Monday, October 26, 2009

Period 3 Blog 9 Macro Nutrients Explained


Everything you eat can be classified into three primary macro nutrient categories. You have probably heard of them before they are, Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. It is extremely important for a number of reasons that we will go into in the near future that you have a balance of each macro nutrient at every meal that you eat. Examples of the types of food for each macro nutrient are below.

Carbohydrates: Bread, Pasta, Rice, Cookies, Cakes, Cereals, Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits

Proteins: Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Fish, seafood, Peanut butter, Tofu, Powders

Fats: Oils, Nuts, Seeds, dressing

For this weeks blog I want you to look at your blog from last week and tell me if your breakfast has each of the macro nutrients in it. If it does great! You are doing your body a great service. If not, tell me what macro nutrients you are missing and what you could eat to balance out your breakfast.

Period 5 Blog 9 Macro Nutrients Explained


Everything you eat can be classified into three primary macro nutrient categories. You have probably heard of them before they are, Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. It is extremely important for a number of reasons that we will go into in the near future that you have a balance of each macro nutrient at every meal that you eat. Examples of the types of food for each macro nutrient are below.

Carbohydrates: Bread, Pasta, Rice, Cookies, Cakes, Cereals, Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits

Proteins: Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Fish, seafood, Peanut butter, Tofu, Powders

Fats: Oils, Nuts, Seeds, dressing

For this weeks blog I want you to look at your blog from last week and tell me if your breakfast has each of the macro nutrients in it. If it does great! You are doing your body a great service. If not, tell me what macro nutrients you are missing and what you could eat to balance out your breakfast.

Period 7 Blog 9 Macro Nutrients Explained


Everything you eat can be classified into three primary macro nutrient categories. You have probably heard of them before they are, Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. It is extremely important for a number of reasons that we will go into in the near future that you have a balance of each macro nutrient at every meal that you eat. Examples of the types of food for each macro nutrient are below.

Carbohydrates: Bread, Pasta, Rice, Cookies, Cakes, Cereals, Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits

Proteins: Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Fish, seafood, Peanut butter, Tofu, Powders

Fats: Oils, Nuts, Seeds, dressing

For this weeks blog I want you to look at your blog from last week and tell me if your breakfast has each of the macro nutrients in it. If it does great! You are doing your body a great service. If not, tell me what macro nutrients you are missing and what you could eat to balance out your breakfast.

Period 8 Blog 9 Macronutrients Explained

Everything you eat can be classified into three primary macro nutrient categories. You have probably heard of them before they are, Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. It is extremely important for a number of reasons that we will go into in the near future that you have a balance of each macro nutrient at every meal that you eat. Examples of the types of food for each macro nutrient are below.

Carbohydrates: Bread, Pasta, Rice, Cookies, Cakes, Cereals, Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits

Proteins: Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Fish, seafood, Peanut butter, Tofu, Powders

Fats: Oils, Nuts, Seeds, dressing

For this weeks blog I want you to look at your blog from last week and tell me if your breakfast has each of the macro nutrients in it. If it does great! You are doing your body a great service. If not, tell me what macro nutrients you are missing and what you could eat to balance out your breakfast.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Period 5 Principles of PE Blog 8 Nutrition

Through the process of studying fitness for the past 13 or so years I have noticed that making improvements in ones fitness involves a focus in three main categories. Those categories are nutrition, exercise and recovery. All are vital and must be addressed as part of any well planned fitness program, but nutrition has risen to the top as the single most important factor affecting your health and fitness. We will spend the next few posts addressing this aspect of fitness.

We eat food for several reasons, emotional, social, physical, etc. sometimes we eat for no reason at all. I want you to try to change the way you think about food, at least for the next few weeks. I want you to think about food as fuel that runs your body. Just like a car, the quality of fuel you put in determines the quality of performance you get out. We will dig much deeper into this the next few weeks, but for now just start to think each time you put something into your mouth to eat, is it good fuel or bad fuel?

For this weeks blog we are going to start with breakfast. I want you to do two things for your post first let me know whether you eat breakfast or not and if you do, what does a normal school day breakfast look like for you?

