Monday, April 29, 2013

Weight Training Blog #4 Halfway Point

We are at the halfway point in our four week program. I want you to stay focused and see this thing through so that you can reach your goals. What end result of your program can you focus on to help you stay motivated and get your workouts done each day you are in class?

For example, I have a 5k race coming up in a couple of weeks that keeps me motivated to do my runs even on day's that I don't want to. Find one thing you can use to keep you motivated and working hard towards your goal and list it for this weeks blog.


  1. Summer is coming up and i want to get my body the way i want it so for the first time ever i will take my shirt off before i go into the pool or ocean.

    Kiko Woolschlager, pd. 5.

  2. To get stronger for the upcoming football season

    Pd.8 Dillon Behrman

  3. so i can be more fit for the the football season next year and be stronger than ever.
    Abdul Khan PD8

  4. My end goal that motivates me is gaining muscle mass, and being stonger and faster to finish off the track season.

    -Abdulai Sei
    Pd 8

  5. With summer and what is to be the last track meet of the season for me, I need to strengthen my muscles and tone them so I am able to look nice while also being able to run fast. Therefore my end goal is to be able to drop time in my track events, increase my maxes, and finally to be relatively toned.

    - Justin Wu
    PD 8

  6. My goal before summer is to have increased my overall muscle mass and strength for the upcoming vacations and hockey season. I plan to keep lifting throught the summer to maintain that strength.

    Ryan Schuler
    pd. 2

  7. My goal before summer would be to get more fit for both summer and sports.

    Jake McCasland
    pd. 8

  8. my goal is to become more fit because of enlisting in the Navy SEAL's. so i want to be at the top of my peak performance to accomplish all task's set before me to graduate the selection course this summer.

    Ty Eoute
    Pd. 8

  9. My lovely girlfriend of two and a half years is, after a long stay in Canada, finally returning to the U.S. in a few weeks. I want to enlarge the muscle in my arms and chest in order to look good, considering she started going out with me back when I was a LOT scrawnier.

    Michael Donahue
    Period 5

  10. I am looking foward to starting my 5x5 program and increasing my olympic lifts. I love olympic lifting so my desire to keep on improving is motivating me to work hard.

    Alex Walsh

  11. My goal before summer would be to get more fit for both summer and sports.

    Javier Arana
    Period 8

  12. I have beach week coming up, and need to be in as good of shape as possible.
    Will Quackenbush

  13. Something that is keeping me motivated would be the summer, I want to be fit and I want to be confident with the way I look.
    Gloria Avedano pd.8

  14. My motivation is the feeling of being healthy and also feeling the satisfaction of having reached my goals. I like feeling sore and feeling stronger and running faster. That is what keeps me going

    Danny Mack
    Period 8

  15. My modivation the feeling of doing things that were hard before with ease. For example when I was just a freshmen i could bench 65 pounds, now I can max 205. Recognizing improvement keeps me motivated.

    Dalton Johnson

  16. Something that is keeping me motivated is sports right now. I know that if i keep working hard and getting stronger I can get alot better

    Paul Saah PD8

  17. My motivation is the track team which makes me want to get stronger

    -Kevin Schroeder

  18. The football season is almost here and i want to be in my optimal health and strength during the season.
    -calvin li

  19. COuntinue working out during the summer even though i won't have as much equipment as I do right now, but i will still do my best to stay in shape!

    Pavel Osipov
    Period 5

  20. I want to get strong and cut for college because I plan on doing club sports so I have to get in good shape first!!

    Rohan Singh
    Pd 5

  21. Summer is coming up with pool parties and beaches and i want to maintain looking good half naked
    Pd. 5 James Kuldell

  22. im trying to get so i can get some women this summer which i never have trouble with i just want to get more this summer.

    1. bobby mack period 5 and i want to get cut

  23. I hope to regain my speed and stamina so I can skate like i used to
    Trsitan Johnson Pd.8

  24. My motivation is to get stronger for soccer and I enjoy working out.
    Aurash Amirmokri Period 5

  25. My motivation is rebuilding my endurance and trying to be the fastest and strongest I can be.

  26. I want to maintain my strength during the baseball season with playoffs coming up. I also dont want to be too frail in college

    Boaz Ru

  27. I want to gain muscle mass and also cut down fat for the upcoming fall sports season

    Cameron Siasi
    Period 2

  28. I want to gain at least 5 lbs of mass towards my long term goal of 190 lbs in order to look bigger and get stronger.

    -Austin D, 5th period

  29. i want to decrease my time for my 40 yard dash and 100 meter dash
    Kingsley Ofori pd2

  30. My baseball career is coming to an end, so I want to maintain my current body so I will be in a good place to start bulking up once baseball is over and summer starts.
    Dylan Jaffe pd 5

  31. I want to gain muscle mass and get bidder for next year's sports.
    Sehej Singh period 2

  32. my goal is to be ready for beach week and gain more strength in my legs for running

    Andrew Sanya
    PD: 2

  33. Staying in shape/getting stronger is always a priority, especially with summer coming-- I hate the warm weather so I probably won't be as active as I usually am despite my best interests.

    Claire R.
    Period 8

  34. Well, summer is coming up and I want to have that satisfaction that I was able to become stronger and reach my goals while i am relaxing in the summer.
    -Saad Abbasi

  35. Daniel Yarmovsky Period 5

    My friends and I compete for pullups and I really do wanna come out on top.

