Friday, January 8, 2010

Period 8 Your Final Exam!

I have enjoyed working with all of you this semester. It is my goal in each class to make learning about health, fitness, and sport enjoyable. I hope I was able to do that this past semester. I am always looking for ways to improve the experience for the next group of students. For your final exam, and it will count as a blog grade, I want you to answer the following questions. Answer them truthfully as I am only grading on completion and you will not be penalized for telling the truth. I want to know how you truly feel. I would appreciate it if you took the time to provide thoughtful responses, rather than rushing through just to complete the assignment.

1. What did you like the most about physical education class?

2. What did you like the least?

3. How did you feel about the blog assignments?

4. If you could change anything about physical education, what would it be?

Thanks for your effort this semester and I hope you consider taking another P.E. sometime in the future.

Have a great second semester!
Mr. Kirk


  1. 1. nothing
    2. you
    3. they stink
    4. not having to do it
    love bryce

    1. games
    2. blogs
    3. i don't like them
    4. not to do blogs

    --bryce andrukitis

  2. 1. basketball and football

    2. the warmups

    3. pretty easy

    4. shorten warm ups
    -Boaz Ru

  3. 1. I enjoyed frisbee and basketball. The sports where there isnt a lot of teaching before playing works nicely.

    2. Remembering to do the blog

    3. They're not hard to do, but its something I always have to remember

    4. Probably the blog, shorter blogs would be nice

    Landon Fleischman

  4. 1) not a lot of running
    2) the running
    3) they weren't too bad. Usually i don't get gym homework, but this was online we had a week to do it, and we didn't necessairily have to write a whole paragraph about something.
    4) i would l;ike to pick what sports i play, because then i might participate more.

    kayla steinberg

  5. 1) I liked almost all the sports we did
    2) Remembering the blog
    3) Easy but I forget to do them sometimes
    4) I would like to be able to pick all our teams

    -Zoe Junghans

  6. Wooo last blog!

    1. I liked ultimate frisbee and football.
    2. I didn't like volley ball
    3. The blogs weren't hard but it was hard to remember to do them.
    4. Longer units would be better.

    -Grant Fox

  7. 1. wresling
    2. nothing
    3. quick and easy
    4. nothing

    Ben Crookshank

  8. 1. I liked how relaxed it was because i actually had fun during gym instead of dreading it
    2. i didnt like the soccer unit because im really bad at soccer and dont like it at all
    3. i liked them because they didnt stress me out, they gave me a reason to stop doing my homework for awhile, and all they did was help my grade because if i forgot about doing one you would let me do it the next week
    4. I would change the part where you have to change your gym teacher :)

    -Jordan Weissberg

  9. 1. my favorite part of gym this year was having more freedom.. by saying this i mean there wasn't too much instruction and teaching everyday. there was instruction on what to do and we were watched but we didn't have to watch a demonstration about the basics like bouncing a basketball or kicking a soccer ball.

    2. the soccer because the goals and the fields were really small so it was hard to actually play. and i also would have liked to pick our teams more..

    3. i didn't think i would, but i actually liked them because it was easy to reply to all of them. and i am on the computer anyways so it wasn't a drag to do them in the end. they actually help my grade.

    4. there is not much i would change besides maybe the dressing requirement sometimes but then if you think about it then boys wouldn't change and it would get gross in the gym. so i wouldn't really change anything.

    i enjoyed gym this year, thank you

    Nina Lish

  10. 1) I liked the variety of sports because if we did not like a certain sport, we would generally start a new one soon

    2) I did not like sharing classes

    3) I did not have any problem with the assignments and they usually were informative

    4) Stop sharing classes

    Rohan Anthony

  11. 1. I like the tournaments we had for sports
    2. Not remembering to do the blogs
    3. They were helpfull and took little time to do
    4. Shorten warm ups and be able to choose what sports we play

    - Krisztian Mazo

  12. 1. badminton
    2. warm ups
    3. interesting way to do assignments
    4. more variety of sports

    -Austin Feng

  13. 1. easy goingness
    2. ultimate frisbee
    3. sometimes i forget but remember friday afternoon
    4. fewer blogs
    -Harrison Blackman

  14. 1. you're a really fun teacher, i'm not kidding, and i loved getting to do volleyball and badminton
    2., football, soccer. ughh.
    3. i actually liked doing these since they were interesting and different
    4. change up the sports we play, more net games!
    --kathy chen

  15. 1) playing sports
    2) Changing into gym clothes
    3) Pretty easy to do
    4) Shorter warm ups

    -Aras Sanati

  16. 1) The outside sports, and the amount of time spent doing every sport.
    2) Nothing
    3) They were pretty easy. The fact that we had a week to do them helped a lot, because it was sometimes easy to forget to do them.
    4) Shorten warm-ups and let the students choose the sports they want to play.

