Friday, January 8, 2010

Period 3 Your Final Exam!

I have enjoyed working with all of you this semester. It is my goal in each class to make learning about health, fitness, and sport enjoyable. I hope I was able to do that this past semester. I am always looking for ways to improve the experience for the next group of students. For your final exam, and it will count as a blog grade, I want you to answer the following questions. Answer them truthfully as I am only grading on completion and you will not be penalized for telling the truth. I want to know how you truly feel. I would appreciate it if you took the time to provide thoughtful responses, rather than rushing through just to complete the assignment.

1. What did you like the most about physical education class?

2. What did you like the least?

3. How did you feel about the blog assignments?

4. If you could change anything about physical education, what would it be?

Thanks for your effort this semester and I hope you consider taking another P.E. sometime in the future.

Have a great second semester!
Mr. Kirk


  1. 1.Working out
    2.sometimes there's no room or no equipment available.
    3. It helps understand other factors or muscle growth
    4. more pull up stations
    -charles li

  2. 1, Strength days, and just getting a period to actually do something physical, or vent if things have been going badly. Plus, just lifting is fun.
    2, The fact that you smell like crap for the rest of the day, not to mention that if you have an early class period you're pretty worn out, and can't focus well for the rest of the day.
    3, Blogs weren't too bad, just sort of annoying when you forget to do them.
    4, It'd be better if it was longer, but nothing to do about that.

    -Kevin Lee

  3. What i liked the most was the ability to get in a great workout while having fun. What i liked the lest were the difficult metcons evethough it helped me.The blog assignments were okay just annoying a times.I wouldnt change anything its fine as it is.
    Thanks, Kevin Roman

  4. 1. The thing i liked most about physical education is having fun but yet at the same time getting work done. As well as modified team handball.
    2.I did not like the metcons but i know they are a must for ultimate fitness.
    3.I thought the blog assignments are good because they make me remember to do my homework.
    4.I would change some of the equipment. Some of it is run down and over used or broken. I would ask the booster club for some money to fix that.
    -Mitch Rampp

  5. Dr. Samuel Ph-d RickmanJanuary 11, 2010 at 7:43 AM

    1. the thing that i like the most about weight training was getting to lift everyday/ most days, and WHATEVER but not really i pretty much liked everything about weight training.
    2. I absolutely HATE METCONS, though they did help me get rid of daily stress and WHATEVER.
    3. I feel that the blog assignments were completely fine and they teach those who don't know anything about weight training.
    4. if i could change anything about weight training I would change the teachers who teach it (joking) but i would definitely change the county's position on DODGEBALL so we can finally call it DODGEBALL instead of modified team handball

  6. Wesley Chan

    1. I really enjoyed the strengths days and playing team handball.
    2. The metcons are the most annoying for me since I get all tired out.
    3. I am okay doing the blogs and there is nothing to say about them
    4. I would put fans and ventilation in the weight room.

  7. 1. The thing i liked the most about physical education class was the ability to work out and have fun on rest days.
    2. the least favorite thing are difficut metcons, but we understand that metcons help us.
    3. I feel that blog assignments were annoying but it helps me know what is important in my daily life, like that one blog we have on simple sugars and what we eat in the mornings.
    4. i think that most important thing that is needed to change is the space, i think that more space needs to be provided like that back room maybe it should be a little more extened until the back.
    -Cornelius Waiman
    (i enjoyed Weight training)

  8. 1.What I liked most about weight training is having fun while getting stronger at the same time. The competitive situations such as team handball and competing for a spot on the board was also fun.

    2.I hated the metcon workouts because I usually had to do the same workout after school out of season. Metcons also hurt my sports performance in practice during basketball season.

    3.The blogs were fine since we didn't have to do that much work.

    4.If I could change anything about weight training it would be to reduce the amount of metcons so we can focus more on lifting. I would also increase the amount of time we spend playing team handball.

    Taylor Van Neste

  9. 1.) Keeps me active and i get to lift most of the time
    3.)They helped me learn new things regarding health and overall fitness
    4.)Get more equipment so ppl don't have to do an "alternative" workout

    -Allen Hai

  10. 1. I loved playing modified team handball because it was alot of fun, I also liked getting better at form of lifting
    2.I did not like doing metcons only because we had them for lacrosse conditioning
    3 the blogs were good, too many though and i forgot to do them sometimes
    4. If I would chang anything it would be to have played modifyed team handball 2 times a week

    Jack Connelly
    Pd 3

  11. 1) working out and playing modified team handball
    2)mile run
    3) i didnt now that we have one lol
    4)put fans in the weight room.

    Alvaro Rivas

  12. 1. Watching myself get stronger and mod. team handball
    2. lack of equipment
    3.They're in good questions i just need to remember to do them.
    4. more equipment like better benches and also (for me personally) that my muscle endurance increased a little bit more

    Darian Parsadoust

  13. 1. The thing that I loved the most was learning about myself through the different lifts. FOr example, I learned that I could squat like 140 lbs., before this class I would have no idea that I could do that.
    2. The thing I like the least were the metcons, however, they are important to do and also helped me to realize how hard i can push myself.
    3. I thought the blogs were fine, because they weren't very hard and were easy to comprehend.
    4. I guess I would change the number of active rest days to maybe two times a week every other week.
    Matthew Beinart

  14. 1.lifting days.
    2.little room during metcons.
    3.i liked the blogs because i learned things i did not know before.
    4.more benches because there were not always enough.

    Mitchell Myers

  15. 1. I liked the strength training phase.
    2. there really isn't anything I don't like.
    3. The blogs were not bad at all.
    4. I would make the period longer if I could to be able to get more in because I feel like there are times when I can get in a rhythm and can keep going but the period limits that.

    Alex Kyle
