Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Period 8 General Physical Education Welcome & Fitness Testing

Welcome to physical education, this is going to be a great semester! This is your first blog of the semester. Read the info here and click on the comment section below. You will see "Post A Comment" with a text box below. Post your answer to the blog there and be sure to include your name in the post. Under the text box, next to, "comment as", select the profile of anonymous and submit your comment. It will ask you to try again. Submit the comment again and you will get a word verification box. Fill that in and submit your comment. I know it sounds like a lot of work but you get used to it quickly and it will enhance your experience in Physical Education this semester.

For your first blog question I want you to think about fitness testing and answer two questions about fitness testing. 1. Why is fitness testing important? 2. What are we trying to learn from these fitness tests?


  1. zach reiswig
    fitness testing is important because it tells us if our bodies are well maintained and fit.
    in fitness testing, we are trying to learn if we are fit and if the life style we live in is physically active enough to avoid the dangers of obesity.

  2. fitness testing is important becuase you can see how you improve over time. we are trying to learn how we can improve

  3. 1. Fitness testing is important because it allows students to set goals to improve their health and fitness. Fitness testing also shows the overall fitness of a student.
    2. We are trying to learn how to maintain and develop our own health.

    Chen Han

  4. Sophie Ellis
    fitness testing is important because it evaluates our fitness level and also shows us how we have improved since the begging of the year. we are trying to learn how fit we are and how much we have improved over time.

  5. 1. Fitness testing is important because it shows how physically fit you are and allows for a comparison later in the semester.

    2. We are trying to learn to maintain our own fitness in order to better ourselves at the next test.

    -Ben G.

  6. 1. fitness testing is important because it shows how inshape you are. it also shows how you compare to other people or to the average physical ability of a student our age.
    2. we are trying to learn if there is any room for improvement in our physical abilities and how to get healthier.

    love, ellie gesiskie:)

  7. 1. Fitness testing is important because it gives us a national standard for all of us to compare to.
    2. We are trying to learn how fit out bodies are compared to the rest of the nation.

    Eric Xu

  8. 1. Fitness testing is important, because it tells yourself if your in shape or not.
    2.We are trying to learn on how to get in better shape, or stay in a healty condition

    Gary Liu

  9. 1. Helps you know what you need to do in order to be in shape

    2. To learn what to do to so that we can get in shape

    Juan-Felipe Pataquiva

  10. Danyal 'Danny' Ahmad

    Fitness training is important because it tells us how far we've come, how far we may need to go, and our current level of fitness. It helps us keep ourselves in check, and on track,and prepares us for the rigors of PE. It can also tell us how to keep healthy, and help us keep that health.

  11. fitness testing is important because it tells us if our bodies are well maintained and fit.
    in fitness testing, we are trying to learn if we are fit and if the life style we live in is physically active enough

    Mait Baldwin

  12. To keep me in shape
    To know what im physically capable of.
    Harris Benjamin

  13. 1. Fitness testing is important so we can see if you are capable to do physical activity
    2 I will learn from it how to stay in shape

  14. 1. to see how healthy you are
    2. How to stay in shape

    Brett Keenan