Period 3 Weight Training Blog 8 Nutrition

Through the process of studying fitness for the past 13 or so years I have noticed that making improvements in ones fitness involves a focus in three main categories. Those categories are nutrition, exercise and recovery. All are vital and must be addressed as part of any well planned fitness program, but nutrition has risen to the top as the single most important factor affecting your health and fitness. We will spend the next few posts addressing this aspect of fitness.

We eat food for several reasons, emotional, social, physical, etc. sometimes we eat for no reason at all. I want you to try to change the way you think about food, at least for the next few weeks. I want you to think about food as fuel that runs your body. Just like a car, the quality of fuel you put in determines the quality of performance you get out. We will dig much deeper into this the next few weeks, but for now just start to think each time you put something into your mouth to eat, is it good fuel or bad fuel?

For this weeks blog we are going to start with breakfast. I want you to do two things for your post first let me know whether you eat breakfast or not and if you do, what does a normal school day breakfast look like for you?

Period 7 Weight Training Blog 8 Nutrition

Through the process of studying fitness for the past 13 or so years I have noticed that making improvements in ones fitness involves a focus in three main categories. Those categories are nutrition, exercise and recovery. All are vital and must be addressed as part of any well planned fitness program, but nutrition has risen to the top as the single most important factor affecting your health and fitness. We will spend the next few posts addressing this aspect of fitness.

We eat food for several reasons, emotional, social, physical, etc. sometimes we eat for no reason at all. I want you to try to change the way you think about food, at least for the next few weeks. I want you to think about food as fuel that runs your body. Just like a car, the quality of fuel you put in determines the quality of performance you get out. We will dig much deeper into this the next few weeks, but for now just start to think each time you put something into your mouth to eat, is it good fuel or bad fuel?

For this weeks blog we are going to start with breakfast. I want you to do two things for your post first let me know whether you eat breakfast or not and if you do, what does a normal school day breakfast look like for you?

Period 8 Principles of PE Blog 8 Nutrition

Through the process of studying fitness for the past 13 or so years I have noticed that making improvements in ones fitness involves a focus in three main categories. Those categories are nutrition, exercise and recovery. All are vital and must be addressed as part of any well planned fitness program, but nutrition has risen to the top as the single most important factor affecting your health and fitness. We will spend the next few posts addressing this aspect of fitness.

We eat food for several reasons, emotional, social, physical, etc. sometimes we eat for no reason at all. I want you to try to change the way you think about food, at least for the next few weeks. I want you to think about food as fuel that runs your body. Just like a car, the quality of fuel you put in determines the quality of performance you get out. We will dig much deeper into this the next few weeks, but for now just start to think each time you put something into your mouth to eat, is it good fuel or bad fuel?

For this weeks blog we are going to start with breakfast. I want you to do two things for your post first let me know whether you eat breakfast or not and if you do, what does a normal school day breakfast look like for you?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Period 5 Principles of PE Soccer

In our soccer unit we will be focusing on some of the same concepts we discussed in football. In soccer you will find yourself in one of two situations. You will either need to use your "on the ball skills" when you are in possession of the ball or use your "off the ball movements" when you are not in possession of the ball. For this weeks blog listen carefully in class and list one on the ball skill and one off the ball movement that would help your team maintain possession of the ball.

Period 3 Weight Training What is your Weakness?

Hopefully you have turned in your graph of you 10 skills of fitness. This is a short week so it will be a short blog. Let me know what your weakness is in the 10 skills. Where do your need to focus on in these next several weeks?

Period 7 Advanced Weight Training What's Your Weaknes?

Hopefully you have turned in your graph of you 10 skills of fitness. This is a short week so it will be a short blog. Let me know what your weakness is in the 10 skills. Where do your need to focus on in these next several weeks?

Period 8 Principles of PE Soccer

In our soccer unit we will be focusing on some of the same concepts we discussed in football. In soccer you will find yourself in one of two situations. You will either need to use your "on the ball skills" when you are in possession of the ball or use your "off the ball movements" when you are not in possession of the ball. For this weeks blog listen carefully in class and list one on the ball skill and one off the ball movement that would help your team maintain possession of the ball.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Perios 3 Weight Training Blog 6 Graph Explained

Don't forget you have an assignment due this Friday. I have had some questions about the graph, specifically people want examples of what activities would help you determine your abilities in each of the skills. So here you are;

Cardiovascular/Respiratory endurance: A good test of this would be a 5k run. A person who can run 3.1 miles in less than 20 minutes would be a 10. 30 minutes would be a 5.

