Monday, October 19, 2009

Period 3 Weight Training Blog 8 Nutrition

Through the process of studying fitness for the past 13 or so years I have noticed that making improvements in ones fitness involves a focus in three main categories. Those categories are nutrition, exercise and recovery. All are vital and must be addressed as part of any well planned fitness program, but nutrition has risen to the top as the single most important factor affecting your health and fitness. We will spend the next few posts addressing this aspect of fitness.

We eat food for several reasons, emotional, social, physical, etc. sometimes we eat for no reason at all. I want you to try to change the way you think about food, at least for the next few weeks. I want you to think about food as fuel that runs your body. Just like a car, the quality of fuel you put in determines the quality of performance you get out. We will dig much deeper into this the next few weeks, but for now just start to think each time you put something into your mouth to eat, is it good fuel or bad fuel?

For this weeks blog we are going to start with breakfast. I want you to do two things for your post first let me know whether you eat breakfast or not and if you do, what does a normal school day breakfast look like for you?


  1. I almost always eat breakfast. Since I am always in a rush, I would just grab a power bar or some bread.

    wesley chan

  2. A normal breakfast for me would be eggs, a bagel with cream cheese, turkey bacon, and a glass of orange juice.

    Alex Kyle

  3. i would usually grab a apple pie-ish snack about a size of a piece of bread for breakfast.
    -Charles Li

  4. I eat breakfast everyday. It usually consist of fruit, a good meal and orange juice.

    -Justin Stuart

  5. A normal breakfast for me is a bagel with cream cheese, milk, and a muffin
    -Jack Connelly

  6. I always eat breakfast, even when its 11:30 in the morning and i am about to eat lunch i still eat breakfast even then (or whatever).
    Usually is cereal, or a banana, or grapes, or oatmeal, or anything but snack food excluding chocolate chip cookies when my family makes them, or muffins, or apple cake (only when its not eaten by everyone else in the house).

  7. I usually will eat eggs and toast with water for breakfast

  8. I usually never eat breakfast because i never have time. When i do eat breakfast it is a chewy bar or something small.

    Mitchell Myers

  9. I never eat breakfast, i have no time. If i ever did it would either be a banana or a chewy/power bar.
    MItch Rampp

  10. i consistently eat breakfast which consists of a peanutbutter and jelly bagel wiht a glass of milk
    -Mark Sokolsky

  11. I eat breakfast most mornings, and it usually consists of cereal or a bagel and orange juice.
    Matthew Beinart

  12. I never eat breakfast... i busy to sleep till 6 and i have to take bus on 6:30 so.. there is no time...
    -Michael Bae-

  13. I eat breakfast almost every day . I eat toast with milk.

    Arthur Chumakov.

  14. --doing this for first quarter grade to be an A-
    i eat breakfast everyday, but unless my mom cooks eggs, its generally cereal with milk, and water

    darian parsadoust

  15. i eat breakfeast everyday usally 2 pieces of toast or begal.

    evan treworgy
