Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Badminton is an awesome sport. We can use many of the same skills and tactics we learned in the volleyball unit, just in a different game.

The first tactic we are going to look at this week is creating space on the opponents side of the net. Specific to badminton, I want you to share with me some of the skills you use to create space on the opponents side of the net.


  1. 1. hit it were they are not
    2. smash it direct at them
    3. hit the birdie low and straight and not high and arced
    Kyle Fleskes, period 3

  2. 1.You can hit the shuttlecock where the other players are not so they have to run and hit it back.
    2.You can hit it far in the back of the court so they need to run to the back to hit it back
    Luke Roepe, Pd. 3

  3. 1. You can overhead clear the birdie over the opponent's head, so they have to move back far enough to create space up at the net. Then you can easily drop shot them at the net.
    2. You can also hit the birdie to a specific side of the court so that they have to run to get it back over the net, then you hit the birdie back in the opposite direction (where you created the space.)

    -George Trapaidze
    Period 3

  4. 1. You can hit the birdie directly at them.
    2. You can hit the birdie low.
    3. You can hit the birdie away from them.
    -Zach Lowy PD. 3

  5. 1. You can heit the birdie high and over the opponents head making space at the front of the net
    2. you can do a dink so that the birdie falls right in front of the net, creating space in back
    3. you can hit the birdie to a specific side making space in the middle
    ~Drew Lind

  6. 1. bye hitting the birdie towards the back of the court, you force the opponents to move back to get it, creating open space int he middle
    2. bye hitting the birdie very short so that it just barely goes over the net, the opponents move up, creating space in the back of the court.
    3. by hitting the birdie to either side of the court, it moves the opponents to that side, creating open space on the opposite side

    Harris Sorkin
    Period 3

  7. 1. hit the birdie to the back so the other team has to go back leaving space in the front
    2. hit the birdie to either side of th court so the other side is left unguarded
    3. hit the birdie lightly so the other team runs up leaving the back open
    Ian rolfes
    pd 3

  8. 1. you can hit the birdie as far as you can
    2. you can dink the birdie
    3. you can hit the birdie to the sides of the court

    -Branden Denchfield pd 3

  9. 1. Dunk the birdie
    2. hit the birdie to the other side of the court
    3. hit the birdie behind them

    -Diego ARana pd 3

  10. 1. you can hit the birdie as far as you can
    2. you can dink the birdie
    3. you can hit the birdie to the sides of the court

    Jonathan Gaus
    Period 3

  11. 1 hit the shuttlecock away from the opponent
    2 hit it fast
    3 hit it far from the net or close from the net

    aj gorsky

  12. Sophia Hussein
    1) Hit the shuttle close to the net if you opponent is in the back
    2) Hit the birdie fast
    3) Hit the birdie to the edges of the court so it is hard for your opponent to send it back

  13. Saebin Jang
    1. Hit the shuttlecock to the empty space.
    2. Hit for the back corner or the front close to the net.
    3. Smash it.

  14. Eileen Stauffer
    1) Force your opponent to move by using a clear
    2) Force your opponent to move by using a dink
    3) Hit the birdie where it is away from them and difficult to receive (the sides of the court)

  15. Hit the birdie over their head (clear)
    Dink it just over the net when they are farther away
    Hit it to an open space
    uday misra

  16. -Clear the birde to the back of the oppents court.
    -If our opponent is at the back use a dink to make them run up to the net.
    -Also you can hit the bride to any open space on the court.
    Max Goldstein

  17. send them to the back
    keep them in the same place for a while and space will open up
    dropshot it to the front and space will open in the back
    Logan Pawlik

  18. -Hit the birdie to the back of the opponent's court
    -dropshot the birdie to the front of the court creating open space in the back
    Jason Jiang

  19. Hit close to the net, and then to the back
    Slam the birdie to an open or hard to reach space
    -Ben Gross

  20. Michael Stopher - Period 3
    Badminton Expert

    1. Hit the cock as hard as you can towards the floor wherever the opponent isn't standing.
    2. Dink the cock when your opponent is farthest back, usually when they hit you a free, high hit.
    3. Hit the cock toward the side of the court to trick your partner into thinking it is going out. This usually permits if your court is difficult to play on, for example, the court with the back packs and a basketball hoop directly above it. On this court, hitting the cock toward the backpacks underneath the hoop makes it difficult to return the hit.

  21. In order to create space on the opponents side of the net you must make him move away from the center of the court. You can do this by hitting the shuttle to one side and then once hes moved to the side and returned it immediatly hit it to the other side. This will cut the time he has to set up and return the shuttle in half making it much more difficult to return. The same tactic can work by hitting it hard in the back of the court then dinking it over the front of the net.
    Ben Schnabel

  22. If you are trying to create space on the other side of your oppenents court, you must do a couple things. First, you must hit the birdie very high and back towards the back side of the court. Next after you have them planted back their, hit either a soft shot to the very front of the court so they have to rush or smash it so it's hard to return.
    Brett Rudden

  23. 1. hit the birdie to open space
    2. keep the birdie low and fast right above the net
    3. try to have a good mixture of short and far hits
    Mattin Gharagozloo

  24. 1.) Hit the birdie hard so they cant return it
    2.) Hit it where they arent
    3.) barely hit it over the net if they arent close

    Sawyer Hazel pd 3

  25. 1) Hit the shuttle to the far back of the court so that they have to move back to get it, when they do you can easily hit it back slightly over the net to the front of the court.
    2) Hit the shuttle to wherever the opponent is not
    3) Hit the shuttle to the far corners or sides of the court, then smash it to the middle.

    -Daniel Alborta