Stamina:A good test of stamina would be the 100 push-up test we did in class. 3 minutes and below would be a 10 on stamina. Above 5 min would be a 5.

Strength: This one is pretty straight forward. If you can bench press your body weight, or deadlift 1 and 1/2 times your body weight you would be a 10. Benching 1/3 of your body weight and Deadlifting your body weight would be a 5.

Flexibility: The sit and reach test we did for our fitnessgram is a good indicator of flexibility. Although it only looks at one muscle, if your hamstrings are tight most other muscles are as well. 10 or above on the sit and reach would be a 10 5 would be a 5.

Power: A good test of power is your vertical leap, 30 inches and up would be a 10, 20 would be a 5.

Speed: We can use 40 yard dash times for this one, but it does not just mean how fast you can run. A forty time below 4.7 seconds would be a 10 5.3 would be a 5.

Co-ordination: Kipping pull-ups are an example of this as is the agility ladder.

Agility: Pro-agility run and the shuttle run are good tests of agility. A 30 ft shuttle run time of 8 sec and lower would be a 10, 10 sec would be a 5.

Balance: The stork balance test with a score of 30 sec and up would be a 10, 15 sec would be a 5.

Accuracy: Double unders with the jump rope 25 in a row for a 10, 15 for a 5 or the dot drill 40 sec and under would be a 10, 60 sec would be a 5

The 10 and 5 I gave your are parameters for your to judge yourself, your score will fall somewhere in between. This is a big assignment make sure it is turned in by Friday.

Period 5 Blog 6 Football Play

You all got lucky this week. I put up the title and forgot to put up a blog. Everyone will get credit for doing this blog! Have a great weekend.
Mr. Kirk

Period 7 Blog 6 Weight Training Graph Explained

Don't forget you have an assignment due this Friday. I have had some questions about the graph, specifically people want examples of what activities would help you determine your abilities in each of the skills. So here you are;

Cardiovascular/Respiratory endurance: A good test of this would be a 5k run. A person who can run 3.1 miles in less than 20 minutes would be a 10. 30 minutes would be a 5.

Stamina:A good test of stamina would be the 100 push-up test we did in class. 3 minutes and below would be a 10 on stamina. Above 5 min would be a 5.

Strength: This one is pretty straight forward. If you can bench press your body weight, or deadlift 1 and 1/2 times your body weight you would be a 10. Benching 1/3 of your body weight and Deadlifting your body weight would be a 5.

Flexibility: The sit and reach test we did for our fitnessgram is a good indicator of flexibility. Although it only looks at one muscle, if your hamstrings are tight most other muscles are as well. 10 or above on the sit and reach would be a 10 5 would be a 5.

Power: A good test of power is your vertical leap, 30 inches and up would be a 10, 20 would be a 5.

Speed: We can use 40 yard dash times for this one, but it does not just mean how fast you can run. A forty time below 4.7 seconds would be a 10 5.3 would be a 5.

Co-ordination: Kipping pull-ups are an example of this as is the agility ladder.

Agility: Pro-agility run and the shuttle run are good tests of agility. A 30 ft shuttle run time of 8 sec and lower would be a 10, 10 sec would be a 5.

Balance: The stork balance test with a score of 30 sec and up would be a 10, 15 sec would be a 5.

Accuracy: Double unders with the jump rope 25 in a row for a 10, 15 for a 5 or the dot drill 40 sec and under would be a 10, 60 sec would be a 5

The 10 and 5 I gave your are parameters for your to judge yourself, your score will fall somewhere in between. This is a big assignment make sure it is turned in by Friday

Period 8 Blog 6 Football Plays

You all got lucky this week. I put up the title and forgot to put up a blog. Everyone will get credit for doing this blog! Have a great weekend.
Mr. Kirk