10 or 20(?) barbell torso twists


5:30 and 10

3 rounds of:
10 back squats
sled push

3 rounds of:
10 power snatches
heavy carry

3 rounds of:
400 meter row

3 rounds of:
1 min front plank hold
30 second hollow rock holds

4:45 and 7

Chipper-2 rounds of:

25 jumping  pull-ups _____

25 overhead lunges _____

25 hanging knee raises _____

25 val slide pull-ins _____

25 modified burpees_____



5:30 a.m. and 10a.m.
Push press 5x5
3 rounds of:
3rd light pole and back
10 ring dips or 15 jumping ring dips
15 ground to overhead
20 air squats
Record time

4:45pm and 7pm

3 rounds of:
10 back squats
sled push

3 rounds of:
10 power snatches
heavy carry

3 rounds of:
400 meter row

3 rounds of:
1 min front plank hold
30 second hollow rock holds

Sunday, September 14, 2014



Push:   3x8 kneeling corner press
            3x5 Pavlov press-hold for 5 sec

Pull: 3x12 band pull aparts
         max band assisted pull-ups or body rows
Legs: 3x8 front squats
          3x12 weighted walking lunges

Cardio:7 rounds of 20 sec of work 20 sec of rest of db swings

abs:  band torso twists:2 sets of 25 twists on each side


4 round circuit:
4 5 seconds at each station 15 sec rotation of:
weighted step ups
val slide spidermen
push press
jump squats
med ball taps
record the number of reps at each station for each round and then add up total number of reps for each exercise


strength:5x5 deadlift

5 rounds of
5 shuffles
10 thrusters
10 knees to elbows
record your time

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Strength/conditioning- 1st set is always warm-up set

7 sets of mt. climbers, 30 sec of work, 30 sec rest

3x12 weighted hip thrusts x4
3x6 reverse lunges x 4

10 sec rhomboid release x 4
sled pulls x 4(cone to cone)

sled push x 4
max push-ups x 4

Record max for each non body weight lift


5x5 hanging power cleans
Record max

 13 Min ladder counting up by 2’s
***start with 2 reps of each movement and continue to go up by 2 for the highest number possible in 13 minutes***
Box Jumps
Wall Balls
Pull Ups-body rows
Record highest score

Sept. 8, 2014


Tabata (20 seconds of work; 10 seconds of rest); Rotate through the four movements until you have performed each movement 8 times
Right Side Plank
Hollow Hold
Left Side Plank
Superman Hold

Dublata (40 seconds of work; 20 seconds of rest); Rotate through the four movements until you have performed each movement 4 times
Calorie Row
Sprints (Back and Forth across mats, touching the edge of the mat with your hand each time you turn around)
Kettlebell Swing (53/35)
Score is total calories + number of 50 foot sprints (50ft =  1 length of the mats) + number of KBS

Monday, September 1, 2014


Strength/conditioning stations

Legs: 3x6 one leg stiff leg deadlifts
          3x8 assisted pistols
Push: 3x10 military press
          3x12 band tricep extensions

Pull: 3x8-10 seconds chin up holds
        3x8 bent over rows

Conditioning: 3- 400 meter rows on new machine

                        30 mt climbers


Strength:  Bench Press 3×10


400 meters
5 Rounds
10 Overhead Squats (95/65) – sub f.squats
30 Double Unders or 60 jumpropes
400 meters
Record your time.

Sept 1st, 2014

Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds 1 min at each station of:
Row for calories
sumo deadlift high pull
push press
box jumps
wall ball
record the number of reps for each exercise.