Monday, January 4, 2010

Period 8 Blog 2.7 Dealing With Stress

Welcome back! A great way to deal with stress is a two week vacation! So now that you are all relaxed, we will ramp up the stress with the reminder that finals are just two weeks away. We have already started the process of dealing with stress by identifying what it is that causes us stress. Some things we have control over and can eliminate them from our lives, but some, like school, we have to deal with. Below are some ways of dealing with stress. The idea is that you take some time to free your mind from the things that are causing you stress, so that you can than go at them with a fresh perspective. For your first blog of 2010. Let me know me know which of the ways of dealing with stress below would work for you. if none of them sound like the would help you relax, let me know something that you could do to free your mind and relax.

You knew I would have to start with exercise. We all know excercise makes us feel better, but how often do we really do it when we most need to? Excercise releases tension and actually energizes us. Some other examples of healthy responses to stress are playing music, expressive arts, dance, self-defense courses, running, taking time out, 10 deep breaths, a long bath, a good book. These are all ways to beat stress and win back our quality of life.


  1. Things that would help me would be self-defense courses, a long bath, 10 deep breaths and a good book.

    Ben Crookshank

  2. I run to beat stress
    -Harrison Blackman

  3. Playing soccer, listening to music and other sorts of excercise help me relieve stress.

    Melissa Libutti

  4. Exercising and listening to music would work best for me to relieve stress.

    -Grant Fox

  5. i plan on dealing with stress by running, reading a good book, listening to music and taking some time from work.

    --bryce andrukiti

  6. usually dancing helps he release tension becasue i am a dancer adn also running at a fast pase on my teadmill while listing music

    ~ nikki bhalla ~

  7. Taking a walk outside, play/listen music, paint/craft and a good book every night.

    Stella Koo

  8. To help deal with stress i take 20 minute jogs, 10 deep breaths, and I listen to music.

    Dane Searles

  9. i ususally watch tv or read book.

  10. running releases endorfins and that relieves stress, also reading helps when dealing with stress

    rohan anthony

  11. Deep breaths usually calm me down if I am stressed out

    Kyle Rampp

  12. Running, listening to music, and reading all help me relax if I'm stressed

    -Austin Feng

  13. listening to music, watching tv, and running gets my mind off things and helps me relieve stress

    wendy sun

  14. playing guitar or basketball usually helps when i have any stress.
    - Aras Sanati

  15. Running, taking time out, a long bath, and a good book help tons.

  16. Sleep/nap, exercise with music, eat, watch a movie- distracts u away from stress

  17. Reading, listening to music, and running all help me relax when I am stressed.

    -Austin Feng

  18. I run and listen to music to help deal with stress.

    -Zoe Junghans

  19. A little video games, a board game, or a physical game I play outside. Anthing that's fun relieves me of stress.
    A few deep breaths doesn't hurt too

    Nick Soileau

  20. When i'm stressed out, I usually take time out, read a book, or listen to music.

    Aishwariya C.

  21. i listen to music, exersize, or count to ten

    -nina lish

  22. go running, listen to music, draw
    -kathy chen

  23. listen to music, play sports, sleeping
    -Boaz Ru

  24. usually i read a book when i am stressed
    kayla steinberg

  25. I listen to music and play piano to deal with stress.

    -tiffany hu

  26. I listen to music, or excersize- whatever gets my mind off of the problem

    Rohan Anthony