    Dane Searles

  17. 1) frisbee and badminton
    2) football, softball and running
    3) forgot to do them sometimes, but not too bad overall
    4) less warmup, more time to play the games

    -Tiffany Hu

  18. 1. basketball and football
    2. Frisbee and soccer
    3. Easy as long as you remember to do them
    4. No more blogs

    Simon JIang

  19. 1) all the games, liked ALL of them
    2) warm ups
    3) They were okay but they were so forgetable
    4) Shorter blogs, but everything else is fine

    See u next semester
    Nick Soileau

  20. 1) Freedommmm =]

    2) Simon...I mean...the warm-ups... xD

    3) A test of memory. :0 Scratch that...a HARD test of memory :)

    4) Nothing to complain about. (except Ben) :D

  21. 1. What did you like the most about physical education class?
    i liked the football the most cause it was the best of the sports we did.

    2. What did you like the least?
    soccer/wrestling. soccer because it was in dirt. and wrestling cause it was too complicated

    3. How did you feel about the blog assignments?
    didnt do many so i dont know

    4. If you could change anything about physical education, what would it be?
    too have the kids choose what sports we do. so we have more fun

    - Jacob Amusya -- look forward too having you again next semester.

  22. 1. it was very laid back and easy to have fun.
    2. Remembering to have to do the blog.
    3. Not bad just having to remember to do them was hard.
    4. Have the blogs based off of the sport you were playing that week.

    -Melissa Libutti

  23. 1. games
    2. blogs
    3. didnt like it
    4. no blogs

    Juan-Felipe Pataquiva

  24. 1. you let us choose our own teams for most sports we did
    2. having to remember to do the blog.
    3. I kept forgetting about them, but they were pretty easy to do.
    4. it would be cool if we could decide on a sport based on votes from the class.

    aishwariya c.

  25. 1.i liked how easy the class was and some of the sports that we did
    2.i didnt like the football unit
    3.i thought they were okay but it was hard to remember to actually do them
    4.letting us choose the sports that we would be doing

    -wendy sun

  26. 1. i like how we had a lot of freedom, how we didnt have to run to much adn that we had a verity of sports that we did.
    2. remembering to do the blogs every week....and wrestling
    3.they werent hard,but just to remeber to do them was the hard part about them
    4.changing your gym teacher :)
    and to choose the sports that the kids want to do.

    mr.kirk this was a fun semester in gym and i am sad that i dont have u next semester :(
    ~ nikki bhalla ~

    3.i didnt like them

    Esther Yoo

  28. 1. I like the fact that there are sports I like and know how to play- and also learning how to
    2. I didn't like the soccer unit because i'm not a soccer person
    3. The blogs were easy, it was just that remembering to do them is hard

  29. and modified handball
    3.easy just hard to remember
    4.longer units

    Kyle Rampp

  30. 1. basketball
    2. indoor hockey
    3. blogs were a hastle cause i always forgot about them
    4. not doing blogs
    -Sayema Tareq

  31. 1. basketball and football
    2. nothing to complain about
    3. could not remember to do blogs until it was too late
    4. something easier to remember than blogs
    -Guillaume Pierre-Louis

  32. 1. badminton
    2. warm ups
    3. interesting way to do assignments
    4. more variety of sports

    stell koo
    (can you make changes to my grade... I'm pretty sure I did all of my blogs, but it says 0 out of 10 for each one of them)

  33. 1. we were able to play full games...unlike in middle school where we spent 2 weeks just learning different tactics of the game even tho they didn't really help.

    2.unable to choose teams at the beginning...getting a little rough cough* simon while playing basketball

    3. they were fairly easy question although very easy to forget to do >.>

    4.more games preferabbly net games

    -Erin White

