Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Period 3 Weight Training Welcome & Fitness Testing

Welcome to physical education, this is going to be a great semester! This is your first blog of the semester. Read the info here and click on the comment section below. You will see "Post A Comment" with a text box below. Post your answer to the blog there and be sure to include your name in the post. Under the text box, next to, "comment as", select the profile of anonymous and submit your comment. It will ask you to try again. Submit the comment again and you will get a word verification box. Fill that in and submit your comment. I know it sounds like a lot of work but you get used to it quickly and it will enhance your experience in Physical Education this semester.

For your first blog question I want you to think about fitness testing and answer two questions about fitness testing. 1. Why is fitness testing important? 2. What are we trying to learn from these fitness tests?


  1. Fitness testing is important so there is baseline that you an reference your improvement on. we are trying to learn what we are capable of and what needs to be improved specifically.

    Alex Kyle

  2. Fitness testing is important so you know what you need to work on. We are learning about where we stand physically so we can improve

    Allen Hai

  3. Fitness testing is important to see our status in different levels in fitness including muscular strength and endurance. It gives you a chance to see what you need to work on the most this semester. It also shows our level of improvement when we take it again later in the year.We are trying to learn where we are in our physical fitness(what, or how many of something, we can do) and what needs to be improved.

    Michael Turow

  4. Fitness testing is important because it shows the student where his physical ablility is and where it should be. From fitness testing we learn what parts of the body we need to improve.

    Matt Bussard

  5. Fitness testing is important because it shows us where people are as far as physical ability. We are trying to learn what areas we should work on as far as development of our body.

  6. Fitness testing is important because it is a good way to help us see where we are physically and what aspects we need to improve on. From these fitness tests we are trying to learn, what specfic aspects of our physical health we may need to work on.

    Matthew Beinart

  7. Fitness is important because it shows where you stand next to other people. Fot fitness testing it shows what you need to improve on.

    Neofytos Panagos