  36. with summer coming up, that means more dryland training for skiing so i want to get in shape before that and be ahead of everyone else for the upcoming racing season
    Josh Shcherbelis, pd 5

  37. Ever since the start of weight training, and especially now, I have been wanting to get stronger and thinner by summer vacation time. Knowing myself, I will slack off over the summer, so I want to get in shape now. What is motivating me is the fact that I would feel good and possibly look good over the summer if I do the hard stuff now.
    Jill Grime, Period 8

    -marius toderas period 8


    -Vincent Stubbs Period 8

  40. Beach week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Stephen Potemken

  41. Summer is around the corner and i want to be fit so that i can play some sports.
    Johnny Bestland
    Period 8

  42. Summer is almost here and i want to be in shape for football conditioning-kwasi

  43. Summer basbeall is coming up soon and i need to make sure im in the best shape i can be.
    Michael Elliott

  44. fargo in the summer to do my best.
    garrett ruderman
    period 2

  45. Get big for summer and still maintain overall cardio.
    -Sina Dayanzadeh
    Period 2

  46. I want to play football next year so I am trying to get stronger.

    --Sam Dhawan PD. 2

  47. To get bigger for the summer and to maintain strength
    -Victor Pires
    Per 2

  48. My motivation is to get stronger so that i can save fat people from drowning while life guarding
    Matt Klein
    period 2

    1. Fat people float pretty well, it the skinny ones you have to watch out for.

  49. to get stronger, make gains, and get better froem.
    Jacob McGrath

  50. I started lifting with the goal of becoming stronger and improve in martial arts. This is still one of my goals, but getting better at volleyball and looking better are also coming into play. It really makes me mad when the good-for-nothing dirtbag guy gets the girl, just 'cause he looks "better."

    Aleksander Psurek, p4

  51. I have been talking to a few college soccer coaches and one mentioned that they are very interested in the fitness level of all recruits. She told me that i should work to have better fitness and stay focused on my trainings as well as work on the side on my own. Because i will be attending 2 college camps this summer I would like to be as fit as i can be once i get there.

    Alyssa Kopsidas
    Period 7

  52. My motivation is to get bigger and stronger for the summer so i can look good for the ladies, and get in better shape for the next lacrosse season.

    Ryan Chace pd:2

  53. i just want to look good over the summer and be stronger.
    david nguyen
    period 8

  54. My motivation is to gain strength and lose fat and stay in shape for next wrestling season
    Ricky Lay
    Period 2

  55. I want to maintain and improve upon my health over the summer rather than let it degrade like I usually do.

    Aria Fallah
    Period 5

  56. I want to become active and healthy for the summer, and be able to participate in sport games with my friends.

    Oliver Salter, Period 2

  57. I want to look bigger through out the summer and maintain overall fitness for the rest of the year

    Sam Williams
    PD 2

  58. To Get bigger for the upcoming football season

    Kyle Perel

  59. I want to get stronger for footbal season and i also want to have a good beach body

    Austin Banks

  60. Summer is coming up and i want to look good with my shirt off

    Chad Gruzin

  61. Summer is coming up and I want to look good at the beach
    Alex Istaphanous

  62. I want to get back in shape after not being able to do much because of my leg being broken
    Sagy Amar pd.2

  63. I want to have a hot bod for beach week.
    Ellie Gesiskie
    Period 8

  64. My motivation is to gain more muscle weight, and get stronger.

    __Mike Chen

  65. My motivation is to be ready for summer and also to get a head start so I can be ready for lacrosse season next year.

    Ryan Bass

  66. My motivation is to be the best I can be and no one can stop me.
    -Karl Treichel

  67. Something that is keeping me motivated is sports right now. I know that if i keep working hard and getting stronger I can get alot better
    - Javier Arana

  68. i have never met anyone as self-concious as I. So for me, whats always motivated me and what will always keep me motivated is for my mind to tell me that i cant do it, but then my body to prove it wrong. my goal is a daily goal. which resets every time I step in the weight room: do the impossible. do what my mind says i cant. at the end of the day, thats the only thing i must do.

    Michael Hilnbrand
    PD. 5

  69. My motivation is to look good for the summer, because I'm just naturally very skinny I have to work hard. Also, weight training has really improved my golf game, but it really needs to be better for the summer for my own motivation.

    Burak Demir

  70. My bigges motivation is to gain more muscle and lose for wright that way i can be healthy and skiny.

    Ed Wong

  71. A large goal for me is to gain more shoulder muscle. In basketball, my shot is kind of weak because I don't have good shoulders, so if I gain more muscle there, then my shot will get better and I'll become a better player in general.

    Dana Griffith
    Period 8

  72. My motivation is to build lots of muscle so it my benifet in my sport. For example doing workouts such as squats will build my quads so I can have a harder shot in soccer and also help me become faster. I will also be able to out body bigger players by packing on lots of upper body muscle.

    Alex Bellot
    Pd. 7

  73. Bryan Garcia Period 7

    My motivation is that i atleast want to get better on the weights and as i get better i want the pound or weight to increase as i go. i want to use this class so that i can get in better shape for Football next year and slo because i like this class too. NO PAIN NO GAME BOY.

  74. My motivation is to get bigger before lacrosse season so i want to stay focused on my upper body to get a stronger shot and be more aggressive on the field.

    Justin O'Daniel
    Period 2

  75. I would like to gain more muscle and endurance to get better at lacrosse
    Terrence Moore
    Pd 6

  76. become more functionally strong for wrestling

    jay carroll

  77. i need to build up my overall endurance and my leg strength

    Paul LaVallee period 6

  78. I can motivate by thinking about basketball tryouts
    paul lavallee period 6

  79. I am motivated by increasing my speed and strength so that i will become a better football player

    Joseph Heyman period 6
