Friday, January 8, 2010

Period 7 Your Final Exam!

I have enjoyed working with all of you this semester. It is my goal in each class to make learning about health, fitness, and sport enjoyable. I hope I was able to do that this past semester. I am always looking for ways to improve the experience for the next group of students. For your final exam, and it will count as a blog grade, I want you to answer the following questions. Answer them truthfully as I am only grading on completion and you will not be penalized for telling the truth. I want to know how you truly feel. I would appreciate it if you took the time to provide thoughtful responses, rather than rushing through just to complete the assignment.

1. What did you like the most about physical education class?

2. What did you like the least?

3. How did you feel about the blog assignments?

4. If you could change anything about physical education, what would it be?

Thanks for your effort this semester and I hope you consider taking another P.E. sometime in the future.

Have a great second semester!
Mr. Kirk


  1. 1.I liked working to get on the board.
    2.I wish we could have played other sports on rest days
    3.i felt that overall it helped us learn more about physical fitness.
    4.I would liked to have spent more time on the strength building unit.

    Curt brooks

  2. 1) I liked having a class that was egalitarian, you get out of it exactly what you put into it

    2) I did not like having wrestling practice an hour after weightlifting class

    3) I have mixed feelings about the blogs. I think they're very easy to forget about, but are essential summative assessments from a teaching perspective. However, I can't really complain about the blogs. The questions are easy to answer and they don't take more than 10 mminutes to do, and, on the offchance you can't answer one, you've got google right in front of you so the answers are easily accessible.

    4) I wouldn't change anything about P.E. I feel that the teaching staff not only is passionate about teaching Phys ed, but also is very knowledgable about all forms of excercise.


  3. 1. It was different than how I would usually work out and it helped out with my fitness.
    2. That I couldn't finish the semester.
    3. I usually learned something new every week that would help out to understanding my body and tips for the future.
    4. A few more blogs to learn some more about my body functions.

    -Eric Lee

  4. 1. The thing I liked most about the PE class, besides the modified team hand ball games was being able to improve and work on your own individual strength areas that you wanted to make stronger.
    2. The metcons twice a week, especially on a friday weren't my favorite part. Stick to once a week.
    3. The blog assignments were interesting. They provided a lot of information on nutrition and the body that related to working out that i did not know about.
    4. Leave time at the end of class for modified team hand ball after a strength workout in the beginning. Also, don't set up metcons on a friday

    Steven Rubin

  5. 1) I liked how much hard work the class made me do and the physical gains I got from the class
    2)The thing I liked the least was how we always ran out of time in the middle of a workout but that is beyond control
    3)The blog assignments were very useful and informative unlike some assignments in other classes. I can use the information I learned in my quest for physical fitness and through my entire life.
    4)The only thing I would change is spend more time on strength building exercise, it seemed as though it was more cardio oriented
    -Micah Johnstone

  6. 1.I liked bench pressing and playing team handball i liked metcons too

    2.i didnt like the metcons twice a week one would be just fine

    3. the blogs were fine they didnt mind them

    4.PE class is good the way it is i like it

    Nick Wise

  7. 1. The thing I liked most about this P.E class is that I got to get stronger in a very energizing enviroment. I also liked the active rest days
    2. My least favorite thing is I would like to do more core days. There really isnt anything I didn't like this semester.
    3. I learn about New things like how to have a healthy diet, and stress managment ideas.
    4. I would not want to change anything. The workouts are challenging,and the active rest days are always fun and competitive.
    -Andrew Devine

  8. 1. I liked how we didnt do metcons everyday because im not a big fan of them. I also enjoyed the modified team handball games because it was a nice break in the middle of the week.

    2. The thing i liked the least in class was the metcons, although i have improved my fitness due to them they were still something i didnt look forward to.

    3.I didnt mind the blog assignments, it allowed me to reflect on what i learned. However i wish you would tell us when there was a blog because you did in the beginning but then you stopped so sometimes i forfot to do them.

    4.Even though i dont like the metcons i still wouldnt change or get rid of them. They were hard but im in much better shape than before.

    Michael Castelli

  9. 1 The best thing i liked about pe was dodgeball
    2 Did not like the metcons
    3 I also did not like the blog but have taught me many things.
    4 I would like do something else then dodge ball on the rest days

    Eric Song

  10. 1. I liked making myself stronger and getting in shape
    2.I didn't really like having metcons after working out two times a week, when you're sore
    3. I didn't really like the blog assignments, though they did give me alot of information
    4. I would like to have one metcon a week rather than two

    Max Langworthy

  11. 1) The thing I like most about Weight Training PE Class is that it gives me a chance in school to improve my physical fitness and increase my athletic ability for the sports that I play.

    2) The one thing I don't like is that sometimes I am sore from the workouts we have, which is bad for when I go to sports practices after school

    3)The blogs are good but it is really hard to remember to do them every week.

    4) If I were to change anything, it would be to that we do more running related activities.

    -Max Goldschein

  12. 1. I liked having the oppurtunity to work out every day and work my muscles to the best of my ability. I also enjoyed the team handball it got pretty intense.

    2. What I liked the least about the class was the fact that I have wrestling practice every day like an hour after the class.

    3. The blogs were neccessary for the class ansd simple but very easy to forget about and that can affect your grade.

    4. I wouldn't change anything about the class I think the teachers are great and put in alot of effort towards their students success.

    -Greg Potemken

  13. 1. I liked having time to work out every day and it helped me get in much better shape

    2. My least favorite part of the class was doing long metcons.

    3. The blogs gave me a lot of information and they weren't hard to do

    4. I wouldnt change anything I think the teachers are doing a good job

    -Aaron Kay

  14. 1. The personal instruction of lifts and exercises
    2. Having a rigid workout scedule that was inconvenient at times
    3. Much more informative than previous years, which gave me more impetus to do them
    4. More squats: although they were a staple to our workouts, we could have done them twice in one week at times.

  15. 1. Getting instructions on lifting correctly
    2. PLaying other sports on rest days
    3. The blog assignments were very useful and informative however was often difficult to remember to complete without being told a new blog was up
    4. Spending more time on the strength building unit

    -David Sureff

  16. 1. I like working out and being around my friends
    2. My least favorite thing to do was metcons
    3. The bnlog provided much information for health
    4. Playing basketball on rest day instead of dodgeball
    -Denell Hammond

  17. 1. I liked playing modified team handball and learning new strength exercises.

    2. My least favorite part of the class was that it was too crowded in the weight room at times.

    3. I think that the blog assignments gave me a better understanding of physical fitness, especially nutrition.

    4. I would make the class size a little smaller.

    -Matt Bourne

  18. 1) Metcons

    2) I didnt like being sweaty after working out and being out for 2 months with a broken finger and being out for another month with mono

    3) i liked the blogs because I learned something new everytime but like barbaro said I forgot about them sometimes

    4) met cons every day

    - grimm

  19. 1)working to get on the board was fun
    2) i am not a fan of metcons
    3)i dont mind the blogs but hope that mine can be graded stil even tho i did them late
    4) more strength building and mass increasing units

    -sam zacks

  20. 1: the thing I liked the most about this class was how I got to learn more stuff helpful for your fitness and always mixing up exercises, not just focus on thing.

    2: there was actually nothing that i didn't like about this class, except that why we couldn't work a little bit more on our upper body.

    3: the blog assignments weren't that bad, you actually learn stuff from it, but it would be helpful if there was a way in which you could remind us through edline because otherwise we just forget.

    4: I really liked the class the way it was though it wouldn't kill us if we could do more on fast motion workouts or more met-cons.

