Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Period 7 Advanced Weight Training Welcome & Fitness testing

Welcome to physical education, this is going to be a great semester! This is your first blog of the semester. Read the info here and click on the comment section below. You will see "Post A Comment" with a text box below. Post your answer to the blog there and be sure to include your name in the post. Under the text box, next to, "comment as", select the profile of anonymous and submit your comment. It will ask you to try again. Submit the comment again and you will get a word verification box. Fill that in and submit your comment. I know it sounds like a lot of work but you get used to it quickly and it will enhance your experience in Physical Education this semester.

For your first blog question I want you to think about fitness testing and answer two questions about fitness testing. 1. Why is fitness testing important? 2. What are we trying to learn from these fitness tests?


  1. It is important because you need to know the level of fitness that you are at, in order to know how much weight that you can lift so that you don't end up hurting yourself while lifting. We are trying to learn our current physical limits by going through these fitness tests

  2. Fitness testing is important because it reveals your status on where you are in your fitness. We are trying to learn individually on what weaknesses you need to work on

    Steven Rubin

  3. It's importnant because you must know your current fitness level in order to safely achieve any goals of maximizing the amount of weight you can lift. We are trying to learn physical limits by going through these tests.

    -Greg Potemken

  4. Fitness testing is important because it tells you your current level of fitness. We are trying to learn our strengths and weaknesses so that we can improve ourselves

    Sam Rosenblatt

  5. Fitness testing is important for physical education students because it gives both the student and the teacher an idea about where the student is currently. By taking the fitness tests, students can see their starting point so that they can build and improve by the end of the year.

    Marisa Cresham

  6. john stoeber

    fitness testing is important because it lets u know what level u are at physically so u can see how much you have improved and it lets us see what we need to work more than something thats already pretty strong

  7. Fitness testing is important because when you do tests such as the mile run or push ups and curl ups you see your current fitness level. We're trying to learn how to improve on our weaknesses so we can become healthier and stronger.

    -Palina Ivanova

  8. fitness testing is important because it shows improvement. We trying are to learn where we are physically so we can set our goals.


  9. Fitness tests are important because it shows us what our strengths and weaknesses are, and what our limits are. We use the tests to figure out what we need to work on and improve most to be more fit.


  10. It is important because it sets a baseline of our level of fitness at the current time. We learn from this what we have to do in order to improve ourselves and tailor our workout plan in order to maximize benefits.

    -Micah Johnstone

  11. mack hollins

    fitness testing allows you to show how much improvement you have made during the semester. we are trying to work on our weak spots in the fitness testing.

  12. Daniel Nozick-

    Fitness testing allows us to tell how fit we are compared to others our age. It is important because it tells us where we need to improve ourselves the most.

  13. Fitness testing is important so that you can see how fit you are before you start training. We are trying to learn our level of fitness, so we know where to start with our training.
    Ben Killion

  14. Fitness test is important so you kno where you stand in your fitness. You can learn how to improve yourself.

  15. Fitness testing is important because it tells us our current level of fitness. from this we can learn to improve ourselves and our fitness.

    Max Langworthy

  16. Fitness testing is important because it shows our current level of fitness, and where we can improve. We are trying to learn what we are bad at so we can improve in those areas.

    Jake Bradley
